‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Best sex of my life.

"David," I whisper next to his frozen body. I shook him.
"David," I repeat, getting a little angrier. I knew it was too late.
"I love you," I admit hoping he'd awaken. I couldn't speak.

Dominic rushed over and stared at his Father's lifeless body. I felt tears prick my eyes as I embrace our son in a hug, trying to calm him down.

"Monique," I felt myself being awoken. I opened my eyes, then narrow them.

"Are we there?" I ask, when my phone went off.
"Hello?" I grumble, not bothering to look at the I.D.

"Hey, it's me," Gaby replies.

"Who is that?" David demanded.

"Shush, David," I order. "What's up?"

"Are you home yet?" she questions, I felt a little sour to Gaby. An unexplainable hatred towards my supposed once best friend overcame, but I ceased it. I am not supposed to know anything. Instead, I glanced around. Sure enough, I was in the familiar neighborhood.

"Almost," I breath out.

"I was just checking on you," she informs, and I could practically see her smile.

"I'll talk to you later," I hung up. A blast from the past occured as I stared at the all too familiar house, the weather wasn't much better here, but at least it wasn't pouring. I took in a deep breath as he pulled into the driveway and cut the engine.

"Are you okay?" David inquires, glancing at me. I felt his hand take mine as I sat there frozen. So many memories at this place, some good and some back. I shifted my eyes to his, then slowly nodded.

"Of course," I assure with a weak smile. I unbuckled my seat belt and continued to stare.

"Are you sure?" he insists, I felt his intense stare.

"Why?" I whisper.

"Because you haven't moved," he points out. Sure enough, I didn't even undo my seat belt like I thought I had. Snapping myself out of my daze, I undid my seat belt and got out of the car for good measures. The wind blew, stinging the side of my face as I stretched.

"I think it's best we get the stuff tomorrow," I explain.
"Just grab Dominic's things."

"Okay," David agrees, cold himself. He opened the back door, grabbed Dominic's bags. I grabbed Dominic's orange blanket, and wrapped him in it before taking him out of the truck. The poor kid is so tuckered out, he didn't even stir.

"Hurry up, David," I playfully scold, a part of me being serious. David mocked me, and quickly rushed up to the house and unlocked the door. "Fuck."

"What?" he immediately turned around, probably expecting me to have dropped our son.

"I forgot his stuffed animal," I mumble.

"Which is?" he quirked a brow.

"His moose," I laugh.

"Moose?" David repeats, confused.

"Yes, his moose," I confirm with a light chuckle.
"He sleeps with it when we're not home."

"Great," he grumbled, whispering some words along the line of 'you fail' and 'you suck'.

"Mature," I mimick him from earlier and then quickly rushed inside once the door opened.

"Okay, sure, don't wait," he sarcastically spat as I stopped in the middle of the living room.

"It is cold outside, and I have our son," I remind. Suddenly I got quiet, staring around the all too familiar home. I let out a sharp exhale as David closed the door behind him.

"I guess my parents are going to be a little late," he whispers before leading the way up stairs. I hesitantly follow. "We'll put him in your old bed."

"What?" I furrow my brows.

"Monique, he'll be fine," he assures and turned the light on.
"See, we'll put him against the wall area."

"That's not what I am worried about," I growl.
"I don't want him waking up scared."

"He has to learn to sleep on his own," he sternly said. I was about to retract another reply, but instead grew silent. David was right, I just don't think now is the time.

"Fine," I gave in and sourly walked into the room. I laid him down with his blanket and kissed his forehead.

"This moose?" David abruptly questioned, at which I turned with a grin.

"I did pack it!" I squeal, rushing over and snatching it from him.
"Thank you," I thanked before placing it under Dominic's arms.

"Alright, alright, now let's go," David ushered me out of the room. The light went out and I followed David into his room.

"Maybe I should sleep in there with him," I thought aloud.

"Why?" he groaned, kicking his shoes off.

"Because, this isn't the time to have him sleep alone," I state with a frown.
"He's going to wake up scared."

"Shh," David hushed, wrapping his arms around me.
"He'll be fine."

"I don't think-" I started when he kissed me. I kiss him back, then wrapped my arms around his neck deepening it. David broke apart, breathing heavily and smiled.

"Now let's sleep," he cooed, taking his shirt off. I went to his drawers, taking the time to register his room. It hasn't changed since the last time I was here, which I thought was remarkable. Though pretty much two years wasn't that big of a deal of course. It still shocked me.

