‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Stormy weather.

Clouds swarmed the sky, at which I stared through the window.

"So, what did Kiley want?" Gaby inquired, glancing at me.

"What do you think?" I reply, rolling my eyes in her direction.

"And what did he say?" she continued, quirking a brow.

"He doesn't want anything to do with her," I sigh.

"And is that a bad thing?" she asked, confusion written all over her face.

"No," I mumbled, having to look away from her expression.
"I just don't like the fact he won't give her the house."

"The house?" Gaby snort.
"What house?"

"Some house they own together," I mutter.

"They already own a house together?" she couldn't help but laugh.
"That's too funny, like talk about moving quick."

"Gabrielle!" I scold, and she just snorts.

"The tabloids said they were together for like what six months? Seven if you're counting now, and already they own a house together, Monique? Come on, that's fishy," she insisted on some devilish scheme. "They did it all for the tabloids, and hell maybe David wants the house to cause some rift in his favor? To get his name out there as some bad boy? Worked for Charlie Sheen."

"Did you really," I breath out, my mouth agape. Gaby squealed with laughter as she fell back, gasping for air because she laughed so hard.

"Okay, okay, that was a joke," she stuck her tongue out. "But really though, is he over her?"

"That's my question," I whisper.

Mean while, David and John are walking towards the shed to get more fire wood.

"So, Kiley going to play nice?" John asked, after complaining a while about the stupid weather.

"In her odds, she better hope to," David answers with an evil grin. John exchanged looks with him, and the two evilly connected mentally of their plans to sabatoge Kiley's career.

"I never deleted the photo," John whispers. David chuckled.

"I hoped you didn't," David honestly thanks.

"Are you and Monique going to take things to the next level?" John abruptly inquires, he was originally talking about Kiley. It made David question why suddenly Monique was a worry to him.

"Not sure, why?" David quirks a brow.

"You confuse me, Dave, that's all. I constantly wonder if you and her are actually going to be something more serious, like Grandmother's ring worthy serious, or if it'll stick to high school childish stuff, that even though a kid is involved but yeah," John rambled. David tuned out his friend as he continued to ramble about how Dominic shouldn't be a reason they get married, however he should be a good enough reason for them to put High school behaviors behind. Either way, David wasn't particularly interested in hearing John's point of view.

"Look, we need to get back to the girls. I bet they're cold," David reasoned.

Quite the opposite however, Gaby and I actually sat outside to smoke a cigarette.

"Are you going to get Dominic tonight?" Gaby quietly asks, both of us enjoying the peacefull weather.

"Not sure," I shrug. "My parents don't see him as much as I do."

"True," she nods while taking a drag of her cigarette.
"But, I mean if the weather turns for the worse."

"Then I will walk over there and see if he wants me," I explain with a sigh.
"Dominic loves my parents so much, I want him to have experiences with them."

"Like bad weather?" Gaby giggled, at which I nodded.

"Exactly," I reply. Our eyes connected and she stared at me with her brows slowly furrowing.

"What are you and David going to do now?" she thought aloud.

"Hmm?" I glance away, ashing my cigarette before taking another drag.
"Oh, I'm not sure. He said something about moving in together."

"As quick as him and Kiley?" she sarcastically laughed, at which I joined.

"I am no Kiley," I giggle.

"Right you are, Monique, you are far better," she compliments. I smile at her, then put my cigarette out. I saw the guys in the distance, and slowly but surely they approached.

"Guess they aren't cold," John grumbled. Probably with a hidden agenda of using this weather as an excuse to get close to Gabrielle.

"Women," David scoffed, the two carried the wood inside.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gaby shrieked, following on their heels. I glanced at the darkening sky, then exhaled and joined.

"We got the wood, because you said you were cold," John explained.

"Yet, you can go outside and smoke death," David spat. I narrowed my eyes as he stared at me with a weird emotion.

"It's not bad right now," I spoke up.
"It's when it starts to rain."

"Oh, then we could have gotten the wood later," David rudely said to John.

"Figures," John snickered, then glanced at Gaby.
"I am cold baby."

"John," she hissed then sent me a cautious glance.

"What's the problem here?" I calmly ask, staring at David.

"I don't get why you continue to smoke, that's all," David shrugged. I narrow my eyes for a split second, when we heard driplets of water hit the roof outside.

"What does it matter?" I spoke in the same tone as him, which is uncaring and annoying.

"It matters a lot actually," he calmly replies.

"How so?" I demand to know, folding my arms across my chest.

"Would think that Dominic deserves better." Ouch.

"Me smoking has nothing to do with Dominic!" I raise my voice.

"It does when he finds out his mom has cancer down the line in his life, and yours," David rudely gave me a scenerio.

"He'll be older by then, everyone dies sometime, David," I remind.

"Yes, and why make it sooner than it should be? Huh? Don't you want to see Dominic have kids, or get married, or even see his kids have kids?" David questioned, placing a hand on his hip, the other ran through his hair.

"Stay out of my business, David!" I scream. David got in my face, causing Gaby to gasp.

"You are my business," he calmly, but threateningly growled.
"You are the mother of my child, my first love. Your business, is my business."

"Get out of my face," I dryly demand.

"Ugh," John coughs. I saw Gaby in my peripherial vision start to move closer to us, but John grabbed her and they disappeared. Now my full attention is back to David, as we glared at each other.

"Maybe we should do a custody thing," I quietly offer.

"What?" David questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"A fifty fifty thing, David, we argue too much," I point out.

