Status: Active SO BE PATIENT LIFE IS FRIST .....i will update when my brain works

In Love With You

New life

Huntington,California. I never In my whole life would think I would be here. But I came and do you know why Because of my father. Yes him, 3 years ago my mother died of cancer. It was to late before we found it. Her death was the hardest thing EVER but to my father it completely destroyed him. Since then he had found his comfort in beating me, his only daughter. I took beating after beating but No more. He went to far I have had enough. So the only think I could do was Run away to the place I always wanted to be Huntington California.

I took my black and neon purple guitar my mother gave me before she passes and slung it over my shoulder,grabbed the 3000 dollar my my saving account and birthdays shit like that and left. Don't look back I told myself, This is my escape from hell,from the place I once called home.

4 hours later I was in California. SWEET YELLOW PEELED BANANAS Im here I thought.
Hope I dd the right thing. "TAXI" I yelled and soon a bright yellow cab pulled in front of me.

"Where to miss?" The driver asked.

"Huntington" I said as I laid my head on the window looking outside. I watch kids laughing with there families,couples in love. I wish I could be like then,to just have someone hold me and say they loved me and really mean it but no I don't have that kind of luck.

"Miss where here" The driver said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you. How much" I said looking through my purse for money.

"19.23" He said

I pulled a 20 out and gave it to him.

"Keep the change" I said as a exited the cab.

Well I thought to myself its now or never.
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First story Im writing...
please tell me If anything is wrong....Your opinion make me a better writer.