"What?" I caught his eye and quirked a brow at the look he was giving me.

"Nothing," he shrugged. "What are you doing though?"

"I need something to sleep in," I remind, pulling out a shirt of his.
"All my stuff is in the car, remember?"

"Yeah," he mumbled. I roll my eyes and took my pants off, feeling his gaze. I smirk to myself as I slowly slipped my shirt over my head, then dangled it at my side before releasing. The sexual tension started to become more and more as I unclapsed my bra and slowly allowed it to fall down.

"What?" I tease, glancing over my shoulder at him. David simply shrugged, biting his bottom lip. I giggled with a shake of my head as I turned to fully face him. "You just going to stare?"

"What.." he clears his throat. "What should I be doing?"

"Getting ready for bed yourself, duh," I snicker. We both stared each other in the eyes, when I decided to take my panties off. Feeling kind of horny a the moment. Now I am completely naked, and I saw David shift. "Hmm."

"What?" David mimicks me.

"I think I am going to sleep naked," I nonchalanty reply.

"Really?" he chuckled. "Really?"

"What?" I innocently ask, tilting my head to the side.

"Nothing, go ahead," he shrugs and laid in bed with only boxers on.

"Okay," I sat the shirt down at the edge of the bed and slowly crawled in. David shut the light off and laid on his back, staring at me. I sat on him and stared down at him.

"Thought we were going to sleep?" he questions, his hands going to my thighs.

"I am," I answer. A single brow of his raises as the opposite corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Oh?" he purrs, lightly rubbing my leg.

"Mhmm," I nod, leaning forward and nibbling his neck.
"I just need help getting tired." I felt the throbbing of his lower regions after those words left my mouth. Causing me to breath a little harder on his neck.

"I can help," he whispers back. I felt the tingles run down my spine as he said those words. I closed my eyes and kissed his cheek.

"Can you?" I doubt his words, at which he roughly turned me over to where he is on top.

"Maybe," he grunts, rubbing my sides.
"Maybe not."

"How will we know?" I seductively inquire, lightly scratching his back.

"Guess there's only one way to find out," he chuckles. His hand rubs my outter leg, then slowly to my inner thigh. I tense a little as his finger lightly goes across my vagina. "So wet."

"Mhmm," I moan. That is all it took before he stripped his boxers off and parted my legs, roughly kissing me neck. I giggle until he entered, causing me to gasp. "David."

"Monique," he responds, moving out then thrusting in again. My legs wrap around his waist and my hips move in the same motion as his. One hand goes to his back to light scratch as the other goes behind his head, to which I yank his head back and suck on his Adam's apple. When he thrusts a little harder again, I gasp and lean back, causing my back to arch.

"Faster," I demand. He didn't hesitate to oblige, and did as I was told. When I demanded that he go harder, his whole body crashed into mine roughly, and if it wasn't under these circumstances I would be in pain. Instead, the pleasure outweighed the negatives. I felt the tingles in my hair as sweat began to form.

"Get on top," he orders, rolling over with his arms wrapped around me. I perfectly rolled ontop of him and started moving my hips slow, then faster. I leaned back, with one hand on the bed and the other on his stomach, rocking my hips forward and backward.

"David," I squeal when he stiffens his penis inside of me. It hurt to the point that I leaned forward, my breathing loud and my moans almost turning into screams. David continued to thrust from being on bottom, holding onto my lower and upper back. I felt the orgasm come, to which I became rather silent and my whole body tightened. Noticing that I was finished, he continued til he was finished, finding the more pleasure in pleasing me before himself. For the first time, I felt what a true orgasm felt like.

"Wow," he breathed out. My hand wrapped into his as I collapsed next to him. My whole body sensitive to the touch, as my legs spasmed. I closed my eyes, out of breath and in need of a cigarette.

"That was..." I fought for my breath. "Amazing."

"Yes," he agreed. "It was." he leaned over and kissed my head then returned to his spot next to me. Neither of us moved, we didn't cuddle, we just wanted to lay there. It wasn't until we heard the front door close, that we decided it was probably best to take a quick shower and go to bed.
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Dun dun dun. ;] Thought it was overdue on a good sex scene. I'm an amateur, however this is the best way I can describe the sex I have had. Yes, I am not a virgin, for Pete's sake I am 21. lol. However, please kids, save yourself until you are an adult. I waited until I was 18 before I had sex, best decision of my life, trust. <3