"We are a typical relationship," he excuses. "God, you have issues."

"How do I have issues?" I place my hands on my hips now.

"Because any little thing that deals with a small form of confrontation, any little tiny bit of negativity and you get all, maybe we shouldn't be together, maybe I should be alone forever, blah blah. Yet, when the negativity is something you bring upon yourself, you don't change it, Monique. You would rather run than actually stay and work things out in your life." I looked away from him, listening to the drops get bigger and fall faster.

"Says the one who left," I whisper.

"I left for a reason," he reminded. I snap my head in his direction again.

"Don't you ever say that again!" I scream, causing him to take a step back now. "You did not leave for a reason, David! You talk about me being pathetic, how I can't handle things. You could have stayed, you could have helped me through my problems. But, you didn't, David. You ran, you left me when I needed you. Now you want me to listen? Now you want me to stay? Why, David, why?" Tears pricked my eyes.

"Why?" David repeats, I nod.
"For us." I roll my eyes and look away.
"For Dominic." I stiffen.
"For a fucking happy life." I shift my eyes to his again.
"For a fucking happy family."

"Stop," I cut off his excuses.
"I don't know," I add.

"You don't know, or your refuse to?" he questions, at which I slowly walk to the door. I open it and sit down, grabbed a cigarette and lit it. David came out, and I saw him lightly shiver from the drastic temperature change.

"I want to be happy," I whisper, taking a hit.
"I just don't want to make you miserable."

"How would you make me miserable?" he asks, glaring at the thing between my fingers.

"Because you are the one who left, you let me know that you don't want me, or anything to do with me. Now it's like you're obligated to stay because of a child, and I don't want my son to grow up with the guilt of thinking the reason mommy and daddy are miserable together, is because of him. I don't want that on him." David stared at me with a hurt expression as I finished voicing my concerns.

"You think that I will be miserable with you?" David choked out.
"Or is it, you admitting to me that you will be miserable with me?"

"David," I whisper.

"No, no," he shook his head violently.
"Since we're talking about it. Or are you sure it's not Nathaniel?"

"Nathaniel?" I repeat, shamefully admitting that I had forgotten about him through this whole vacation so far.

"Yes, are you sure it's not you wanting to be with him instead of me? Huh? Huh, Monique! Is it because he is better in bed? Or is it because he is so freakin cute, oh my God, and the fact he didn't knock you up first, makes you want to have his baby now, huh?" David crossed a line. I stood up with tears in my eyes. How dare he talk to me like that? I put the cigarette out and started to walk. "Where are you going? Is this your way of admitting it? Huh?! Huh!"

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed, stopping once he continued to yell at me. I turned around, and pointed a finger in his face. "I actually forgot about Nathan, thank you very much, David. You are such a fucking asshole! I don't even want my kid around you, in fear that he'll turn out like you!"

"Wow," David stomped towards me. As he got closer, I took steps back. The rain now falling on us both. My light purple thin long sleeve got soaked, sticking to me, and revealing the white bra under neath. David's black shirt clung to him in result of the rain, causing his nipples to light poke through. I didn't even bother to fix my hair as it stuck to the sides of my face. "You really think I am that much of an asshole?"

"David," I cooed, but he shook his head.

"Maybe you are right, maybe it's best he never remembers that he met me. Maybe you should not have told me in the first place, Monique. I would hate for the pathetic excuse of a man, such as myself, to rub off my asshole-ness to an innocent toddler. Sorry for ever being born, Monique. Sorry for ever sticking my dick inside of you. Sorry for being such a fucking asshole. A pathetic excuse for a fucking life!" David screamed at the top of his lungs, when suddenly thunder pounded in the air. I slowly blinked as I stared into his hurt expression, his eyes bored into me with a pain that I have never seen before. "I'll pack up my stuff, and you wont ever have to see me again."

"There you go, David," I choke out.
"Trying to run again."

"You caused this, Monique," he accused, pointing a finger at me.
"Don't you dare try to blame this on me."

"David, David Porter!" I scream, he stopped with his back to me.
"I love you." He slowly turned around with his brows furrowed.
"I love you and I don't know how to handle it. I don't know how to be vulnerable."

"What do you mean, Monique?" he stared at me, confused.

"I am jealous, I am jealous of Kiley. I hate that you wont let her have the house, because I feel it's the only thing tying you with her. It's jealously, David. Jealously." I repeat, then with a shake of my head I turn around.

"What are you doing?" I glanced over my shoulder and weakly smiled.

"It's stupid," I admit. David just gawked at me as I walked towards the water that's hitting hard against the shore. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me, and I was roughly turned around. David placed his hand against my cheek, and to the back of my ear.

"It is not stupid, Monique. It's the truth," he comforts then leaned forward and kissed me.
"You have to make yourself vulnerable, for me."

"I don't even understand how this all happened," I cry.

"Well when a penis and vagina-" David started but I cut him off.

"No, not that, our conversation, just now," I stammer. David furrowed his brows then started laughing. His laughter caused me to laugh and we both stood there, in the freezing rain, laughing about how we don't even know how this all happened. Hell, I even questioned if we knew what we were even laughing about.
♠ ♠ ♠
Random AF. Just saying.

Anywho, any suggestions with the story? Anything you like or dislike? Anything to help me become a better author? Anything? lol. Would be appreciate. BTW they're going to be leaving the vacation soon, cause it is kind of a bore. Won't lie.