Decadent Blood Scents

Gag Reflex

The shrieking grew stronger in the still night as the creature tried to pick itself up. The man in the white hat coughed up blood as he awoke from his bloody slumber. He went to move but winced as he felt flesh tear around his ribs. His hand was jammed in the steering wheel and was most definitely broken. His middle finger was bent backwards in an almost U-shape. The stench of death was stronger now.

The targets head lay directly under his right arm. He stared at it for a long minute until another shriek hit the air, he then grabbed it and tore a hole in the top of the bag. He gagged down the flesh jelly along with chunks of brain and black tar. Once he drained the bag he spit up a few chunks of skull fragments. Retching he could feel his bones being reset. He sat up and pushed his rib back in his chest as blood spurted over his right hand.

Outside of the car lay a deformed looking creature trying to crawl away. It was at least eight foot tall and weighed every bit of 400 pounds. Its skin was bright red and it had reindeer antlers and hoofs. Its teeth were at least a foot long with razor sharp tips. The head alone was at least three foot in length and two in width. He stepped out of the car and pulled out the gun, cocking the hammer back.

He fired three rounds into the creatures head and not a one did anything to it. The man in the white hat walked to his trunk and opened it. He removed a blowtorch, lighting it as he walked towards the creature. He turned it on full power and began torching the creatures enormous head off. Green goop spurted out and hissed as the torch burned through its red skin.

He was only two inches in when he noticed this thing bleeds a lot. There was a four foot puddle of green goop forming around him and had stained his pants. He caught a glimpse of something bright coming his way. It was a security vehicle with an officer in the front seat. He pulled out the gun and fired twice into the cars windshield. Both bullets hit there mark, one in the face and the other in the chest.

The car sped up and angled itself for the man in the white hat. He dodged the car just as it hit the creature, severing its head from the body with the impact. Green goop poured out of the creature like a river. The man in the white hat opened the security cars door and removed the dead guy letting his body fall out.

He opened the trunk and threw the red creatures head in it followed by the bag of heads and the targets head. He jumped in the drivers seat just in time to see another red creature standing in the road ahead. He turned on the engine, threw it in drive and gunned it in the opposite direction. Passing the sign reading "Dead Town Ahead" without reading it.