First Reunion

Chapter 3

Syn's P.O.V.
"H-h-h-h-h-" Haley stuttered, as Zacky sat down next to her. I sat next to Theresia, and Jimmy and Matt took the other two girls chairs. They had moved to a different table for some unknown reason.
"Skir....speak WORDS!" Theresia said while trying to hold in her giggle.
"H-h-hi." She said to Zacky.
"Skir calm...the hell down." Theresia said.
"Dude, shut the fuck up! You'd be doing the same thing if Syn was sitting next...." She said fading away as she realized that I was infact, sitting right next to Theresia. Her eyes widened.
"What? What are you looking at?" Theresia asked as she turned and saw me sitting next to her. Her eyes widened also, they both continued to look around the table and take in the reality that we were all sitting right next to them.
"Is this really happening?" Haley asked. Theresia only nodded, even though it was clear that Haley wasn't lookin at her.
"Theresia, fucking....say something." Haley said now lookin at my daughter. I smiled. She was my daughter. I wish I could have been there to watch her grow up. She seems really sweet. Theresia smiled and looked at Haley.
"Ya know what I just realized?" She asked.
"Wha?" Haley replied.
"I only had 2 cups of coffee this morning."
"How can you be thinkin about coffee right now?! Of ALL THINGS! I mean Avenged Sevenfold is sitting....right infront of us. And you're thinkin"
"I...don't know." She replied simply.
"Well now you've proved it. You've passed the addiction test! Now we can begin the detoxification process! Way to go." Haley replied. Honestly, I was suprised. I mean a lot of girls their age don't even know words like 'detoxification'. All the girls here, i've heard so far talk about is hot guys and shopping and what's the next hottest video on MTV.
"But..but...some people DIE from detox symptoms! I..I don't wanna die!" Theresia said jokingly. "Besides! One: I NEVER said I wanted to quit. And two: I am NOT an addict." She said in a 'matter-of-fact' tone.
"Oh sure you're not." Haley said sarcastically.
"Skiiiirrrrr..." Theresia whined.
"Why do you call her Skir?" Jimmy asked.
"Whoa! I forgot you guys were here!" Theresia giggled.
"Well, my last name is Skirpan. And in 7th grade, our science teacher started calling me Skir. So it just stuck from then on." Skir smiled, proudly.
"Do you have a nick name?" Zacky asked Theresia.
"Yeah it's Ze-" Skir began but was cut off by Theresia quickly covering her mouth with her hand.
"It's nothing..." She smiled. Skir gave her a 'what-the-fuck?' look. Zacky laughed a little.
"Skir, what are you making?"
"A transvestite...bride..!" She said while giggling uncontrollabley. "It's gonna marry Theresia's monkey."
"Hey! It's not a monkey! It's a GUY in a monkey SUIT. But he does have a pet monkey. Would you rather those two marry instead?" Theresia said with a completely serious face. We all broke out in laughter.
"I wonder what their babies would look like!" I said while laughing.
"Oh how nice of you to join the convorsation Mr. Gates!" Theresia said in a very proper accent.
"Oh yes, it is indeed lovely here." I said in the same voice.
"Oh indeed!" Theresia said while pretending to rub a beard that she DIDN'T have.
Zacky's P.O.V.
I smiled as I looked over at Syn and Theresia who were laughing together. My god, there was no WAY they weren't related. She's just like him. I looked over at Jimmy and Skir who were also laughin with each other. They both had such evil laughs. They're also, deffinately father and daughter. Everyone paused, (Except Jimmy and Skir) and watched them laugh together.
"What?" Skir asked, as they finally settled down. "Why's everyone staring at us?"
"Oh well gee, I don't know." Theresia said slightly mockingly.
"What did you just say?!" Skir asked. Theresia bit her lip.
"Nothing." She said giggling.
"Are you laughin at me?" Skir said, also trying to to giggle.
"Of course not! I would never!" Theresia said, pretending to gasp. She quickly turned to Syn and smiled. "Can I poke you?" She asked.
"You have A.D.D." Skir pointed out.
"Uhhhh sure." Syn said and watched as Theresia poked his knee.
"Class! Watch the time! If you're painting please start cleaning up." Mrs. Smith called out to the class. We all watched as the girls cleaned up their things. When they were done they sat back down at the table and waited for the bell to ring.
"So what are you guys going to do for the next two hours?" Theresia asked. Then I remembered that there were only two hours until LUNCH TIME!
"Well the principle told us that the gym was going to be free for those two hour, and no one was gonna be in there. So we thought we might as well hang around in there. Maybe play some basketball." Matt replied.
"Oh wow, that sounds almost as entertaining as MY morning." Skir said sarcastically. Then the bell rang. Everyone filed out of the class room, and we followed the girls to their lockers. Which just so happened to be right next to each other.
"Riiight, so why are you following us again?" Skir asked. "NOT that I'm complaining or anything...just curious."
"Because we love you!" I said in a baby voice. After I said that Skir couldn't get the smile off of her face. We all said our good-byes and headed off in our seperate directions. We got to the gym and Jimmy and Matt immediately grabbed a basketball and started playing.
My arms connected around Brians neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Pressing our chests together, he smiled.
"I met my daughter." He said quietly.
"Yeah, and Jimmy's. Which is freakishly ironic that they're best friends." I said smiling.
"Yeah, they seem sweet though. We have to find a way to spend more time with them." He said. I nodded and kissed the base of his neck, and resting my head on his shoulder. I wondered what Theresia would she found out that Brian was her dad, or when she saw us together. That's when it hit me. I gulped and looked up into Brians eyes.
"What? Zacky? Are you okay, babe?" He asked, with a concerned look on his face.
"W-what...what if she's a homophone?"
Brians eyes widened, and he gulped.
"I don't know..." He said quietly.
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god, i had to RE-DO this chapter 'cause my computer deleted it the FIRST TIME. so sorry for the shittyness again.