‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Making up.

Needless to say, we never had that talk. David was so busy that time passed by too quickly. I felt out of the loop again with everyone around me. I didn't jog with Vivian that much, so instead she settled for hanging out with me inside. On the plus side, we put the girls in their jumpers, and had Dominic swim with us. Gaby came over as well, and met Vivian. Though, Vivian told me on a personal side note that she doesn't exactly know how to feel about Gabrielle because of what she's heard. John and Gaby set a date for their wedding, I was the last to know, naturally. Just so many things happening at once.

"Mama!" Maveen screamed, yes she is talking. I groaned and stood, going in the other room.

"Yeah?" I ask, smiling at her.

"Poopy," she giggles. I let out a deep breath and lifted her up, taking her in the other room.

"I am going to start on dinner!" Vivian informed from the other room.

"Thank you!" I reply, finishing up with Maveen's butt.

"No problem, I like to help," she assures as she started boiling rice. Vivian makes amazing food, to say the least. Not to stereotype, but maybe it's because she is Oriental. My favorite dish by her is a bunch of vegetables, rice, sweet and sour like sauce, and delicious hard noodles. I swear, the girl is amazing!

"Mmm, my favorite," I smelt in the smell with a compliment. "If only I could wifey you."

"Woah, I don't swing that way," she winks and continued to stir the noodles. I smile at her as Dominic ran around with Wessy (as Dominic calls him). Weston dropped him off earlier, so he and his wife could have a days out. His older daughter is at his brothers with their daughter.

"Aye, stop running in the house!" I scold the boys, with a shake of my head. I child proofed the backyard, and as long as they don't go out front (because there is no easy way for them to access the front yard from out back), it made it easier for me. All I have to do is watch the front door.

"I can't believe they're already starting to walk," Vivian muttered, talking about the girls.

"I know right?" I groan. "Now it's not just Dominic."

"Poor you," Vivian teased, sticking her tongue out. I smile at my friend with a shake of my head.

"Hey, you don't have to live with them," I muse. Vivian laughed and soon we just started laughing hysterically.

"Dinner?" I heard, tensing a little.

"David?" I retort, turning around. "I'm surprised you're home."

"Well, I do live here," he reminds.

"Shocking," I raise my brows then drop them.

"Really?" He narrows his eyes.

"I haven't talked or seen you in a couple of days, so yes, really," I argue. Vivian clears her throat then licked her lips.

"Umm," she mumbles.

"Sorry," I apologize and walk out of the room. I went out back and watched the boys running around.

"Weston is here again?" David growled.

"Wessy is, yes," I confirm. "Weston and his wife are having a romantic dinner."

"Lucky them," he comments. I gave him a bewildered look, then glanced away. "What?"

"Nothing," I shrug, chewing the inside of my lip.

"So, Kiley made top ten," he casually starts a conversation.

"Congrats," I lightly nod.

"Thank you," he boasts, puffing his chest out. "Good publicity came from that."

"Awesome," I sigh. David let out a deep breath.

"Monique," he whispers. "I love you."

"I love you too," I dryly reply.

"You don't say it with meaning anymore," he frowns.

"You never show me any attention," I pout. Suddenly, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a kiss. Those butterflies went soaring around my belly, and instantly I was reminded as to why I am still with him. When we broke apart, I bit my bottom lip.

"I really do love you," he breaths out. I slowly blink, and kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I really do love you too," I whisper. "Even if I am bitchy."

"Even if I am an asshole," he adds.

"Even if I am needy," I continue.

"Even if I am never around," he points out.

"Agreed," I snicker, and we start to laugh.

"How was your day?" He inquires, watching the boys play.

"Nice, Vivian and I went for a swim. The girls are starting to walk, speaking of which you missed Maveen's first step," I frown.

"I saw Maxine's though," he reminds.

"There's two of them, not one," I groan.

"I know," he slouches forward. "I can't help work."

"I sent you the video," I mutter, glancing away.

"I saw it," he smiles. "Thank you. I showed everyone at work too."

"Awe, really?" I bit my bottom lip.

"Yep," he nods. "Sorry, I didn't reply."

"It's whatever," I shrug and leaned against him.

"Dinner!" Vivian called, and I ushered the boys inside. They sat at the little kids table, and I sat up the baby chairs. One by one, I buckled the girls in and sat their plates in front of them. Yes, they eat on their own now. It's so weird!

"Mmm, Vivian," David moaned out in pleasure. "This is delicious."

"Thank you," she nods with a smile.

"Seriously, a little peice of God went into this," I cooed.

