‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Howdy neighbor.

The process of owning your own house, and moving was quite difficult.

"Ugh," I groan, leaning my back against the wall and stared around. The walls were painted to my liking, and slowly furnishing was being brought it. We were still in escrow, however, and I thanked the Lord that the owners did not mind us starting early.

"Relax," David cooed, kneeling down and kissing my forehead. I rolled my eyes at him and then returned them to the wall across the room.

"So much," I complain. At least outback was done, there's a little playhouse for Dominic, along with a cute little outdoor playset, which is fully equiped with swings and a slide. The pool room has security alarms that notify us in the house if the door is opened or unlocked; for Dominic's safety.

"Naw," he chuckled.

"You wouldn't know," I tease, sticking my tongue out at him. He grabbed it then stared me in the eyes.

"That is rude," he mused, giving it a light tug before releasing.
"I still have to work, you know. To pay for this."

"Yeah," I let out a sigh. I am grateful for David, and how amazing of a Father he's being to Dominic. Again, feeling ashamed for never telling him about our son ahead of time.

"So, what do you want to do while Dominic is with our mothers?" David winked, causing me to bite my lip.

"Not sure," I wink and leaned forward kissing him. He stood and brought me with him, slipping my sweats down in the process. "David," I giggle, pulling his shirt above his head. A smirk plastered across his lips as he took my baggy shirt off and dropped his pants. I bit his neck as he lifted me up and pressed my back against the wall.

"You're so naughty," he whispers in my ear. I let out a harsh breath that turned him on, judging by the growing buldge I feel between my legs.

"Let's make this house official," I plea, staring into his eyes now. He bit his bottom lip and with one hand moved my panties over. Without another word he entered and I gasped in result. I held onto his back, my legs tightening around his waist as he began to thrust. The angles he hit in this position were amazing, even though it was hard for us to get comfortable. Suddenly he walked me to the kitchen and sat me on the counter, moving his hips to the side and continued to thrust.

"Monique," he moaned, his eyes closing. I gasped, then grunted when he hit a certain spot. A low chuckle escaped his lips as he continued to thrust and occasionally hit that spot just to hear my painful replies.

"You jerk," I breathessly insult, scratching into his back. David pressed his forehead against mine, with a slight nod and pulled me closer. Our bodies became more sweaty with each thrust, as we began to reach our climax. Suddenly he slouched forward, taking me back. Usually I finish first, he pulled away and let out a deep breath.

"Damn," he whispered, probably mentally kicking himself in the ass.

"Don't be," I assure, closing my eyes.
"I promise it was amazing."

"Good," he lightly chuckles, helping me down from the counter. I reposition my underware in a more comfortable spot, then wrapped my arms around him.

"I am so happy with you," I quietly admit.

"I am so happy with you," he repeats and kissed me, stopping any further communication. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, startling us. I quickly rushed to grab my clothes and put them on. David smoothed his shirt over his head, cleared his throat, then opened the front door.

"Hi neighbors!" A man in his late twenties greeted, his eyes scanned us then his brows raised. I quirked a brow and exchanged a look from David.

"Hey," David greets with a smile, putting his hand out.

"Is your parents around?" The guy chuckled, shaking David's hand to be polite.

"Should they be?" I laugh, at which the guy let out another chuckle.

"I was hoping to meet them as well," he states with a proud grin.
"It's been a while since someone new has moved to the neighborhood."

"Well, they didn't move here," David informs, bursting the man's bubble.

"Oh?" The guy looked at us both like we were slightly crazy, but more confused than anything.

"We are your new neighbors, I am Monique and this is David," I explain, greeting the man and finally answering his unasked questions since David is a jerk. I swear David's sense of humor and how he enjoys certain emotions from people was a bit tiring.

"You're a bit," the guy paused. "young."

"That we are," David agrees, as I come along side of him. His arm slithered around me, and a grin on his face. "However, we are here."

"Well it's a pleasure," the man adds.
"My wife will be home shortly, grocery shopping with the kids."

"Kids?" I repeat with a smile.

"Yes," the man answers.
"I have two little rugrats."

"Awe!" I squeal, turning to David.
"Dominic has a playmate!"

"Oh, you have kids as well?" The guy lightened up, rather relieved to know we have a child as well. The idea probably made this a lot easier on him.

