‹ Prequel: Vital
Sequel: Different.

Times Are Changing

Biological parents and children emotions.

Oh dear God. I rolled over, my head pounded, and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I needed water, and so my destination: the kitchen. I grabbed a cup, and poured some water, my eyes closed and all.

"How do you feel?" I heard Gaby's voice, and cringed.

"No so loud," I complained, placing the cup down and held my temples.

"Do you even remember yesterday?" Gaby questioned, at which I shrugged.

"No," I answer. "I don't even remember drinking."

"Did I get you that drunk?" Gaby shrieked with laughter.

"Gaby!" I screamed, tears pricking my eyes.
"It really hurts. I am going to lay down."

"You must still be fucked up," Gaby quietly giggled.

"Why is that?" I groan.

"Cause you're half naked," she teased. My eyes widened.

"Hey," John entered. "Damn."

"Shh," I pushed past him and went into my room.

"Weeee!" I heard David squeal, and glanced out the window. Was he playing with Dominic?

"What the fuck," I cursed, ignoring my hangover. I quickly tossed a big shirt on and a pair of shorts on, grabbed my sunglasses then rushed outside.

"Swim!" Dominic cried out, so David lifted him onto his shoulders and went into the water.

"What are you doing?" I ask, folding my arms across my chest as the wind slightly blew.

"You couldn't brush your hair first?" David teased, I touched my head and felt the knots. Great.

"Mommy!" Dominic tried to jump from David, so he put Dominic down. I opened my arms and swooped my son into them, then twirled.

"Hi baby, how are you?" I ask with a big smile.

"I miss you," he whined. I felt my heart get warm as that, and kissed the top of his head.

"Gamma has been working with you, huh?" I laugh. Dominic nodded.

"How do you feel this morning?" David questions, standing next to us.

"Messed up," I shrug.

"Yeah, I don't blame you, telling me like that sucked," he sighed. I furrowed my brows as he rubbed the back of his neck, at which I glared.

"What are you talking about?" I growl.

"You don't remember?" he whispered, staring at me with the most serious expression I have ever seen on his face. What have I done?

"David," I mutter.

"You told me that I am Dominic's father," he reminds, with a sad look now.
"You told me the truth, Monique. I can't believe you."

"David," I repeat.

"No, you had him call another man daddy, what the fuck?! I am disgusted, he is my son, no one elses, I didn't deserve this," he spat. I closed my eyes tightly and let out a breath.

"You left me, remember?" I question.

"And you know why I did," he hissed.

"Regardless, you told me never to return to your house, not to contact you anymore, and to promise you that I wouldn't become a junky, well I am not a junky, David. I am a mommy," I reminisce.

"A fucked up one," he sourly spat.

"I am not a fucked up mom, David, you have no rights to say that. I am the best damn mom," I spat.

"How can you say that when you lied to your son?" He was hitting low blows. I expected this, or I expected him to never want to talk to me again.

"He's young," I excuse.

"Oh that's great, what happens when he gets older huh? Why didn't you tell me?" He continued to rant about me not telling him, at which Dominic just stared at us.

"Because I didn't want to ruin your life okay?!" I screamed, Dominic made an 'ooh' sound, catching my attention. I bent over and lifted him up. "We're going home, kay?"

"No, you aren't," David declined. I glanced at him with a frown.

"Pretend you never knew," I whisper.

"Like hell," he took a step forward.
"We can either do this in a calm way, or legal way."

"David," I hiss.

"And I believe I have more money than you," he warned. I was shocked.

"Excuse you?" I spat.
"Now you are going too far."

"Am I?" he tilted his head crazily.
"Explain to me, how far am I going?"

"David Porter, stop," I plead.
"Just stop."

"No, I have a son, Monique. He is mine too," he reminded.
"We both created him, damn it. You are not taking him now."

"Oh and what do you plan on doing? Splitting him in half?" I sarcastically questioned.

"We raise him together," he offered.

"Oh this is funny," I snort.

"Well you aren't going to keep him from me." he insisted.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?" I cry out.

"Why did you have to be such a bitch?" he retorted.

"Aye!" Dominic screamed, pointing at David.

"I'm sorry," David apologized. Dominic rested his head against me and stared at David.

"I did care," I whisper.

"Please tell me how you cared, I bet you didn't even care to include me in his life, ever," David was starting to cry. I could not believe I saw tears forming in his eyes.

"Think about it, David," I mumbled.
"Think about his name."

"Dominic?" David repeated, wiping his eyes.

"Monique, Nic," I started but became scared. David furrowed his brows and gave me a confused look.

"And?" he shrugged.
"That's cool."

"David, Dominic," I finally spoke up. David stared at me, then thought about it.

"Really?" he softly spoke.

"I never cared about the name Dominic, but it fit perfectly," I whisper. I felt tears form in my eyes, I waited for this moment for a long time. "I'm sorry that another man was in his life, but I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to be alone, and I didn't want to bug you. Nathaniel has been in my life for a while, and-"

"Nathaniel?!" David screamed, I could see the red start to form in his face from anger.
"Him of all people?"

"David," I whisper.

"No, Monique, that's a low blow," he groaned.
"A very low blow."

"Well, he was there for me, and never left even though he hated my drugs," I spat. David stared at me, and I stared back at him. We just glared at another, in silence. Dominic wiggled out of my arms then grabbed my hand, and placed it next to something. I finally broke the glare, and saw he put David's hand with mine. "Dominic."

"Mommy," he smiled. I am not sure how much research people have done about biological parents and children, but if I remember Dominic was interested in David since he first showed up. I just ignored the signs, and who am I to keep them away from each other?

"I don't want you to take him away from me," I whisper. "I don't want him calling anyone else mommy, especially not Kiley."

"I don't think you have to worry about her anymore," David chuckled. I smiled at him with a shake of my head.

"What did you do?" I ask, biting my bottom lip.

"Let's just say she's gone, and a little pissed. Desperate still. But pissed," David explained and wrapped an arm around me. I held in my breath for a moment, then relaxed and leaned against him. Dominic started walking along the shore line, and we both followed behind him.

"So, where does this lead us?" I question, letting out a deep breath.

"Let's just enjoy the now," he answered.

"Always like you, David, never thinking of the future," I tease.

"Just like the other night," he chuckled. I furrowed my brows and he just shook his head, staring at Dominic.

"What do you mean by that?" I stop walking, he just yanked me forward and laughed.

"Come on, Dominic's getting ahead of us," he laughed and ran ahead of me to swoop Dominic in his arms. Both of them fell on the floor softly and a wave came over, slapping them both in the face. I couldn't help but laugh as Dominic jumped on David and tried drowning him in the ocean. Their laughs were the same, ridiculous chuckle that has a squeal to it when they're genuine. Dominic pressed his forehead agianst David's and smiled, staring into his daddy's eyes. An emotion I have never seen him get with Nathaniel. Maybe I was wrong for not telling David all these years?
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Awwwww... :')