"Oh hush, shush," she swatted the air at us.

"Okay, okay," David chuckled. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered it.

"Hey, Weston, thought-" I started but he cut me off.

"We were, but then she decided to complain and we just argued," Weston frowned then embraced me in a hug. "I don't know what to do, Monique. I really don't."

"Shh, come in and join us for dinner," I invite.

"No, I have to say this," he pauses when he noticed David. Everyone sat there with their brows raised. Wessy ran into Weston's arms and gave him a hug.

"You have to say what?" I nudge, wanting to hear what he has to say.

"Another time," he mutters. "I didn't know I had an audience and I feel embarrassed that they're hearing my marital problems."

"Understandable," I closed the front door and he joined us. Vivian fixed him a plate, with a smile and we all sat in silence for a moment. Then naturally, with four people, conversation was alive.


I told Vivian that since she made dinner, that I would clean up, because she was going to do it all. So that is what I am doing, she went home, and I was cleaning. Weston took Wessy home and David put the kids to bed.

"So, what was Weston talking about?" David questioned, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. I simply shrugged.

"You heard just about as much as I did," I answer, rather curious myself.

"I bet he was going to confess his love for you," he snickered.

"Wow," I breath out with a laugh.

"Why did you smile?" Is he seriously jealous?

"Because you're being ridiculous, David," I explain. "You aren't around him, all he talks about is his wife, and honestly he knows that I am desperately in love with you. He would be beating a dead bush."

"Oh, is that true now?" David breathed out, and something about the way he said that sent shivers down my spine. "Want to beat something else?"

"David," I squeal. He lifted me into the counter, and kissed my neck. My hands went around his neck and yanked on his hair. My legs wrapping tightly around his waist as his hand went under my shirt.

"I love it when you say my name," he whispers in my ear. That indescribable jolt went through my body, and to the right spots. My breathing quickened as my heart raced. I haven't had sex in so long, that everything would be so perfectly sensitive.

"Mommy!" Maveen screamed out, ruining the whole moment. That cockblock.

"Just ignore it," I desperately plead, as I bit David's neck. His breathing became harsh.

"Mommyyyyy!" Nope, we could not ignore her. When Maveen screams, she means business.

"Go," David backed away, his head down.

"I'll be back," I assure with a wink. I rushed up stairs and gave her a serious look. She knows that it is time for bed time, no if's, and's, or butt's.

"Poopy," she cried out. It wasn't like earlier, and I instantly knew she was going to be the easy one to potty train. I lifted her up, and tried to quickly change her diaper. But after seeing the mess she made in her diaper, ugh.

"Woah, you are certainly your father's daughter," I comment.

"Hey," David groaned. "I heard that!"

"Daddy's silly," I quietly laugh. Maveen joined me, and welcomed her bed after I was finished. I kissed her forehead and smiled at my beautiful little girl. I shut the light off, glancing at Maxine's sleeping body. I swear that girl can sleep through anything!

"Monique, are you ready for me?" David questioned, as I walked down stairs with a dirty diaper. "I even finished up cleaning the kitchen, so we can make it all dirty again."

"Totally tempted after seeing a shitty diaper," I laugh, opening up the front door. I tossed it away, and felt instantly gross. I came back inside and locked it up. David wasn't down stairs anymore, which made me sad. But at the same time, probably for the best. I no longer wanted to have sex. I wanted to shower and sleep.

"Hey there," David greeted when I went inside the room.

"I am taking a shower," I dryly inform, which meant no sex.

"Can I join?" I started to laugh. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because you just.." I continued laughing. "It's so cliche."

"Fine," he pouted. "I didn't want to pound my dick in you anyway."

"Good," I evily laugh one last time before going in the bathroom. I started the shower, got naked and allowed the water to ingulf me. Suddenly, the door opened and I was shoved against the wall. No time to protest, nothing. I opened my eyes and saw David, my legs going around his waist. I screamed out in pleasure as he entered my very sensitive areas that have been throbbing for his penetration. I gasped, my nails digging into his back, as the tip of his head hit the back of my vaginal walls. His hands rubbing my bare legs, and squeezing my ass.

"What were you saying earlier?" he asks, grabbing my hair and pulling back. "Hmm?"

"Fuck," I cursed, my head and back tingling now. He thrust harder, and harder, because I didn't answer. After a while, I felt my lower regions go a little numb. My body tensed, then released with pleasure. David pulled out, and came in the water. Both of us exaughsted. I was so tired that I didn't even want to finish that shower, but I had too. Very sluggishly, but I did.
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Mmm, a minor sex scene. A little over due, yes yes?