"A kid, yes," David nods. "Our son, Dominic."

"That's awesome, my oldest is four and my youngest is two years old." The guy proudly says.

"Ours is almost two," David smirks.
"But if you met him and how he talks, you would've guessed he's older."

"Amazing how that happens huh? My youngest learned from the oldest," the guy boasts. "Everyone thinks he's three."

"Nice," David comments and I smile.

"Well, I am going to get our stuff together so we can go back to your mom's," I quietly dismiss myself from their conversation and went back into the kitchen.


"So, you both are a bit young," the guy immediately started once Monique left.

"Highschool sweet hearts," I explain, smiling over my shoulder at where Monique is in the distance. "I've known her my whole life, since I was in the womb."

"Admirable, I have known my wife for seven years, been with her for six, married her for five," the guy brags with a smile. "Are you two married?"

"Not yet," I grin. The idea didn't scare me as much since I am talking to this guy about it. I don't know why, but maybe because of his story that is what changes my opinion of it.

"Oh, when are you planning to?" So, maybe he's a bit too nosy.

"Honestly," I take in a deep breath. "I don't know."

"Understandable, took me a year to pop the question," the guy nods.
"I've liked her since I met her."

"Nice," I comment, staring into the guys eyes.

"Well, I better get going, she just texted," he excuses himself and walks to his house. I close the door and turn around with a smile. I watched as she pulled her purse further up her shoulder and stared outback. I wrapped my arms around her, startling her, which made me grin as she jumped without a sound.

"For someone so loud in bed, when scared you're so silent," I tease, kissing her neck.

"Mhmm," she giggles, turning her head. I stared into her beautiful whiskey eyes, and knew she is the one for me. "What?"

"Nothing," I shrug and release her.
"Let's go."

"Okay," she humms and skipped in front of me. Her childlike behavior was adorable, and I couldn't help but stare at her butt, even though her sweats didn't form it enough. I lock the doors behind me, and glance at my future home.

"I can't wait," I think aloud.

"For?" she replies, at which I chuckle and head to my truck.

"To own this place," I answer getting the door for her. She nods and gets in.

"Same here," she agrees after muttering a thank you. I slid in the driver's side and started my truck up. I glance at the house once more and drove off.

"So, I am going to tell Gaby, since we only have a week left," Monique brings up. I almost swerve and then calmed myself down.

"Can't we tell her when we have one day left?" I propose.

"Why?" she groans, staring at me with furrowed brows. I kept my eyes on the road and sighed.

"I want it to be a surprise, it was bad enough we told our parents," I state with another sigh.

"Fine," she gives in.

"Really?" I grin.

"We'll tell her the day before we move in, so the house warming party wouldn't be such a shock," she explains, making sense of the situation. I tense up.

"House warming party?" I repeat, trying to gulp down a lump in my throat.

"Yeah, wouldn't that be fun?" she asks.
"Don't tell me you don't want one."

"No, no," I immediately reply, trying to keep her happy.
"I think it would be an awesome experience." I just don't want anyone ruining it.

"Mhmm," she smiles.
"We'll sound our invites via mail."

"Mail?" I snort.

"Hey, hey, that still happens okay, it's the oldest form of beautiful invitations. Rather than some freakin text message, or Facebook event," she defends. I just laugh at her.

"Okay, okay," I agree, she did have a point.
"When do you plan on sending them?"

"Right before I call her," she giggles.
"That way I don't forget or something."

"Good call," I say. I didn't even realize my hands were tightened around the steering wheel.

"Are you okay?" she asks, taking in my composure.

"Yeah," I nod.

"Are you sure?" she persists.

"Yes," I answer a little more sternly.

"Okay," she annoyingly grumbles. I reach over and take her hand in mine, sneaking a glance at her and smiled. A small smile formed on her lips, then suddenly it grew and she sucked them in her mouth. I love when she does that, it's just not usual and cute. I lightly leaned my head back against the rest and enjoyed her company as we drove back to my house.
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Tralalala, I am doing my best to update at least every night or every other night. Just because I love you guys :] I have 21 subscribers and wish you weren't silent readers. lol. Either way, thank you for subscribing anyway, and thank you everyone for even reading. <3