Decadent Blood Scents

The Meeting

The man in the white hat walks over the muscle men and he looks upwards in the room upstairs. There is a long oval shaped window in which he can see his target. The men upstairs are oblivious to the mayhem that has just occurred downstairs. The man in the white hat knows the glass is either bullet proof or sound proof. Taking an easy shot here will not work.

He steps over bodies and retrieves the security guards gun and nightstick. The gun is also a revolver, six shots then he is out. He pockets the .38 and slides the nightstick in his belt. He reaches for the doorknob as he hears the woman in red still singing her songs of death. He makes a glance at her and see's she is smiling at him. Her teeth are fangs and here eyes are solid black. She still sings as she smiles and he is not sure how it is possible and at the same time he knows he will have to end her when he is finished upstairs.

He turns back and opens the door. The stairs are made of glass and have human organs underneath them. They are like a gut aquarium, spleens and lungs stick to them. He walks upstairs silently and stops at the door to listen. He hears three different men talking inside the room. Their voices are a mix of shattered glass and a snakes hiss. He slowly brings the revolver out and gently turns the doorknob. The door opens and he see's five men inside.

There is a man standing in the center of the room gagging. The gagging man is tied to a metal webbing. His arms have been removed violently. All that remains is torn flesh and snapped bone. His left arm stops just below the shoulder and has a loose piece of muscle hanging where his bicep should be. The gagging mans chest is torn and held open by six metal hooks. There is a short man standing in front of him playing with the gagging mans insides. The gagging man slowly stops gagging as the short man removes a chunk of his organs.

There is now four men. His target is sitting in a chair to the right of the now dead gagging man. There is a very large man sleeping in a chair across from his target and a man with no eyes sitting at a desk. He aims the revolver at the short man and fires. The bullet pierces the short mans throat spraying blood into the dead gagging mans open chest cavity. He then aims and fires two shots at the very large man hitting him in the stomach and groin. When the bullet hit the large mans groin he saw chunks of flesh and blood splatter the mans pants. The very large man is now grabbing his crotch crying.

The man in the white hat fires another shot hitting the man with no eyes just above the nose. The man with no eyes skull caves in as the bullet passes through and leaves a large black tar like splatter on the wall behind. The man in the white hat removes the nightstick from his belt and in one sharp move cracks the target below the jaw with it as he fires another shot in the very large mans head. A small explosion of blood and brains covers the man in the white hat's pants leg. He grabs his target and throws him to the wall with the oval window.

The target body hits the wall and he coughs up the same black tar the man with no eyes had splattered behind him when the man in the white hat blew his face in. The man in the white hat starts to continuously beat the target to death. He strikes him blow after blow. Black tar starts to spray the wall and floor. The target is screaming now as the man in the white hat laughs. He doesn't just giggle as he beats him to death, he full out cackles as he turns him to pulp.

The man in the white hat's arms are getting covered in black tar as is the front of him. The target is almost dead now. The man in the white hat removes a pocket knife and a freezer bag. He unfolds the knife and smiles a large smile as he stabs into the targets neck. He saws through the targets neck cutting flesh as black tar pours out. He cuts through the throat to the spine. The targets head now hangs against his back, black tar pumping out. The man in the black hat snaps the spine and bags the targets head.

Noticing his hands are covered in the targets black tar like blood he licks them clean, gasping between each swallow like a person enjoying their first cup of coffee in the morning. After he is done he attaches the bag with the targets head to his belt. He slides the nightstick in his belt and readies the pistols. He looks out the oval window and see's the woman in red looking at him, licking her fangs.