‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Helping the situations.

"Or you can get dressed anyway," David spat before leaving the bathroom. I stared at myself in the reflection, ignoring his comment and let out a sigh. Does he not understand that he's with models, gorgeous women? Not someone that has stretch marks, and a damaged body from having a baby.

"Ugh," I groan to myself. I grabbed my yellow suit cases and packed my stuff, then grabbed Dominic's baby blue suit cases and packed his. I smiled at the room and let out another sigh. This was a rather interesting vacation, I thought to myself. I wonder exactly what is going to happen now? I chewed the inside of my lip when I felt arms wrap around me.

"Ready?" I jumped at David as he broke my thoughts and let out yet another sigh.

"Yes," I cave. "Where is Dominic?"

"Not sure, but what I do know, is while you were staring all dumb founded and deep in thought. John and I put your stuff in my vehicle," David explained with a proud grin.

"Your vehicle?" I repeat, feeling my facial expression drop.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" he furrowed his brows and stared at me confused.

"No, no," I shook my head.
"Where is John anyway?"

"Probably boning, Gaby," David hastily replies.

"Eww," I groan, when David hurried out of the room. I noticed a differen't atmosphere in the air when John came around, the two exchanged looks then went their seperate ways. I looked around for Gaby but couldn't find her.

"Ready?" David cleared his throat, staring at me for an answer.

"Once I say bye to Gaby," I retort.

"She's already gone," John whispers. I furrowed my brows.

"What?" I ask, and John shrugs.

"Well, out in the vehicle anyway," he corrects himself. I felt my heart race then slowly go back to normal. Why did he have to mess with my emotions like that? I accepted one of David's jackets as he handed it over, and slowly walked out.

"Gaby!" I squeal, rushing over to her. The look on her face was of worry, but she replaced it with a smile.

"Mojo!" she replied, using my nickname. Something was up.

"Are you okay?" I sincerely inquire, looking her over.

"I am going to miss you," she whispers, embracing me in a hug.

"Are you going back to the Porter's?" I ask, returning the hug.

"No," she quietly declines.
"I will see you in a bit though, some time."

"Oh?" I smile.

"Yeah, John has some work he has to do though, a business trip thing and I am going with him," she explains with a shrug.

"Pfft, men," I tease.

"Tell me about it," she rolls her eyes into their direction.
"I hear David wants to change his career choice though."

"What do you mean?" I ask, shifting my eyes to the guys as well.

"Not sure, John told me that David doesn't want to become a model anymore," she shrugs.

"That's random," I laugh. "I'll ask him about it later."

"Most definately," she giggles.
"Let me know what he chooses to do, you still have my number right?"

"I still have the same phone," I assure, giving her one last hug.

"Good, I love you, Mojo," she whispers in my ear.

"I love you too, Gabs," I reply. John gave me an awkward one armed hug, waved to the parents then got inside the vehicle and backed out. I watched as they drove off, the rain slowly starting to pick up.

"I put the car seat in your truck," my mom told David. I narrow my eyes.
"Don't look at me like that, Monique."

"Mom," I whine.

"I will see you in a few," she assures, kissing my forehead.
"If anything goes wrong, I will be on my way there so quick."

"Fine," I groan. "I love you."

"I love you too," she returns the smile.

"Well, this was an interesting turn of events," my dad told David's dad.

"Indeed," David's dad replies.

"Well, til next time?" My dad extended his hand.

"Til next time," David's dad agrees and shook it. I rolled my eyes as they gave each other a bear hug. David has Dominic in his arms, whom is asleep. I smiled at our son, watching as his mouth is open and slight snores could be heard. A rain drop fell in his agaped jaw, and he awoke crying, then fell back asleep suddenly.

"Alright then," I giggle. I gave my dad a hug, exchanged a few words then we got inside David's truck. I watched as he helplessly tried to buckle Dominic in. "Need some help there, daddy?"

"I can do it," he immaturely replied, then gave up. His eyes stared into mine with anger, and a hidden frustration. "Go ahead."

"Okay," I mouthed without saying a word and smoothly buckled it in. I smiled at David curtly, then got in the passenger seat.

"How do you do it?" David whined.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Out do me all the time," he groaned.

"David, I have had him longer than you," I remind. "Of course, I am a little better at things til you can get the hang of it. You don't learn this stuff over night. Trust."

"Well yeah, what ever." I roll my eyes at his immaturity.

"So, if we move in together," I changed the subject and hesitated.
"Where would we be living?"

"My house," he answers.

"Where we grew up?" I ask, he laughed.

"No, Monique." I sigh and slouch forward.
"Where I moved to, of course, a nice neighborhood."

"Big or small house?" I heard him growl with frustration.

"Yeah, cause I totally became rich and decided to live in a small house," he spat.

"Damn, David," I cursed. "I don't like big houses!"

"Well, then you are with the wrong guy!" he yelled back.

"Maybe I am!" I agree. We both remained silent.

"We'll settle on something," he calmly said, catching me off guard.

"What do you mean?" I quirk a brow.

"I was thinking of having John and Gaby move in with us," David abruptly suggested. I rose a brow, and glanced at him.

"Why?" I ask. "Is it because of their situation?"

"Oh, you know?" David slightly smiled.

"I mean, it's obvious." I shrug, who couldn't tell that John and Gaby are madly in love. Maybe they want to do more couple things, because they still have some things to work on in their relationship of course. Nothing is perfect. When you take a relationship to the next level, such as moving in together, that's a bit harder to do. No one really wants to do that alone, not if you have good friends invol-wait... "What?"

Did I hear his ramblings right as I was thinking to myself?
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DUN DUN DUN.... :D I love how Monique just thinks so much to herself that she freakin doesn't listen to people sometimes hahaha kinda reminds me of myself sometimes.