‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Overly emotional.

Who knew how stressfull this all was? My nerves kicked in double time when David said that his name was going to be the one on the house. How far is that? I felt puke build up, and I kept gulping it down. I rushed to the bathroom, leaned against the toilet and closed my eyes, waiting.

"Monique?" David questioned, coming in.

"Hmm," I reply, when finally it hit. My breakfast from earlier escaped my stomach and into the toilet. I dry heaved, then flushed.

"Are you that nervous?" he asks, leaning agains the door frame.
"Or have you been drinking and not tell me?"

"David," I groaned, not in the mood. I flushed then stood.

"Yes?" he replies all sweetly.

"Shut up," I demand, rinsing my mouth out.
"I feel so ugh, I swear, this isn't right."

"What do you mean?" he questions, wrapping his arms around me.

"I am nervous, but to this extent," I grumble.
"Get off me, gosh, I told you I don't feel well."

"Woah!" David puts his arms up and backs away, laughing.
"No need to be so grouchy, Monqiue."

"I am not being grouchy, David. You are annoying me," I explain.

"What is it that time of the month?" he teases, I narrow my eyes.

"Just because I am annoyed does not mean it's my period, and I have-" I started to lecture him when I realized something. I furrowed my brows and went into the bedroom to sit down.

"What?" David inquires, staring at me.
"You have what?"

"I have not," I breath out.

"Have not? Or have? What?" he insists.

"Last night, I ate that weird mixture of mayonaise and salad with a peanut butter sammich," I remind and he chuckles.

"You've always been weird," he excuses.

"This morning, I felt queezy but ate anyway," I continue.

"You've always been a fatty," he muses then straightens his expression.
"I mean," he chuckles.

"David," I say his name so breathlessly and with a tone that he stopped. His eyes shifted to mine and we stared at each other for a moment.

"Are you..." he pauses. "Saying what I think you are?"
I simply nod. At which he perks up.

"Ugh," I repeat with another nod.

"I am going to the store," he abruptly informs.

"For what?" I question.

"We need to make sure," he explains and grabs his keys.

"I am going to," I inform. One look at my attire and he shook his head.

"No," he declines.

"Why? Are you ashamed?" I growl.

"You need to just rest," he lies, kisses my forehead then left.

"Whatever," I grumble, not in the mood to argue. I lay back down, curled in a ball and closed my eyes.

"Monique," I felt myself being shaken from my dream. I dart my eyes open and see David.

"Hmm," I moan and turn over.

"Come on, take it," he pushes me again.

"Stop," I complain, swatting his arm away.

"Please," he begged. I sat up, then got off the bed. I snatched the test from him, and went into the bathroom. I pee'd on the stupid stick, capping it and placed it on the counter. Disgusted at the fact I now have pee on my hand from it. I flushed then washed my hands and waited.

"David," I called, knowing it was time. David came into the bathroom and stared at me. I didn't want to look. "You can do it."

"Monique," he breathed out, holding my hand.
"Let's do it together."

"No," I shook my head. I didn't want another child. I am content with Dominic.

"Please," he plead again. I rolled my eyes and tightly closed them.

"I can't," I whisper.

"Come on," he urges.

"No," I continue to decline.

"Monique," he sternly says my name.

"David," I mimick.

"Fine," he growls and grabs the test. Suddenly it fell out of his hands after he looked down at it and I knew. I leaned against the counter and glanced down at the results. Yep. Great.

"We are having a second child out of woodlock," I breath out, feeling ashamed.

"Huh?" David quirks a brow, following me out of the room.

"Unmarried, David," I explain with a shake of my head.
"I don't want to do this."

"Monique," he breaths out more calmly.

"No, David, I don't want to do this," I cried out, my whole body shaking.

"Stop!" he demands, wrapping his arms around me.
"We can do this."

"Why?" I furrow my brows.
"I can't believe this, I can't."

"Shh," he cooed, rocking me back and forth.

This is just freakin great...


Dinner that night was awkward, David's mom continued to look at David and I as we ate in silence. Dominic played with his food without either of us yelling at him. I just wanted to sleep, and wake up from this.

"Is everything okay?" David's mom finally questioned.

"Mhmm," I nod, then stood.
"I am just tired."

