‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Unspoken fear.

An average person would associate us with borderline pyschotic. We laughed, and continued to laugh until our sides hurt. When we became silent, that's when I took in her features. Monique's thin light purple long sleeve shirt by now was soaked, causing her white bra to show through, and in result her nipples are hard. Her hair soaked, and sticking to the sides of her face, a simplicite beauty of a child like nature. Her lips quivered from the cold, and she sucked them into her mouth as she stared at me, an old habit I remember her doing a lot in high school.

I took a step forward and stared into her eyes, those beautiful whiskey colored eyes bored into me. I lightly touched the side of her face, and leaned my forehead against hers, closing my eyes. I wrapped my free arm around her, and held her close. No one would understand the love I have for her, no one will ever understand the reason I do not speak of it. It wasn't until she admitted her fear of being vulnerable that I, David Porter, can speak of it now.

"Monique," I whisper, keeping composure as best as I could muster.

"David," she replies in the same tone. A childish behavior that I adore.

"Let's go inside," I offer, and she slowly shook her head, shivering.
"Come on," we broke away and soon our hands found another as we walked.

"David," she muttered, tilting her head to the side as she stared at me.
I opened the door for her and allowed her to enter first before closing it.

"Mhmm," I reply, taking my shirt off. Monique took her clothing off as well, and stood there in her undergarments. A white bra, and light purple thong that has a white star on it. I took in her delicate appearance and slowly shifted my eyes to hers.

"I am, so, so cold," she stuttered. I unzipped my pants, and tossed them in the corner of the room. As embarrassing as this is, however it needs to be done, I took my boxers off as well; knowing I am shrivelled. Monique didn't even glance at my lower regions, instead she stared at my face the whole time.

"Let's cuddle to get warm?" I offer, and she smiles. I rushed out of the room, grabbed my thick blanket, and immediately came back inside before John or Gaby could notice. Once I returned, I noticed that now Monique stood there naked. I smiled, giving her the same courtesy she gave me, by not looking over her figure. Instead, I kept my eyes locked with hers.

"Ready?' she asks, at which I nod.

"Ready," I agree. We both laid down and cuddled together, under my thick, soft, paw print blanket. Our bare skin touching each other, at first our skin was ice cold together, but slowly and surely we were warming up. I heard her breathing go from a calm, steady pace, to an uneven quick pace, indicating that she is asleep now. Her left leg over my legs, her naked breasts pushed against my left side, as her head was slightly over onto my chest. Her hand laid in the pit of my rib cages, almost as if it were a gesture that she has my heart. I rubbed her sides and back, leaning my cheek against the top of her head, as my other hand was on her bare knee. Slowly I drift to sleep.


We awoke to more rain pounding, a calming sound. I glanced as she slowly opened her eyes, lightly smile, then reclosed them. I kissed the top of her head and kept my eyes closed as well, enjoying the moment.

"Wakey, wakey!" John burst into the room.

"Oh lala," Gaby squealed, noticing that we are naked under these blankets.

"Get out," I calmly demand. Not wanting to ruin this moment completely.

"Can I join?" John took his shirt off, and Monique laughed.

"Make it a four some," Gaby teased and jumped on us. Now things got awkward.

"Wow!" I holler, clutching the blankets.
"Get your friend, Monique."

"Gaby," Monique giggled. Gaby winked then got off and smiled.

"We're all packing up, the parents said this weather wont get better, time to leave," Gaby informed the reason they were in here in the first place. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Monique.

"We're leaving," she breathed out.

"Too soon?" I tease, at which she bit her bottom lip.

"Possibly," she sighs. I tilted my head to the side, and grinned.

"Just means we can stay together in an actual house," I remark, at which I felt her stiffen.

"Yeah," she trailed off.

"Monique," I whisper. "Do you want to stay with me?"

"Yes," she hesitantly answers. "I just don't know about it being so soon."

"Then we'll stay together at my parents house," I propose. At which she laughed.

"Yeah, that'd be cool," she sarcastically laughed, then got up. I grinned at her cute naked butt as she walked, it slightly jiggled. "Stop staring at my booty."

"Can't help it," I call back then got up as well. I wasn't as shrivelled as I was last night, which made me happy. I grabbed some boxers and slipped them on, going into the bathroom. I noticed she didn't bother to put clothes on as she brushed her long hair.

"What?' she turns to me.
"Want me to get dressed?"

"No," I said a little too quick.
"Just enjoying the beautiful creature in front of me, is all."

"Mhmm," she rolled her eyes and stared at her reflection. Slowly, I noticed she grabbed a near by shirt and slipped it on. Which it covered down to her butt cheeks.

"Or you can just get dressed anyway," I spat then left the bathroom. I grabbed a clean shirt, along with some pants and vacated her room.

"David," John greeted as I went into my room.

"Yes?" I ask, slowly turning to him.

"So, you and Monique, back together?" he asks, for the millionth time since this whole vacation.

"Leave it alone, John," I growl.
"I don't know what we are."

"Alright, alright, but I have something I need to tell you," John gulps. I narrowed my eyes as he closed the bedroom door and took a seat. "It's fucking scary man."

"What is it, John?" I sigh, expecting him to tell me something about Monique. Was it Nathan? Is he back in the picture? I shook my head of the thoughts and rubbed the back of my neck, waiting for John's answer.

"It can't get out," he mumbled. I furrowed my brows again.

"Are you okay, man?" I notice him turn pale, almost as if he were going to faint.

"I am afraid," John repeated, taking a seat on the corner of my bed. I stared down at my friend, and slowly sat next to him. "I tell you everything, yet I am afraid, I guess to admit it to myself."

"Are you Gay?" I tease, at which he snorted.

"Fuck you man," he laughed. Then both of smiled.

"So, then what is it?" I calmly ask.

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HAHAHAHA CLIFF HANGER >:D now you have to wait for David's point of view to find out. ^___^ Yes, I decided to make David's point of view, considering I was going to in the begining but failed miserably because I tried a third person. Blegh.