‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Worse than girls.

Maybe I was out of line, purposely doing things to annoy David... Why? Because he keeps ignoring me. He goes to his office, does work, then goes to bed. He'll leave for days at a time, not telling me when he is coming home, and now any day was my due date.

"Monique!" David hollered. I rolled my eyes, and waddled into the room.

"Oh, now you are talking to me?" I spat, looking him over with annoyance.

"I have been busy," he excused himself, then turned to his "dilemma".

"Seriously, David? The color of your fucking undershirt and tie? Where the hell are you going this time? On a date? Is that why you're so worried about it?! Ugh!" I screamed, tossing my hands up and started to waddle away.

"If it were a date, you know I don't care," he evilly replied, at which I turned around as quick as I can.

"Actually, I don't. Remember, we've never been on a date," I hissed when tears formed. That's right, we never went on that date I asked him on in Highschool. I suddenly felt disgusted by myself, at how I could have kids with this man and never been on a date with him. Sure, we grew up together, but wow. I suddenly felt horribly disgusting, why wouldn't he want to date me? That was it, the tears fell down and I had to try to get away as fast as possible.

"Mama?" Dominic asked, staring up at me as I penguin walked beside him, almost knocking him over. Dominic rushed after me as I sat outside, with my head in my hands. I can't even lean forward to touch my elbows to my knees.

"Hi baby," I whisper, rubbing his head. David came out and stared at me.

"I am sorry," he cleared his throat. "I didn't realize-"

"Stop, David," I choke out. "It doesn't matter. I just hate the fact you're leaving."

"Business, babe, business," he reminds.

"I am having your kids! Any day now! Any fucking day, David! And you're going to leave me?! Fine go ahead, not like these ones weren't a mistake to you anyways!" I flail my arms around. "Not like we planned on having these kids! It just kind of happened cause someone doesn't know how to pull out!" I tried to stand up but failed. David just stared at my failed attempts with amusement.

"I am going to dinner with Kiley, to talk about me becoming her manager to help my name get out there," he explains. My heart dropped.

"Kiley," I repeat, narrowing my eyes.

"Yes, remember she even defended you from Chelsea at our house warming party," he reminds. I felt a little at ease but still, KILEY?! I let out a deep breath.

"Don't expect a call if the girls are being born," I rudely sing songly said, David stared at me with a blank expression.

"You really wouldn't let me know?" he stood there, hurt written all over his face.

"Doesn't matter," I shrug. "Your dinner is most important."

"Monique, it pays the bills," he hisses.

"Right, that's why you went to the Playboy bunny house as well, right? Pay our bills, make sure people find you so lovey dovey, cute guy that people want to fuck!" I growl. "I mean, it doesn't help that we never go out any where, why is that, David? Are you ashamed of me? Because now I am not attractive anymore, and so going out to a public place with Kiley means-"

"Shut the fuck up!" David screamed, grabbing the end table and tossing it. Thankfully Dominic decided to go play or else he would be crying right now. I glared at David as he stood in front of me, his face merely inches apart from mine, as his arms are either side of me.

"Or what?!" I shrieked back, my voice cutting out.

"Just shut the fuck up! I don't want you in public because I don't want our children to have to go through what other celebrities children do! Okay?! Pretty soon we'll have to move away from here because if they find out, we wont be safe! Alright?! That's why! So instead of making it into some pitty me bullshit, maybe you should shut the hell! And I swear, Monique, you ever tell me my kids were a fucking mistake to me again, you will regret it. Because maybe you didn't think about this, but maybe I wanted these twin girls? Huh? We got back together, I didn't see Dominic being born, nor even heard about him. Maybe I wanted you to have another child of mine, it was perfect timing! Yeah that's right, I fucking said it." he was so vindictive. Always the same David, does what he wants. Fuck what anyone else says. I shrunk into the seat.

"Move," I calmly demand.

"No," he shrugs with a grin.

"Move," I repeat.

"Hmmm, that time," he pretended to think. "Nah."

"Damn it, David, move or I will leave you! You'll never see me or the kids again!" I falsely threaten.

"I would gladly love to see you try," he warns, his grin becoming more profound.

"Why are you being like this?" I felt the tears prick my eyes, the burning in my nose, and the quivering of my lips. It was annoying, I hate pregnancy hormones. I would normally never let him see me cry, or show emotion like this, but these hormones prevent that!

