First Reunion

Chapter 1

Zacky's P.O.V.
"Mmmm Brian, I'm so tired." I said nuzzling into my boyfriends neck. He smiled, placing his hand on my thigh.
"Then go to sleep baby." He said, laying down a little so I could lay next to him. I smiled. It was nice to have a body pillow. That was an actual body. Who just so happened to belong to my boyfriend.
"Mmmm." He moaned quietly, shutting his eyes and leaning his head agaisnt mine. We we're both about to fall asleep, when suddenly we heard knocking on the door. Brian groaned and slid out of my grip.
"Whadya want?" He whined as he opened the door, to be greeted by Michelle. She saw the tired look on his face, peeked in the room and saw me on the bed. She giggled.
"Awww were you two sleeppiiiinnn?" She giggle again.
"Just about to." said Brian.
"Oh, well sorry. But Matt wanted me to tell you that you guys are going to some high school in Mt. Pleasant, MI this friday. So be prepared to spend a day in a teenage girl infested building." She smiled.
"Great, thats...just..fucking great." Brian said, leaning against the door and rubbing his temples.
"Theres actually....something else." Michelle said, hesitantly. I opened my eyes and propped my head up on my elbow.
"Is there some magic repelent that will make teenage girls NOT want to hit on us?!" I joked.
"Uhm..." Michelle gulped. " you remember in high school...when pregnant?"
Brians eyes widened, and his face went pale. He stood straight up and gulped.
"You know I put the baby up for adoption right?"
"Of course."
"Well...our...child...goes to that highschool." Michelle bit her lip.
"Whoa!" I said now walking over to the two. "You two had a BABY? And you didn't tell anyone? When did this happen? Is it a boy or a girl? What are we gonna do when we see it? Are you two going to take custody of it? Or just let 'em walk around not knowing their parents their whole life?" I said enraged, amused, anxious, and saddened all at the same time. I looked over at Brian, whos lips were now quivering. He gulped and sat on the ground, right there.
Michelle finally closed our hotel room door, and both her and I sat next to Brian, comforting him.
"Brian, calm down. I'll explain it all. Just breathe." She sighed. "Okay, first. This was back in highschool. When things were just starting. You know it's the first time for everyone to have sex. And well...I got pregnant. We were too young to have a baby. So we put HER. Yes, I said her. Up for adoption. And we haven't seen her ever since." She said, giving a sigh of releif after she had explained it all.
"But what are we all gonna do? I mean, with me and Brian being together...and she doesn't even KNOW us. We don't even know HER." I said, gripping Brians hand reasurringly.
"I don't know...what do you want to do?" She asked Brian, finally letting him into the convorsation again.
"I say...that if we see her tomorrow. Then we tell her. Then it's up to her what she wants to do. Whether it be live with us. Or live with Michelle. Or stay in the orphanage." He said quietly.
"Plus, with us being neighbors and still really close friends. She wouldn't have to put up with parents who fight all the time. Unless you and Zacky fight alot. So if she wanted to stick around I wouldn't mind. Would you two?" Michelle asked.
"I wouldn't mind, I'd love to see how the little MiniBri has grown up." I said, taking all this news better than I thought I would.
"I...I don't know. I mean...we..actually have...a DAUGHTER. This" Brian said, still somewhat in a state of shock. "But..I can't wait to see her." He said, smiling for the first time this whole night.
"Then it's decided!" Michelle smiled while getting up to leave. She opened the door, quickly turned around and giggled. "By the way, you two are SO cute together." She said before quickly leaving.
"Wait! Michelle!" Brian called, quickly going after her.
"Wha?" She asked.
"What's her name?"
"Theresia Havens." They smiled together. Michelle turned back and headed back to her room, as did Brian. We both got on the bed and resumed laying together.
Brian sighed heavily. "I have a daughter." He smiled. I hugged him tightly.
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This is a story I literally JUST came up with. So i'm not trying to hard with it. But if people like it, i'll keep writing. Sorry if it sucks, it's really spur of the moment.