Status: Finished

I Know It's Hard to Fall

Chapter 14

Ripley just grabbed her empty plate and got up. As she was walking away, she whispered yes. She threw away her trash in the trash can that was at the edge of the concrete patio that surrounded the in ground pool. “Did you just say yes?” Brian asked with a smile. Ripley just smiled and Brian got up and ran towards Ripley. Brian lost his balance as his body collided with Ripley’s when he attacked her in a hug, which caused the both of them to fall into the deep end of the pool. When they resurfaced, everyone was around the edge of the pool. “Is everything okay?” Matt asked
“Everything’s just fine” Ripley said
“What happened?” Zacky asked
“Well I attacked her into a hug and I guess the force caused us to fall into the pool” Brian said

“Why would you attack her into a hug?” Jimmy asked
“She said yes. She said she’ll finally be my girlfriend. And we can end this vicious game we were playing” Brian said
“You mean I have to stop teasing you and making you want me? Ha you’re funny. That game’s not ending, far too much fun to” Ripley laughed while floating in the water. “But the game about not having feelings for you was just to show you how it hurts to get lied to. And how it seemed like you didn’t care about the fact that to tell you how I felt took a lot of courage. People don’t like it when they place their heart on the table, and they watch people they care about stab it with a fiery dagger. But that’s all over now because I’m your girlfriend now” Ripley said
“Good. It’s about fucking time” Johnny said

“So when’s the wedding?” Jimmy asked with a smile
“Funny, real funny. I just got her to become my girlfriend. Give it a year or two before I propose to her. And add a year to that and that’s when we’ll have the wedding” Brian said
“Glad to see you have that all planned out” Ripley said
“What?” Brian asked confused
“Nothing; just glad that we don’t have to have another nasty game when it comes to marriage. That’s all” Ripley said
“Oh, right” Brian said
“You really got a winner there” Zacky said
“if you hurt her, I’m gunna kill ya” Matt said
“No need to worry, I’m not gunna be hurting her at all. I’ve realized she’s all I need” Brian said

“Only took you to break someone’s heart to see that” Johnny said
“Want a broken face?” Brian asked
“Be nice to him. You guys are always picking on him. Besides he left out calling me a whore” Ripley said
“ARGH! I SAID I WAS SORRY!” Brian said frustrated
“You can say sorry as much as you want. And I can accept the apology as many times as I want. Doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt. But that’s in the past now. I’m with Brian and I plan on being with him for a while” Ripley said
“Good because I plan on being with you for a while” Brian said. They both got out of the pool and wrapped a towel around themselves. Brian had more of an issue being wet than Ripley was.

The atmosphere had changed. Everyone could feel the small dark cloud that followed the group disappear. It was calm and relaxing around them. To Ripley, it felt right for them to be together. Brian felt calm. He didn’t have any frustration as he had while Ripley and him were playing that vicious game. He feels happy, like he wants to smile all the time. Brian watched Ripley the whole evening with a smile upon his face. Ripley was making it easy for him, she kept teasing him. But he enjoyed it now instead of being pissed off about it. Ripley spent the night over Brian’s house, only because it made Brian stop begging for her to sleep over. She slept well in his embrace, and enjoyed being around him. Brian was in bliss having Ripley cuddle with him and knowing that either of them are going to fight or call each other names in the morning. It’s how it’s supposed to be.


Years have passed since Ripley and Brian started dating. They are now married and have a child on the way. Ravyn is now engaged to Tom Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel and when he can, he spends his time with Ravyn. He feels relaxed in America and glad that America doesn’t have the crazy fangirls that Germany has. Ripley and Ravyn’s business is doing great, especially since everyone knows that’s were Avenged Sevenfold get all their stuff. Life is good. And despite all the rumors that went around Jimmy survived his accidental overdose. The doctor wrote it wrong, which nearly killed him. He’s alive and well. It’s a rockin’ world out there and these people know how to live it up.
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I'm sorry if the ending sucks. But i mean they are together, so bascially the meaning behind the story (which is a vicious game of hiding their feelings) is done, then the story is done. So I am sorrry that it might not have ended the way you wanted it to, but i would like to thank everything for all the positive comments i got about it. It really makes me feel good about myself and my write skils. So thank you everyone, it means so much to me.