‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Party drama.

I guess you could say I felt like a fool. I mean, I forgave him. But, another part knew that it was for the best. I am having his second child, and for Dominic we would have to make things work.

"Are you okay?" David inquired, glancing at me as he laid Dominic down for his nap. I simply shrug and looked out the window at the light rain.

"I guess," I whisper.

"Are you not wanting this party tonight?" He asks, a slight frown on his face as he walked over to me.

"No, it's fine," I assure. Of course I wasn't as convincing as I had hoped.

"Monique," he sternly says. I roll my eyes.

"David," I reply, same tone and expression as him.

"I'll call off the party tonight," he informs.

"Stop!" I yell, narrowing my eyes.
"I want to have this."

"Then tell me what's wrong," he demanded.

"Fine....you are," I sigh.
"I know I said we'll let this-"

"No, I understand... I fucked up, I didn't mean to. I feel guilty, but I want things to work out with us, I love you. I was just stupid by not telling you," he explains. I felt my heart drop as he touched my face.

"I love you too," I whisper. His lips lightly touched mine and I let out a light breath after. "This is why I want us to work," I mutter. "Because you are the one for me."

"You are the only one for me, the mother of my children," he explains. I lightly smile and close my eyes.

"Only girl you'll ever love?" I bit my bottom lip.

"I can't say that," ouch.

"Wow," I jerk my head away.

"Because the only other girl I'll love will be calling you mommy," he says so sweetly. My heart fluttered and I felt my breath give away. Why did he have to be such an amazing guy? Yeah sure, he lied. But it's not like he cheated on me.

"Aww, David," I squealed and wrapped my arms around him. We passionately kissed and I just felt like this is where I belong. David stared into my eyes, as I stared back, and neither of us said anything. We just had the connection.


Tonight was going to be hectic. We had the food ready to be served, the decorations put up, and plenty of seating outside. I stood there nervous in my creme colored silk flowing dress, my hair lightly done in curls.

"Stop," David lightly grabbed my hand, then smiled at me.

"Fine," I whisper. I was fidgetting with my dress, and David easily noticed.

"Some people are here," he breathed out, then slowly left me.

"Great," I took in deep breaths. I grabbed Dominic, and fixed his little tie.

"Mommy," he swatted me away, causing me to laugh.

"Shush," I hushed and finished fixing his outfit. David shook the hands belonging to the men, and kissed the cheeks of the women. I stood beside him with a smile, my arm draped over Dominic as he stood along side of me. Other kids were here and it was refreshing.

Soon the house was filled with people, and I was showing my parents around.

"It is very nice," my mom comments. "Nice decorations, and such."

"Thanks," I muttered, letting out a deep breath.

"I am rather proud of you hun," David's mom told me.
"I can't believe this day finally came."

"It's surreal," my mom breathlessly said.

"I am so happy!" his mom commented, at which I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I am going to see who else is here," I grumble. Dominic was with the other kids, at which my parents along with David's were still keeping an eye out for him.

"Hey," I jumped at the abrupt voice and saw John.

"Hey," I reply giving him a hug.

"Very nice," John comments.

"Thanks," I giggle.

"Did you choose everything? Or did he pay someone?" he teased.

"I did," I proudly boasted.
"So hush."

"Yeah, yeah," he shook his head.
"Gaby said she couldn't come?"

"Yeah," I sigh.

"Why not?" John took a seat outside, and I sat next to him.

"She betrayed me," I whisper.

"Yet, you're still with David?" he chuckled, what is this funny?

"David is the Father to my son, he is the love of my life. Gaby has a new best friend, and never tells me anything going on in her life, and thus I don't need it anymore. In order to successfully move on, I must do this," I explain. John paused and let out a deep breath.

"I can understand that, actually," he nods.
"I told her she was stupid."

"Yet you're still with her?" I mocked and he laughed.

"What's going on here?" David approached, glancing at John and I.

"Just talking," John answers and I nod with a smile.

"Yeah, I am sure," David leaned over and grabbed me.
"Come on."

"Woah," I gasp, ripping my arm from his grasp.
"Be easy babe."

"Shut up," he snarled, then walked inside with a fake smile on his face.

"What?" I immediately caught up to his side when I stopped in my tracks.

"Congrats," Kiley appeared.

"Thanks," I mumble, glancing at David.

"You look beautiful too, you clean up well," she mutters and smiled when a flash went off.

"What's going on?" I glare at David.

"Watch your expressions," Kiley begged and gave me a hug.
"I am not here for drama, more for my good name."

"Okay," I was taken back.
"What do I do?"

"Just act like we're all good, nothing is wrong, and smile a lot." Was this seriously happening? I mean, I guess I have to get used to this sort of thing if I am going to be with David.

"Okay," I laughed and tapped her shoulder, just then a picture was taken.

"Good, good," she whispered and I smiled at her. Kiley wasn't a bad person, she just got under my skin because of how she acted on our family vacation. But right now, I mean she handled the whole situation with David and I better than I had thought. Although, I admit it pisses me off, because apparently she was just using David the whole time.

"Congratulations!" Who the fuck. I glanced over to find the reason for the most annoying voice and saw Chelsea. How the hell did she find out?

"Get her out, discretely," David muttered to security. I closed my eyes tightly as she came over, giving David a ridiculous kiss. My mouth went agape, I pushed them both apart then raised my right arm and slugged her in the face; forgetting there's paparazzi here.

"Monique," David frowned. He wrapped an arm around me, and glared at Chelsea.
"Get out of here."

"I hate you!" she screamed, pointing to David. I closed my eyes tightly and stormed off.

"Get the fuck out of here," Kiley spoke up. I was shocked and stopped walking.
"You have seriously no fucking life, he doesn't want you!"

"Shut the hell up," Chelsea addressed Kiley, glaring.

"Never," Kiley declined. "You're just a dumb ass broad."

"You're just..." Chelsea couldn't say much, Kiley was pretty awesome.

"Exactly, get the hell out of here," Kiley brushed Chelsea off her shoulder and walked to me. I smiled as we both exited to the outside.

"That was intense," I breathed out.

"A bit too intense," Kiley sighed.
"She'll never get the hint."

"You had to deal with her too?" I ask.

"Yep," she laughed.
"She thought he was in love with me."

"Wasn't he for a bit?" I snort.

"Nope," she sighs. "He would never have loved me."

"Why not?" I didn't know if this conversation was supposed to be awkward but oh well.

"Because he loved someone else, I didn't get it at the time. At first, I thought it was Chelsea. But nope, just the way he cringed at her. It wasn't until we were on the Family vacation that I realized it was you, right then and there, because of the way he looked at you. When I saw Dominic, I instantly knew that was David's son. He was just too stupid and blind to see it, that's why I wanted to leave. Honestly, I wanted him to myself, and wasn't ready to let him go. It was a scary thought." I was blown away by her story. "He was such an asshole to me, and any girl that tried anything with him. So, Chelsea is stupid. Plus he would never fuck that. Trust."

"Ha, nice," I laughed and she nods.

"David would like everyone inside!" Someone announced, both Kiley and I stood, ready to go inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am on my phone, I moved outta my parents house. Sorry about the horrible late update...my laptop is in the room that my current roommate is taking over right now...sooo I figured i'd try on my phone lol with that said hopefully this works...cause that'd be pretty awesome if it would...