Decadent Blood Scents

Demons Dance

Her smile turned in to a deep growl that sounded like a tigers roar. The man in the white hat stepped over the remains of his target and paced himself as he descended down the stairs of guts. As he reached the open are of the building he noticed the only thing that remained of his previous victims were now a pile of bones on the floor. There was a separate pile of clothes directly next to the bones.

He searched the room with his gaze for the woman in red but he didn't see her. The room was silent as he slowly crept forward looking in every direction for her. It was to late for him to react when she bit into his back. She was somewhere on a wall waiting for him to come out so she could do just that. She bit him hard enough that she bit through muscle.

She ran to the center of the room and laughed. He fired both guns at her. One bullet hit her in the knee, it exploded her leg open and she screamed. The second broke skin below her left breast, cracking a rib on impact. The woman in red coughed up black tar as she hit the floor on both knees. The man in the white hat stepped forward and stopped. His vision started to dance and he started to feel weak. The woman in red laughed as he tried to walk towards her. He dropped the guns as he fell into a table.

Pulling out the nightstick he used it to help lift himself back up. He was maybe three feet from her now. He took a step and with all his might he shoved the nightstick down her throat all the way to his fist. He held it in her throat as she gargled and hacked black tar up. He then swiftly kicked her in the gunshot wound on her leg. She fell forward and he grabbed her head in his free hand. With a quick motion he broke her neck and turned her head backwards.

He pulled out the nightstick from her mouth and as he did chunks of chewed flesh and tar came out. Staggering and falling he made his way to the exit. Outside it was raining hard which made his vision even worse.Across the street there were people dressed in solid white. They stared at him as he stumbled out falling into a car. The car broke the rains rhythmic sound as its alarm sounded off. He fell against the wall of the brick building and rested there for a minute.

His left hand felt around in his pockets and retrieved a lighter and his half empty pack of Lucky Strike's. He brought one to his tar stained lips and lit it inhaling the smoke with a long deep breath. As he exhaled he realized the nicotine rush did not improve his sight at all but in fact worsened it drastically. Now the world spun before him like something from a tequila binge drinking session. He turned his head to cough and threw up.

After six long heaves of vomiting black tar on the tan concrete he decided it was time to leave. He remembered the bag with the targets head in it and reached for it. He unzipped the bag pulled out the head and then drank the black tar that had seeped from the targets severed head.

He then made his way down the side walk to his Buick and opened the passenger side door. He tossed the head into the back seat and sat in the seat. He opened the glove box and removed the cell phone from it. Flipping it open he pressed 6#9#21. The operator picked up but before she could say anything he said "Been poisoned" and then he fainted.