Decadent Blood Scents

Black Tar Hangover

The man in the white hat awoke to the scent of mildew and decay. He could not move his arms or legs. His eyes tried adjusting to the dim lit room. There were boards covering windows and the walls hard chunks missing. Water drops pelted him in the face and chest running down his cheek. To his left were jars filled with formaldehyde and organs. One was filled with eyes while others had non human fingers.

A grotesque deep blue face was in one. It had fish like scales for skin that shined in the dim light. The face was just that a face carved from its owner. The smell of the room was intense. Mildew and death mixed with blood and feces. A picture hung on the wall showing a man in a white mask and doctors garb.

He had heard of a place like this and upon remembering the stories he gained strength to free himself. He was shackled to a metal table much like a veterinarian table. The shackles were rusted and the left one was loose. His mouth tasted like vomit and sand. He lifted his left wrist and slammed it to the table just as he did he heard crying from far away.

The cries turned to screams and then to gurgles. They stopped abruptly as he knew the person was dead. He heard a wet stabbing sound with spatters and cracks. He slammed the shackle down again as it shattered to the floor. He now heard footsteps clacking on the floor coming closer to him as he tried so hard to remove the others.

Just as he removed the shackle from his right wrist the man in the picture walked into the room. He held a large scalpel in his hand and he was covered in red blood. He smiled at the man in the white hat as he traced his body with his eyes almost as if he was getting turned on. The man in the picture walked forward to the man in the white hat slowly and started to giggle as he approached him.

The man in the picture slammed the scalpel into the man in the white hat's right shoulder pinning him to the table. He walked around to a large counter and started to remove tools from drawers. The man in the white hat grabbed the scalpel and slowly removed it from his shoulder. He felt warm and sticky as blood gushed from his wound.

The man in the white hat loosened the shackles holding his feet with the scalpel as the man in the picture prepped for his surgery. The man in the white hat stood from the table and encroached on the man in the picture with scalpel in hand. He lifted it above his head and brought it down swiftly into the man in the picture's neck chopping his head almost completely off.

He kept chopping away at the man in the picture till all that was left was chunks of flesh and bits of bone He grabbed the man in the picture's head and watched as red blood dripped from his severed neck. He tossed the head and heard the hollow thump as it hit the wall.
He opened the door in which the man in the picture entered and found himself in a room with twenty more tables with things cuffed to them. Three more people dressed exactly like the man in the picture lunged for him.