‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

So confused.

My heart sank, and so did my knees. I watched as David drove off with Dominic. How did this all happen? What would anyone say? Weston was upset at David, but I hit him first. Why is it such a big deal for a guy to hit a girl, but if we hit them it's brushed under the rug? I let out a deep sigh and picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I was hesitant to talk. I would call my family, but they'd judge. I would call Vivian, but I didn't want to disappoint her. I went back to my old routes, and called someone who back stabbed me. But deep down, I knew she is still there.

"Gaby," I whisper.

"Monique," I heard her voice choke a bit.

"I need you," I hastly say.

"Are you okay?" I heard the ruffling in the background.

"Yeah," I hesitantly answer.

"I'll be right there," she assures. I gave her the directions, and soon enough she was here.

"I'm sorry, I know we-" I started to complicate things, and apologize.

"Shh," Gaby wrapped her arms around me, and both of us started crying. "I was the bad friend, I am sorry. You have nothing to apologize for. I am so sorry."

"No, no," I shook my head and dried my tears. Suddenly, she glared at my lip.

"What the fuck happened?" she narrowed her eyes.

"Chelsea," I whisper.

"Seriously?" she gasped.

"Well, she came over here, I guess she had a child?" I furrow my brows. Gaby nods.

"Yeah, like she was pregnant before us," she explains. "That day she came here for your housewarming party, she was pregnant, and wanted to talk."

"I don't get why she wants to talk to me so bad," I frown. "This doesn't even have anything to do with me, if anything she should want to talk to you."

"What the fuck?" Gaby cursed, then muttered an apology. It wasn't until then that I realized she has her son in her arms. I rose my brows.

"Is this Liam?" My voice was so silent, I wasn't even sure she heard me.

"Yeah," she bit her bottom lip.

"I'll show you mine, if you show me yours?" I wink and she giggled. We went inside, and I glanced at the girls sleeping.

"Oh my gosh," she gasped, handing over a very tired Liam. Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at his adorable features, a beautiful mix between Gabrielle and John. Gaby observed my sleeping girls, tears falling down her cheeks. "They are so adorable!"

"Thanks," I wipe my tears away. I rocked Liam side to side and eventually he went back to sleep. I laid him down on the thick mattress, designated area that I have the girls in.

"Wow, who would have thought huh?" she spoke, staring at our kids.

"That we'd be standing here, with kids?" I laugh, and she nods.

"Duh," she flips her hair.

"Not me," I admit. "I thought I wouldn't have kids til dang..."

"Yeah," she breaths out. "Remember at the beach? I was like nooo."

"Guess you had to settle down, huh?" I stuck my tongue out.

"Speaking of which," Gaby bit her bottom lip then held her left hand out.

"Oh my," I mouth, my eyes almost popping out of my head.

"He went to Jarrod's!" she squealed and I laughed.

"Congrats!" I smile, feeling slightly hurt. John proposed to Gaby, after one child. But David hasn't proposed to me? Seriously.

"What happened with Chelsea, again?" Gaby returned the topic.

"About John, and that kid?" I reply a little unsure of why she was even asking.

"Wait..." she paused. "What?"

"Didn't..." I stopped talking. "Never mind."

"Tell me," she demanded.

"I can't," I shake my head. "If you don't already know."

"Monique, please," she begged.

"Chelsea said, she had a child. She needs my help, and I didn't have it. I kicked her out, and David and I got into it." I point to my busted lip. "But, I got pissed off, not because he was the father or something. But because he let her in in the first place. She told me though, that John is the father."

"What?!" Gaby screamed, flailing her arms around. I closed my eyes tightly as she grabbed her phone. "Excuse me for a moment."

"Gabrielle," I called as she rushed out of the room.

"Please watch, Liam," she asks from the distance and suddenly I heard her screaming. I flinched and squinted, feeling like shit. I sat there, watching our babies sleep. Listening to Gaby get silent, then scream, then silent, then scream even more. Suddenly, about ten minutes later, I heard a rumble of a truck.

"Huh?" I thought aloud, turning around and glanced out the window. "David?" I got up and opened the door, biting my bottom lip. "Hey," I smile, fast walking over to him with the door open.

"Monique, let me explain," he immediately spoke, causing me to stop in my tracks. Dominic ran inside squealing, the babies started screaming. John rushed from behind David and ran to Gaby, they started screaming. I was so confused at everything around me now. What the hell was going on?
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Dun dun dun :D