‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Break downs.

Are you in your late twenties? Do you have kids? Don't. Wait until then, because time flies by and it's really stressfull once a child, or children, come into play. Screaming, shit, food, poop, screaming, silence, food, screaming, sleep. Awake and repeat. I sat there on the couch as the girls napped, my hands covered my head.

"Hey," David entered the room. I glanced up at him angrily.

"You're late," I growl.

"By thirty minutes," he shrugs.

"David," I whined, standing up. "You know this is important to me."

"Why? You're just going to have more," he teased. I roll my eyes.

"Shut the hell up," I spat and walked off.

"Where are you going?" he sighs.

"To jog, duh," I flicked my wrist.

"What about the girls?" He quirked a brow.

"I am sure you can manage, David." I roll my eyes and let out a deep sigh. "They're sleeping, and Dominic surprisingly is napping in his room as well. When they wake up, change their diaper, see if they're hungry, and put them on the designated area here. As for Dominic, he's pretty self explanatory, for a two year old."

"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled, watching me as I left. I smelt in the beautiful air, and closed my eyes, before plugging in my ear phones and started running. The girl's are two months old now, and I have lost almost fourty pounds, thank goodness.

"Aye!" I heard, bumping into someone.

"Sorry," I apologize, unplugging my music.

"It's all good," she politely smiled, looking down.

"Do you live around here?" I ask, furrowing my brows at the pretty Asian girl in front of me.

"Not really," she shrugs. "I actually have my own apartment a few blocks away, but sometimes it's a nice get away so I come jog. My siblings are always there, I never have alone time."

"I can relate completely," I agree, when I noticed we started to jog alongside of each other. "Ever since I had my girls, I never get time alone."

"You have kids?" she rose her brows.

"Yeah, I have three," I blush a little. The Asian girl, with beautiful dark oval eyes, stared into my soul almost.

"Three?!" she squealed, biting her bottom lip. "I've always wanted kids."

"No, you are too young!" I warn.

"How old are you?" she questions, placing her hands on her hips.

"Nineteen," I let out a sigh. "And you?"

"Twenty one," she shrugs.

"I guess I look pretty bad huh, I mean if it helps I turn twenty soon," I weakly smile. At which she laughs. "I'm still with the baby daddy, and we moved in together right there, talking about marriage."

"I don't judge," she sing songly spoke with a soft smile. "I want to persue a music career, so I don't want to start a family. Besides, I had a boyfriend and things ended fairly well, but I don't know."

"Makes sense," I nod.

"Sorry," she quickly apologizes. "I don't usually talk to people like this."

"No, it's refreshing. I've been locked up in that house," we quickened our pace as we spoke.

"Well, I don't mind jogging every day at this time, together," she suggests. I couldn't help the big grin on my face. Short, and beautiful, she intimidated me completely. I let out a deep breath, almost about to decline her offer.

"I'm Monique," I abruptly introduce myself.

"Vivian," she replies, stopping in midtrack and shook my hand. I weakly smiled at her and we continued to jog together. The silence was rather refreshing, just knowing there's someone beside me as we jogged was good enough for me. I felt myself drift back to the old Highschool me, where I didn't want too much socialization. Call me emo or simply anti-social, but people sucked and backstabbed each other all the time. Gabrielle was the perfect example of that.


After the jog, Vivian politely waved at me then hurried back to her apartment. Mean while, I came inside to a pissed off David. I snorted at the scene of him holding two screaming babies.

"I don't know what their problem is!" he cried out, glaring at me. "You were supposed to be back thirty minutes ago!"

"Stop yelling," I calmly demand, taking Maxine from him. I swayed side to side then laid her in the swing chair, placed it on high and smiled as she got quiet. I grabbed Maveen from him, and simply laid down, putting on a movie. David sat down in awe, then quietly took her from me, and cuddled. I rolled my eyes and stood when I saw the time. "Damn it."

"What happened?" David muttered and I let out a sigh.

"I have to see if Dominic is awake yet, then I need to make dinner, then get the girls fed, and then give baths and sleep," I grumble then hurried into the kitchen. I started to boil water, cut up the chicken, grab the vegetables and washed them off, grabbed the sauce, placed the bread in the oven, and moved my way to the baby food.

"That is a lot to do," David says when he entered, Maveen no longer in his arms.

"Where is she?" I furrow my brows, looking around.

"I put her in the other swing," he nonchalantly answers. My mouth flew open.

"There's no way," I nearly dropped the brocolli as I hurried into the room. My eyes had to be decieving me, she hates that stupid swing, she'd rather watch or listen to something dealing with music and that keeps her content. Nothing movement related. But there she lay, contently.

"What?" David stood there confused. I already knew I was going to regret this.

"She wouldn't ever sit there like that for me," I mutter, listening to the music of Fern Gully play.

"Oh really?" Yep, knew I would regret it. David crossed his arms over his chest and grinned.

"Yes, really," I roll my eyes and went back into the kitchen. I bit my bottom lip to try and refrain a smile as I continued to cook. David wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I love you," he mutters in my ear.

"I love you too," I quietly reply, a big smile surfaced.

"I love you more," he says in an annoyingly cute voice.

"Shhh," I tease with a shake of my head.


Dinner was delicious, David and Dominic enjoyed the chicken. I fed the girls dinner, gave them a bath as Dominic played down stairs with his daddy. After the baths, the girls fell asleep. I came down stairs, and saw the two sleeping. I smiled then ate dinner for myself, after that I cleaned the kitchen. Put the left overs in containers, washed the dishes, and returned to the living room. I grabbed my phone and took a picture, before waking David up.

"Hmm..." he stirred, opening his eyes. "Yeah?"

"Come on babe, Dominic needs to go to sleep in his actual bed," I quietly spoke with a loving smile. David smiled at me as well, and glanced down at his son. The expression on his face was so breath taking.

"Alright," he grunts, then slowly stood without waking Dominic. He lifted him up, then placed him in bed and came to me, pecking my cheek. "Let's go to sleep."

"Mhmm," I smile and followed him. I stared at myself in the mirror as I changed into pajamas.

"What are you thinking?" he asks, toothpaste all over his lips.

"Nothing," I immediately lie, and finish slipping the shirt on.

"Stop lying," he demands, spitting then washing his mouth out.

"It doesn't matter," I grunt. "Leave it alone."

"It does matter, you don't look happy," he spat.

"I'm fat! Okay?! I am fat! Look at my body! I apply lotion and you can still see some stretch marks! I can't stand it!" I cry out. The tears fell down my cheeks, and my knees went weak, causing me to hit the floor. "I don't want to grow up."

"Monique," he lightly chuckled, kneeling beside me. "Babe, shhh."

"No, stop," I demand, placing a hand up. "Stop."

"No, I wont stop. Because you are beautiful! Yeah, sure you have a little chunk on you, but it's baby weight. Aren't our girls worth it?! Look at it that way! Are you saying you wish you never had our kids?!" he screamed at me, I raised my hand and he grabbed it, then forced me in a kiss. "Don't ever fucking say anything like that again, understand? It's okay for you to dislike your body, but stop. Breath. Okay? You can go jogging, and do what you need to do, but please."

"Okay," I choke out, stuttering and my bottom lip quivering. David passionately kissed me again, and I nuzzled into him. Then we went to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D New character! Yeee... Also, so everyone knows, it's a character that MusicLover made. ^__^ I just had to find a right time to add her in here, why? Because she is always commenting on this story and keeping up. It means so much to me! <3