"Of course," she mutters, David glanced at me.

"I'll tuck him into bed then," he assures and I nod going up stairs. I lay down and stair at the ceiling. Is this seriously my life? Giving birth to another Porter? I close my eyes tightly. I wonder what this one will be, a boy or girl? I let out a deep breath.

"Monique?" David entered.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Are you upset with me?" he asks.

"Of course not," I assure.
"We both did it."

"Okay," he cuddles me.

"It's just scary," I whisper.

"How so?" he inquires.

"Because you don't even love me," I quietly remind then close my eyes. David stiffened at that, and allowed the silence to take over. I felt tears prick my eyes, that was his time to say otherwise. What a dick. I slowly push myself away from him.

"Where are you going?" He calmly asks.

"To join Dominic," I answer.

"No," he declines, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Stop," I demand.

"I wont let you," he growls.

"Why not?" I jerk my head and glare at him.

"Because," he simply answers.

"Yeah, that's a good reason," I snort.
"Now let me go."

"I do love you, Monique," he finally says.
"I just don't how to say it on the regular."

"This was just enough," I assure and snuggle into him.
"I love you too," then we both passed out.


The next day, David was gone early. I felt bad, maybe I pressured him into admitting that to me? I groan at my thoughts as I watched Dominic play outside. A small part of me felt butterflies when I envisioned two of them running around. Oh dear goodness. I slap myself on the forehead.

"Mommy!" Dominic squeals, running around a tree. To know what goes on in a child's mind.

"Dominic!" I reply, a big smile on my face. Then stood and started chasing after him. Finally lunch came along and I made him a sandwich then gave him a hand full of chips. I placed his juice cup down and ate my own meal.

"Hey," David enters with a grin.

"Hi," I reply. "How was work?"

"Good," he shrugs. "Left early."

"Nice," I nod then glance at Dominic.

"Tomorrow we move in, did you send the invites?" He asks.

"Almost forgot," I stood then kissed his cheek.
"Watch Dominic?"

"Naturally," he replies then sits.

"Thank you," I whisper and grabbed the letters. I went out front then placed them in the mail box, I came back inside and grabbed my cell.

"Hello?" Gaby replies.

"Gaby!" I squeal, trying to be happy.

"Monique, wow, didn't expect a call from you! What's up?" Gaby questions.

"I have some news."

"Oh lord."

"I am moving."

"Oh, great! Did you and Nathan work things out?"

"Nathan?" I repeat. "No, I'm with David."

"Ah. So, how does he feel about you moving?"

"Well, you see...the thing is."


"David is moving with me." I grin.

"...wow. When?"

"You don't sound happy."

"I mean, it's just..." Bitch, don't talk, you and John with this soon to be baby!

"It's just?" I ask.

"Are you guys ready for that? You just reunited."

"It's been a little over a month."

"Yeah, my point."

"Wow, Gaby." I grit my teeth.

"Did you quit your job?" Totally forgot about that diner.

"Not yet."

"Are you going to?"

"Where we're moving is a little far from my old work, Gabs."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt, Mojo."

"Yeah...so what's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I haven't heard from you in a while, Gaby."

"You haven't called me, Monique."

"This is a two way street."

"True, I've just been....busy."


"Yeah, it's something I'll have to tell you in person. When are you moving?"

"Tomorrow. I have invites to our house warming party in the mail today."

"House warming...party?"



"I know right?! So, when do you want to hang out, to talk?"

"Not sure, but I guess if you're moving tomorrow. Then ugh."

"Tomorrow morning yep."

"Then I'll tell you at your party."

"Okay. Well hey, I have to go."

"Okay, talk to you later."

"Peace." And we hung up. Why was Gaby acting so different? I placed my phone in my pocket and let out a deep sigh. Do I really not have any friends anymore? The thought made me overly emotional, to the point I went to my room, laid down and just cried.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long for an update. So much is going on.

Getting my car in my name fully, gonna pay my insurance. Moving out. Ugh, this sucks. Right now I am on hold with the DMV for over an hour now. Ha. Great... Gonna shower with them on hold too. Yeee. :D

Anyway, tell me what you think about this chapter, yes? Any name ideas? :D Much love.