"Because, it's exciting," he coldly chuckles. "I love you, Monique. You have been out of hand lately, I mean I remembered you are pregnant, so I'll let it slide. But you honestly have this vendetta against me, I can't stand it. So, if you are going to play those games, I learned your rules and I am playing them back. Can't hang? Then put the dice down and give me a kiss."

That was all he had to say. That's all I wanted to hear. Was that he noticed me, he noticed how I was being. Because lately he has been ignoring me. I leaned forward and gave him a kiss, at that time, my water broke. I started making this "mmm mmmm" noise, which I guess he thought was me getting into the kiss. But I pushed him away.

"David!" I screamed.

"I wont fuck you, Monique," he sighs. "I can't. Not with the....okay fine." he jumped on me.

"No, my water broke!" I squealed, he jumped off and his eyes were wide.

"What the fuck do I do?" He cursed, looking around for Dominic. Then he rushed inside. "Diaper bag, clothes, blanket, juice for Dominic, snacks, check." he ran outside, swooped Dominic up and practically holding him upside. "Child, check. Come on, Monique!" He started running towards the door. I slowly got up, and felt myself slushing from side to side, like I was a boat in the sea. "Come on!"

"You act like it's so easy for me!" I scream back, hoping he heard. I closed the door behind me, sent out a few texts and tried my best to get inside his truck.

"Damn," he complained as he came behind me and pushed me up.

"Aye!" I frown, then plopped in the seat. "Not cool."

"Well, I mean damn, did you need that icecream almost every night?" he questioned, making me feel self conscious.

"You're an ass," I cry out.

"I am kidding," he placed his hand on mine and started the truck up.
"You are absolutely beautiful, and you didn't get the double chin. Be lucky."

"Woooow!" I laugh, then shook my head.

"John!" David shouted, causing me to jump. I glance over and saw he's on his phone. "Get your ass to the hospital now! My woman's having our babies! What, no way?! Really?! Yes!"

"What's going on?" I cough.

"Gaby had their son earlier today, so he's already down there," David grinned and sped up a little. "Congrats man! We'll be there soon enough!"

That we were. It took me literally six hours before I popped the first one out, and then another thirty minutes before the second one. The first one David wanted to name Maxine, because it was my choice and I did all the work. The second one, he named Maveen.

"They are beautiful!" My mom squealed. I laid there sweaty, exaughsted, in PAIN, and suddenly when the girls were put in my arms....All of that went away, all I cared about was them. They had their eyes closed, sucking on their pacifier. I glanced up at David whom smiled down at me, with Dominic in his arms, David leaned over and kissed me. At that moment a picture was taken.


Monique did an amazing job, our girls are healthy and gorgeous. I have never felt this way, and unfortunately for Dominic, I wont bond with him the same way I feel like I have with our girls. Monique passed out, and so did the girls, in their own temporary cribs in our room. I decided at that point to go find John.

"Man!" I yelled and we hugged. "Congrats!"

"To you too man!" John replied, a tear in his eye. We went inside the room and Gaby laid there, cleaned up. I was surprised she still looked as beautiful as she always has, I guess. I stared at my bestfriend's child with awe. The moment surreal.

"Damn," I cursed.

"Hey!" Gaby scolded, becoming all mama bear. "Watch your language."

"Yeah, yeah," I waved her off and continued to stare at him. "What's his name?"

"Liam," John proudly answered. "Four letters like daddy."

"Wow," I snort. "Dumb man, dumb."

"Yeah, yeah," John shrugs and glances at me.
"I want to see the girls."

"Let's go," I snicker.

"Hey, babe," Gaby whined.

"I'll be back, keep him safe," he kissed her passionately then followed me out. I saw him damn near break down and cry when he saw the girls sleeping. "Dude."

"I know," I nod.

"That's gonna be," he mutters.

"Liam can help."

"What if."

"He wont be."

"I hope not."

"I'm sure of it." We had this conversation to ourselves, one no one else would understand. We even forgot that my parents and her parents were in the room.

"Well that was interesting," Monique's mom cleared her throat.

"I don't question their close friendship," my mom explained. "They're worse than girls."

"Obviously," her mom giggled.

"We knew what they were saying," my dad nods.

"It's true though," her dad agreed. "You can just tell."

Then the room was silent as we stared at our beautiful twin girls...
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Sooo, you guys reading...do you have an idea of what they were talking about? :p lol