‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Interupting escapades.

I awoke with a cramp in my neck, hearing Dominic's giggles. David stood in front of me, with his arms folded across his chest. My eyes half opened as I stared up at him.

"Yes?" I ask, quirking a brow.

"I need help," he shamefully admitted. I slowly try to stand on my own, however my body was sore. What kind of nap was that?

"With?" I groan, at which he leaned forward and yanked me up.

"I can't change his diaper," he answers. I rose a single brow, then glanced at our naked son.

"So, you have him naked?" I clucked my tongue, and held back my urge to laugh.

"Monique," he whined.

"David," I tease back. "This is too funny."

"Is not," he immaturely argued.
"Look, help me, please?"

"Fine," I shook my head with a playful smile.

"Yeah?" Dominic smiled, then laid down. I grabbed a clean diaper, as he lifted his legs up. David watched with amazement as I easily put a diaper on our son.

"Now did that look hard?" I giggle, at which David let out a deep breath.

"Well, I put it on backwards," he mumbled to himself. I rubbed his head, playfully, and followed Dominic out of the room.

"So, what time is it?" I ask, with a yawn.

"Almost two," David shrugs.

"He needs eat," I groan. Now Dominic's schedule is all fucked up.

"Already did," David answers with a smug expression. I admit I am impressed.

"And what did he eat?" I quirk a brow.

"Sandwich, juice, fruits and chips," David informed.

"I'm surprised," I rose my brows with a nod.
"Nicely done."

"Why thank you," he bowed.

"Hello kiddos," my dad greets.

"Hey," David smirked.

"I am here to collect," my dad chuckles as Dominic ran into his arms.

"For?" I question, leaning against the wall.

"The ladies want him today, enjoy the time off," my dad waved a due before leaving.

"Does this happen a lot?" David groans.

"Hmm?" I push off from the wall and cleaned up the mess in the kitchen.

"Your dad just taking him," he answers as if it were supposed to be obvious.

"Oh, that," I giggle. "Duh, that's their grandbaby."

"You should have more of a say," he argued.

"I don't hold my child from them, David. It's not like I had plans, and if I did, trust me I would tell them and they'd understand," I explain. "It's happened before, so stop."

"Okay," he puts his hands up in defense. "I was just curious."

"Sure," I roll my eyes. Why are people so rude to the grandparents? Honestly, am I the only one that loves when my parents help me parent my son? Considering I have no idea what I am doing.

"What's the plan for today?" David yawns, collapsing on the couch.

"Not sure," I answer.

"What have you been up to lately?" Great, let's talk about our lives.

"Nothing of importance," I assure.

"Cool," he smacks his lips. Our eyes connected then both of us looked away.

"What are we doing after this?" I sigh.

"Hmm?" he turns his attention back to me.

"After this vacation," I specify.

"Not sure," he shrugs.

"Do not tell me, roll with the flow," I hiss.
"I have a son, David, we have a son. Life isn't like that anymore."

"Well we aren't old, so we don't have to live off a schedule," he replies.

"Yes, we do. Everything in Dominic's life is a schedule," I point out.
"When he naps, when he eats, when he sleeps, everything."

"Pssh," he snickered. "You thought."

"No, I don't thought." I realized how that was in correct, but didn't care.
"You don't understand how differen't life is with a child."

"Can't be that much of a difference," he shrugs.

"Oh, I can promise you right now it is," I warn.
"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Are you really asking me if I want my son right now?" he spat.
"Do you really think that little of me?"

"No, I just hear how some guys are," I excuse myself.

"I am not just some guy, Monique. I am David Porter," he reminds.

"I know," I spat. The more reason to speculate, I thought to myself.

"After this, I want you to move in with me," he abruptly answered.
"I just didn't want to sound lame for saying it."

"Excuse me?" I mumble.
"How about we work on us first?"

"We can do that while we live together," he reasoned.

"Or we can do this the right way," I continue.

"Monique," he sternly says my name, as if that is supposed to shut me up.

"David," I reply, showing him I am not just going to agree.

"Jensen," he continues.

"Porter," I mock.

"Really?" he threw his hands up and stood.
"You like to fight with me."

"You like to fight with me," I repeat, staring him down.

"You haven't changed," he sighs.

"I can assure you, I have," I dryly hiss. We stared at one another with such serious expressions, suddenly his lips crashed onto mine and my arms went around his neck. I deepend the kiss, licking his lips as we made out. His hand went under my butt and lifted me up, at which I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Monique," he softly said right before we collapsed on the bed. I sat up and yanked him closer, kissing him deeper and more lustfull. He parted my legs, and lightly rubbed over my clit. I moaned in his lips, and fell back, taking him with me. Positioned between my legs, I pulled his shirt over his head. His hand went to my sides, and touched my skin, a feeling I assumed he missed.

"Hello?!" We heard Gaby's obnoxious voice holler. Immediately, I shoved David in response and composed myself. John skipped into the room and stared at the scene before him. Gaby soon followed with her mouth slowly going agape.

"I can see why you didn't answer," Gaby said slowly with a small smile. I laid there, propped up by my elbows, breathing heavily. Where as David was standing up from the flirt, shirtless, and rubbing his butt and side from being kicked off the bed. "We shall get going."

"What does it matter?" David groans, causing the two to stop.
"You already killed the mood."

"David," I growl, then politely smiled at our friends.
"What he was trying to say is-"

"Oh trust me, I get it," John winked and Gaby giggled.

"Aren't they cute?" I heard her ask as the two disappeared. I glare at David with my mouth in a straight line.

"Don't look at me like that," David demanded.
"Don't you look at me like that, Monique."

"You," I calmly say.

"Me," he cockily replies with a raise of his brows.

"Ugh," I groan and stood. David watched as I went to the bathroom.
"No, do not ask to join." I cut him off when he was going to speak.

"Monique," he whined, opening the door again.

"David, get out," I laughed as he shut the door behind him.

"You said I can't ask to join, you never said I can't watch," he teased, kissing my neck.

"David," I cried out in pure bliss.
"You are such a dork!"

"I know, baby, I know," he chuckled, pulling me closer. The shower turned on and he stripped naked. I bit my bottom lips as he yanked my bottoms down. "We should shower....now."

"Wow," I giggle. David has a way of doing things, a way of annoying the crap out of me one minute, and being the biggest dork I've met the next minute. His smooth personality is what gets him by in life.

"So, is that a yes?" he asks, his tone not pushy, nor desperate: but perfect.

"Yes," I cave and stripped naked. We showered like old times, washing each other's hair, and surprisingly neither of us made a move to have sex. It was rather, nice and relaxing. Something I have missed. Nathan always wanted to shower so we could fuck or something. I am surprised David is differen't today.
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Tralalala.... Hopefully this isn't getting boring. >_< Let me know what cha think. :D