We Cant Be Together

Getting To Know The Enemy

“Come on Caroline.” Klaus said as he stood at the door of Caroline's house begging for her to go with him out to eat. “It will be just two friends hanging out. Give me a chance. Get to know me.” Klaus continued a small smile on his face which made Caroline give in, she couldn't help but to agree to go along although she pretended that she didn't want to.

“Alright I'll go with you, but just as friends. Wait not even friends. Uh getting to know the enemy?” Caroline said a small smirk on her face as she quickly grabbed her jacket that was on the stand and slipped it on flipping her light blonde hair over her shoulders then looking back up at Klaus. “Let's go.” She said grabbing his hand, but being extra careful so that she wouldn't entwine their fingers.

She giggled softly, as she let go of his hand then got into the car. She watched as Klaus walked around to the drivers seat and got in as well. “Thanks for deciding to come with.” Klaus said smiling at Caroline. She just nodding smiling back at him. Klaus quickly turned his attention back to the road and started driving to the nearest restaurant.


Caroline was sitting across from Klaus at one of the many booths in the restaurant. She glanced up at him from her menu, “What are you getting?” She questioned a half smile on her face. Klaus chuckled looking up from his menu as well, “I believe I'm going to get one of their steaks.” He said nodding his head as if he was confirming his order. Caroline tilted her head to the side, “Sounds good, I believe I'll get the same.” She smiled at him as the two put down their menu's and Klaus motioned for the waiter to come over to their table.

“Are you two ready to order?” The waiter who looked to be about in his mid thirties asked the two of them. “Yes we are, we would both like one of your steaks with fries.” Klaus ordered for the two of them as Caroline smiled up at the waiter to show that she agreed with what Klaus ordered for her.

“Alright your orders should be out soon.” The waiter said as he jotted down a few things on a piece of paper then stuck the pen back into his pocket. Caroline watched as he walked over to the kitchen, then turned her attention back to Klaus. “So I'm supposed to be getting to know you, Tell me about yourself!” She said motioning for him to start as she took a sip of her sprite.

Klaus smirked as Caroline asked him to tell her about himself, “Well there's a ton of things I could tell you. What would you like to know?” He asked as Caroline thought about it for a second. “What are your hobbies?” She asked even though she didn't know if he had any hobbies other than killing innocent people and ruining peoples lives. She tried her best not to laugh at her thoughts as Klaus began to speak again. “Well I draw and I love to travel.” Klaus told her a smirk on his face. “Really?” She asked shocked by how his hobby's were actually normal, “I always wanted to go to Paris.” She continued a smile on her face.

“I could take you to Paris if you'd like, I've been there many times.” Klaus said widening his eyes because he was glad to be talking about something he enjoyed very much. “Maybe some day.” Caroline said smiling at him.


“Thank you once again for deciding to come with.” Klaus said as he walked Caroline up to the door of her house. “No problem, I had fun.” She said smiling at him. “I'm glad you did, Well I'll see you around Caroline.” He said leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. She blushed a deep red as she quickly opened the door and walked on into the house. “See ya.” She whispered as she closed the door then walked up to her bedroom.

“You can't fall for him Caroline, You can fall for any other guy but him.” Caroline said out loud to herself, as she slipped on her pink pajamas and got into bed burying her head in the blankets.
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I'm excited to start writing this story I've been wanting to write one for the two of them for awhile now. Caroline and Klaus are so perfect together!