First Reunion

Chapter 4

Syn’s P.O.V.

I was really worried if Theresia was a homophobe or not. So Zacky and I decided to try and find out at lunch time. We walked into the cafeteria around 11 and saw Theresia and Haley sitting at one table. They looked so happy. Laughing and eating their disgusting school lunches. We walked and sat down next to them, being quiet we tried to catch a little bit of their conversation.

“Oh really!?” Theresia said. Jokingly, she sounded outraged.

“Yah really. Didn’t you know tha- Oh hey freaks!” She happily greeted us.

“Well that’s not very nice.” Said Zacky.

“Oh I’m just kidding. I call everyone freaks. Even people I don’t know.” Haley said. Some random person walked by and she yelled “Freak!” at them. They looked completely and utterly confused and just went on their way. Theresia burst out in giggles.

”Damn, you are so easily entertained.” Haley said to her.

“Are you telling me I can be pooping and warm!?” Some random girl said as she came and sat at our table. Haley and Theresia started laughing so hard, they had to cover their mouths to keep from snot and power aid from flying out.

“Myra, meet Syn and Zacky. Syn and Zacky, meet Myra.” Haley said, still laughing a little.

“Dude holy shit! How did I not know that you were coming to our school!? What the fuck!? What?! This is insane!” Said Myra.

Theresia was sent into another fit of laughter.

“Shee-it, yo.” She said, attempting to be gangster.

“Hey kids. I have a question to ask you.” I said randomly cutting into the conversation.

“Shoot.” They said in unison.

“Uhm…you guys aren’t…homophobes are you?” I asked. They all look at eachother, and burst out laughing. I looked at Zacky confusedly, as he looked back at me with the same look of confusion as me.

“Uhm, I think we’re missing something.” Zacky said.

“Well…I hope none of us are homophobes. Because ninety-nine percent of this table are…bisexual.” Haley between laughs.

“Who’s the other one percent? And are they completely gay or completely straight?” I asked. Haley looked at Theresia, not expecting her to answer because she was still in her fit of laughter.

”Theresia’s the other one percent. And she’s straight. But she’s completely cool with people who are bi and gay. Otherwise she wouldn’t be hanging out with us! Isn’t that right?” Haley said. Theresia laughter slowly seized.

“Isn’t what right? What am I agreeing to now?” Theresia asked confusedly.

“Just say, that’s right.”

”That’s right. What’s right!?”

“You’re not a homophobe!” Haley said.

“Duh. Otherwise I wouldn’t love gay smu….” Theresia said, fading away, looking around and fake coughing a bit.

”Gay what?” Zacky said, holding his hand to his hear. Pretending as if we didn’t very well know that she was going to say smut.

“Gay..smu…smu..smootches! Yeah. Smootches. They’re so cute. Lil’ gay kisses. I wish I could just sit and watch them all the time. Smootches. Yeah. I meant smootches.” Theresia said quickly looking at Skir.

“She meant smootches.” Haley said.

“I meant smootches.” Theresia said nodding quickly. She coughed again. “Dudes! What are we gonna do tonight!?” She said quickly changing the subject. Everyone at the table shrugged.

“What’s tonight?” Zacky said curiously.

“You didn’t know? It’s the last day of school! We have to celebrate!” Myra said.

“You kids could come hang out with us for a bit. I mean, if you wanted.” I said, as I watched all their jaws drop. Smiles quickly spread across their faces.

”Hell yeah!” They said as they high fived each other.

“So who all is coming?” I asked. They looked around and Theresia and Skir both raised their hands.

“Alright! Now that’s what I call a party!” Jimmy said as he walked up to the table we were all sitting at. We all smiled at eachother. We all tried to wait the rest of the day as patiently as we could.

“I think we should tell them tonight.” I whispered in Zacky’s ear. He looked at me with a ‘as-long-as-you-think-you’re-ready’ look and nodded.

After school, we all piled into our limo and went off to the hotel.
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sorry this is poopy again, it was like 3 in the morning when i finished it and iwas sick so i suck right now. XPP