‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Lies do horrible things.

"Did I hear you right?" I repeated when David didn't answer, he just stared straight.

"What do you think you heard?" he cautiously asked, gulping.

"Is she...pregnant?" I choke out, at which he shrugged.
"David Porter."

"Monique Jensen," he chuckled.

"It's not funny!" I whined, staring out the window now.
"It pisses me off."

"What does?" he questioned, but I didn't answer. I was not going to let him know how much it bothers me that my best friend refuses to tell me her personal life. In high school it was that Samantha chick, now it's one of the most vital things in her life. How dare she? "Monique, they're scared, and she made him promise not to tell until she goes to the Doctor's."

"So, they haven't even had it confirmed?" I sigh, sort of relieved. Having a kid is not something I would wish anyone to do unless they were completely ready. Judging by Gaby's hasty decision not to tell anyone, that proves to me she is not ready.

"Not yet, she had the tests for just in case she missed her period this month," David nonchalantly informed. Surprised wouldn't begin to explain my emotions at how that particular conversation didn't bother him. Maybe he grew up?

"Hmm," I mumble, continuing to stare out the window.

"You can't say anything," he abruptly demands.

"Yeah, let me just go call her now," I snort.

"That's not funny," he sighs.
"John would never trust me again."

"Good," I tease, smiling at him.

"No, really, he told me that. I thought since you were Gaby's best friend, that she would have told you." Ouch. I sourly glared out the window again. "Then what did you mean it was obvious?"

Well obviously you're oblivious to my anger from your harsh comment.

"Nothing," I shrug.

"No, tell me," he begs.

"I thought it was because they were planning on moving in together officially, or something, and didn't want it to be awkward so they wanted their good friends to move in with them," I quickly explain.

"They've been living together," David laughed. "You and Gaby need to talk more."

"Apparently," I sigh.

"It's bad enough Chelsea butts in their personal life, and-" David started to rant.

"Wait, Chelsea?!" I scream, almost waking Dominic.

"Aye, the baby," he scolded then shook his head.
"Yes, Chelsea. Has she not told you anything?"

"We didn't touch the subject," I excuse.

"Well, there's a lot you don't know," he whispered.

"Like?" I quirk a brow, returning my attention to him. I saw his jaw lightly clench, and his eyes on the road. I furrow my brows again and narrow my eyes. "David."

"It's not a suitable conversation," he sighs.

"What do I not know?" I bit my lip, in fear of what he may say.

"Just that Chelsea has been in the picture frequently," he shrugs.
"I guess she's been trying to get with John, or something."

"Sounds like the slut," I snicker with an evil chuckle.

"That's mature," he laughed. I simply shrug with a yawn, watching the water smack against the wind shield.

"I can't believe you still have this truck," I point out with a grin.

"I can't believe you still have those suit cases," he retorts. I pause then narrow my eyes at him playfully.

"I can't believe you still had that picture," I tease.

"I can't believe you still have the same phone," check and mate. I roll my eyes and glance outside, defeated. There was no winning this battle. I rolled the sleeves to his shirt up into the palm of my hands and pressed them against my cheeks.

"I am thinking of sleeping," I yawn.

"Don't leave me," he playfully begged.

"David," I scold.

"What? You told me about you sleeping as if I had a say, and now that I asked for you not to, you get upset?" he joked. "Just go to sleep, Monique."

"No, not anymore," I stuck my tongue out. I leaned my head against the back of the chair and close my eyes. "How much longer?"

"Shh," he hushed. "I was also thinking of not becoming famous."

"Why not?" I peeked an eye open.

"I want a regular job," he shrugs.

"Since when?" I frown, blaming Dominic and I.

"Monique," he cooed. "I don't want to raise a family under the lime light."

"It's a little late for that isn't it?" I inquire.

"It's never late," he assures.

"David, you want to be famous, you always have been. It's you, when you walk into a room, you demand attention. I do not, and will not, see you in a stupid office doing desk work," I hiss. David took a quick glance at me, then returned his eyes to the road.

"Well," he stammered to collect his thoughts. I proudly grinned and snuggled into the chair with my eyes closed. Suddenly, I fell asleep.


I heard her uneven breaths, and knew she had fallen asleep. I stared at the road ahead in deep thought to what Monique had said. Could I picture myself in an office? I frowned at the idea, turning my wind shield wipers on full blast.

"David," I heard her whisper.

"Yeah?" I reply, staring at the road still.

"David," she repeated.

"Yes," I groan, glancing at her. She was facing me, with her eyes closed, mouth open and asleep. I chuckled with a shake of my head and returned my attention to the road. Great, she is sleeping and saying my name.

"I love you," I jumped at the statement and narrowed my eyes a little.

"Okay, stop playing," I demand, but she didn't answer. Sure enough she was sleeping. Suddenly my phone vibrated and I picked it up without looking, anything to get my mind off that. "Yeah?"

"David," her voice rang back. I let out a deep breath.

"I can't talk right now."

"David, please. Talk to me."

"No, Chelsea, I wont."

"Gaby told me that you and Monique hit it off."

"Tell Gaby she has bigger secrets to be told, and to shut her mouth."

"That's not nice, David!"

"You shut the hell up, Gabrielle!"

"This isn't about, Gaby. This is about us."

"Chelsea, we aren't anything."

"You can't say that."

"I can, I have been with Kiley, now I am with Monique. I did not hear your name in any of that, did you? I swear, you are pathetic. You chose Nathan over me, and I chose Monique over you. What we had was making out, and foreplay, nothing serious. Nor will it ever be serious."

"I won't accept that, fine I want my stuff from your house."

"Not now, Chels."

"No, soon as you are home, I will be waiting outside."

"Chelsea, stop."

"Fine, I will come by a random day, you will not know when. I will get my stuff, and so help me if Monique asks I will tell her what is up. Understand?"

"Leave her out of this, Gemmings."

"How about, no." Then she hung up. I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone away. I need to pack her shit up and send it to her before she can come ruin things for me. Monique could understand Kiley, however even though it was the past I already know Monique will not forgive me with Chelsea. An ultimate betrayal, especially since I lied and said she was trying to get with John. I should know by now that lies do nothing but horrible things in people's lives. Horrible things.
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So, what does everyone think about the story? Message me, comment, something? I have been updating a lot more because I have been inspired. :D Plus, I am off work hahaha I go back to work tomorrow. Poowey. But yeaaaah.