‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Abrupt confessions.

I awoke to my son's screaming. Immediately, I shot out of bed and ran to my former room, where he resides.

"Dominic," I cooed, pulling him into my arms. Mentally thanking myself for wearing David's shirt and boxers to bed. I rocked him back and forth, as he reached for his moose doll that has neon orange antlers. "It's okay."

"Leave?" He questioned, which I knew he meant that he was upset with me for leaving him. He snuggled into me, and immediately I felt guilt rush through me.

"Is he okay?" David yawned, causing me to snap my head in his direction and glare.

"Yes, he is," I rudely snarl, and kissed Dominic's head.
"I love you."

"Lah you," he replies and pushes away. I let out a deep breath as he glanced around the room, confused.

"I knew it was a bad idea," I whisper.

"Look he's fine," David assures with a proud grin.

"David, you don't even know," I hiss.
"You don't know him."

"That's your fault," he reminds.

"You're barely becoming a father," I low blow back.
"You don't get what it means to be a parent."

"Shut up," David demands.
"I knew he would be fine, see. You don't give him enough credit."

"I know that it isn't good for a toddler to wake up in a strange enviroment," I continue.

"You smother him!" he screams, at which Dominic stopped playing with his moose and stared at us. I glanced at Dominic, he is my reminder to not attack David right now.

"I do not," I defend.
"I care."

"Yeah," David pfft'd me, then walked over to Dominic.
"I just give you more credit, kiddo."

"Stop," I whine.

"Eat?" Dominic asks, innocently looking up at David.

"Yeah, sure, buddy," David agrees, leaving me alone.
I watch as the two vacate the room.

"Asshole," I mumbled, slouching down on the bed. I glanced around the room that I had once hated, but confined myself in to keep away from David. I let out a low sigh as all the memories flooded back.

Why am I being so rude to David? Do I not want to grow up?

"Hello?" David waved a hand in my face, enterrupting my thoughts.

"Yes?" I sweetly say, glancing up at him.

"Want breakfast?" he offers, with a grin.

"Of course," I nod as I stood. David grabbed my hand, with a smile, and lead me down stairs. Then it hit me. "Where is Dominic?"

"Eating," he nonchalantly answers.

"Alone?" I groan, closing my eyes tightly for a moment.

"I'm not that stupid," he retorts, a little offended.

"Good morning," David's mom greets. I glanced around for his father, but as usual he is gone away at work.

"Mornin'," I politely respond and took a seat.

"I am so glad the news is out," she giggles, happily watching Dominic eat.

"Yeah," I sigh.
"It's a relief."

"You could have told me," she calmly scolds.

"I was afraid," I mutter.

"Of?" his mom quirks a brow, then glares at David.
"He never did tell me what happened."

"It's probably best that way," I whisper.

"I am right here," David reminds with a roll of his eyes as he sat down.

"Right there," his mom grumbles then glances at me.
"I was wondering if we could have a girls day?"

"Not a good idea," he answers for me. I exhale.

"Why not?" his mom argues.

"Because," he simply states.
"I want all the time with her."

"David," she whines.

"Mom," he uses the same tone. I let out a deep breath.

"I will make time for you," I promise her and send a glare to David.

"That is all I ask," she smiles and mirrored my expression at him.

"Whatever," he scoffs.
"I was only helping you, Mo."

The rest of breakfast was silent, and his mother insisted on taking Dominic with her as she ran errands. I was skeptical, seeing as no one but me, Nathan, or my mom watches Dominic. However, I had to be fair and allow her to be a Grandmother. I mean she did raise David, decently.

"So, why can't I hang out with your mom?" I brought up as soon as we were alone.

"Because she's going to try and get information out of you, and probably tell you shit that I don't want you knowing," he confesses, without a fight at that.

"Oh?" I was a loss for words, usually David was harder to get the answers out of. I chewed on the sides of my lips as he stared at me.

"So," he mutters.
"Let's go outside."

"For?" I quirk a brow.

"Take in the scenery," he shrugs.

"Let me change first," I accept and rushed up stairs. I grabbed a pair of shorts, and pulled a sweater over my head. I rushed back down stairs and resumed my position next to him.

"There's something that has me questioning," he mutters, keeping a little of a distance from me.

"What is that?" I reply, slightly frightened.

"Well, when we were on our way here, you passed out," he paused.
"Do you remember what you were dreaming?"

"Ugh," I thought about it and remembered the dream of which he died. I closed my eyes then shrugged. "I don't know, that was two nights ago."

"Monique," he sighed. "Please don't lie."

"What's so important, David?" I quirk a brow, staring into his beautiful blue marble colored eyes.

"I was just wondering what you dreamt, because you talk in your sleep," he shrugs. I froze, immediately my eyes shift away and I let out a sharp breath.

"It was a dream," I assure.
"Doesn't mean anything."

"Then tell me what the dream was about," he insisted.

"Fine, you died!" I screamed, then covered my mouth.
"I mean."

"I died?" he laughs.
"Wow, makes sense."

"You're a jerk," I snarl, playfully smacking his arm.

"Says the one that dreams of me dying," he chuckles, running away from me. I chased after him, when suddenly he stopped, causing me to bump into him. He turned and lifted my over his shoulder, spinning around.

"David!" I scream, laughter filling my lungs.
"Put me down!"

"Never!" he replies in a weird voice, one you would hear from a kid movie.

"Dork!" I tease, when he slowly released me to the ground. I wrapped my arms around his neck, playfully smiling and kissed him.

"You are beautiful," he abruptly admits. "You know that?"

"Shh," I hushed, leaning forward and kissing him again.

"No, you don't get it," he said breaking the kiss.
"You are the mother of my child. That is so weird, yet beautiful."

"You are not good with this romantic stuff," I tease.

"Neither are you," he adds. At which I shrug.

"That's true," I admit. Silence occured as we stared each other in the eyes again.

"So," he breaths out.

"So," I repeat with a half hearted smile.

"We should," he trails off.

"We should?" I question, at which he shrugged.
"Gross!" I squeal, playfully smacking his arm.

"What?" he chuckles.
"We have the house to ourselves."

"David Porter, do you want another child?" I sneer.

"Maybe," he sarcastically replies.
"Maybe I'll get to see this one being born."

"No!" I decline, tossing my arms up.
"No, no, I won't do it."

"Okay, you can just lay there then," he snickered. I ran from him and he chased me inside the house. I ran around the table, around the couch, even up the stairs and tried making it to the bathroom to lock myself in.

"Stop!" I laughed aloud as he cornered me in the shower.

"No escaping now, my love," he chuckles. I shook my head as he pulled me into his arms.
"We need to get married first."

"What?" I almost choke on my own spit.

"Well," he pauses, realizing what he had said.
"Nothing." he releases me and leaves the bathroom.

"David," I call, following him.

"Let's watch TV," he changes the subject, smoothly jogging down the steps. I watched as he collapsed on the couch and turned the television set on. I slowly sat across from him, pulling my legs up to my chest and stared at the random show he had on.

"What'cha watching?" I inquired in a child voice, dragging the words on.

"Eh," he shrugs, then shifted his eyes to mine. I glanced at him as well, then we both looked away. I let out a deep breath, making the first move. I stood, then sat on his lap, leaning my head against his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and we cuddled. It felt nice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm...Hmmm.... :D

8 hour shift today at work, saw my paycheck. Almost 300 for this week alone, not bad for being parttime. Yeee. So I updated this chapter in victory! Anywho, comments would be lovely. Thank you.