Status: not finished

We Meet Again, Stranger

Batty C is my name

It’s been a week now since me and Chris have been reunited and we have hung out pretty much every day and he has yet to show me his band mates, I met up with the twins Georgia Feltham and Amber Feltham they both were in my dance group we headed to the dance studio.

“I can’t believe you’ve found your childhood friend” Amber said smiling
“Neither can I” I said thinking
“You’ll have to introduce us to him” Georgia said smiling
“I will he’s in a band and he has yet to introduce me to them” I said chuckling

We just carried on talking and having a good old laugh as we normally do.

~Chris’s pov~

I sat with the guys we had nothing to do so I guess I could text Georgia see what she’s doing and introduce them to her I still had to introduce them to her I texted her.

Me – What you up to right now?
Georgia – nothing much really just at the dance studio with mates, why?
Me – I just wanted to know what you were doing really see you later?
Georgia – right ok

I smile to myself and looked to the guys.

“Hey want to go meet my childhood friend” I asked smiling
“Well yeah bout time we seen her we’ve heard a load about her” Rob said smiling
“Right come on then” I said clapping my hands getting up

We all got our shoes on and headed out the house and to the dance studio, we soon got there music was blaring we got down the stairs we walked into see Georgia and two girls who looked like twins dancing to get sexy by the sugababes they were all wearing trackies and a tight crop top showing off their bodies.

“Damn look at the middle one whoo she’s fine” Rob said grinning
“That’s Georgia” I said laughing
“Jesus you got to tap that Chris” Rob said grabbing my shoulder
“She’s my child hood friend we were like bestfriends why would I be interested in fucking her” I said chuckling
“You’re a boy and plus so what if she’s you’re best friend doesn’t mean you can’t score” Rob said smiling

I shook my head smiling.

~My pov~

We didn’t notice Chris and some guys appear we just continued to dance to the sugababes we started to laugh we stopped dancing.

“Damn look we’ve got a crowd” Amber said

I looked to see Chris I smile and three other men.
“Damn is one them Chris” Georgia asked
“Yeah the one in the checkered shirt” I said looking at Georgia
“Girl you’ve got to get with him man he’s gorgeous” Amber said smiling
“Girls really he’s my childhood mate” I said smiling
“Come on let’s go talk to them” Georgia said smiling

We walked over to Chris and the guys.

“Hi Chris and who are you’re mates are these your band members I was meant to meet like days ago” I asked smiling
“Yeah” Chris said smiling
“Well hey I’m Georgia or George that’s what most people call me” I said smiling
“I’m Rob” The very short hair one said smiling
“Rory” The one with short curly hair said waving
“Roughton but call me Rou” The one with little beard said smiling
“I’m Georgia yeah another Georgia” Georgia said smiling
“And I’m amber were both twins as you might guessed” Amber said grinning
“How would you girls like to play some rounder’s” Rob asked
“Ain’t that going to be bit hard” I asked
“Why would it be hard” Chris asked bubbled
“Well ok unfair three girls on boys you’d so win” I said smiling
“We’ll work it out don’t worry” Chris said smiling
“Scared we’d beat you” Rob said smiling
“From what I remember I was shit at rounder’s” I said thinking
“You were pretty shit” Chris said joking
“Well were going to get changed first” Amber said
“Yeah” Both me and Georgia said smiling

We walked off ok here we are up to a challenge to playing rounder’s with Chris, Rob, Rory and Rou.

Hour later,

We were at the park setting up the rounder’s game we were so going to lose but we can’t show the boys that we are feeling like losers already.
“What’s that song I’m feeling ten feet tall” Amber asked
“Champion by clement Marfo and the frontline” I said smiling
“Yeah that’s it” Amber said grinning
“Why” I asked
“Well guys guess what” Amber shouted to the guys
“What” Rou asked smiling
“We’re feeling ten feet tall unstoppable we’re the champions, champions, champions” Amber sang smiling
“Why you coming back for more we’re undefeatable we’re the champions, champions, champions” Georgia sang grinning
“We’ll see we’ll see” Rob said laughing

I shook my head laughing here comes their hard headed thoughts of being able to take on everything, we were fielding first Amber was bowling while me and Georgia fielded Rory was up first he batted the ball quite damn hard I ran after the ball and threw it to amber who didn’t catch it damn they got a rounder they were cheering and getting all excited I shake my head this is going to be a long day.

“Not so hot headed are we now” Rob said smiling
“Shut up we will win” Amber said pouting

We got ready for Rob’s bat he soon hit the ball and started to run Georgia chased for the ball and threw it to me I caught it and knocked the post one out.

“Sucker” Amber joked laughing
“I’ll get you back” Rob said smiling

We carried on playing the game with laughs and giggles.


We decided to have a rest from rounders and just chill in the sun and to say it we lost the guys won but we lost by one off.

“It was a draw” I said smiling
“You lost” Chris said smiling
“Draw” I said back
“Lost” Chris argued back
“We drew Christopher” I said just to bug him
“You lost you were always a sore ass loser” Chris said smiling
“Not as bad as you batty c” I said nudging him
“Batty c” Rou quizzed
“Yeah that’s what I gave him as a nickname” I said smiling
“Weird” Rou said smiling
“Hey Georgia want to get some ice cream” Chris asked
“And how old are you” I asked smiling
“Like five years old god but will you please” Chris begged smiling
“Let me think about it” I said smiling
“Please it’ll be your favourite minty chocolate fudge vanilla cream ice-cream” Chris said smiling
“Sure why not you big baby” I joked laughing

Chris smiles and we walked off waving to the guys and heading off to the ice-cream shop.

Little later,

We got big tub of minty chocolate fudge vanilla cream ice-cream and shared it between each other we sat at the window table in the shop.

“I still haven’t told my mum that I’ve found you and shit” I said looking outside
“Really neither have I so don’t worry” Chris said smiling
“Hey tomorrow I’m going to a family do thing and was wondering if you wanted to come they said a friend can come so do you” I asked smiling
“I would love to but I better find out by the guys whether we have got anything on but I’m sure I can” Chris said smiling
“Call because I’m sure it would make my mum absolutely happy to see you” I said smiling
“How are you and your mum’s relationship” Chris asked
“Fine thanks I did seem bit more distant from her when I moved to Keynsham” I said looking to Chris
“Me and my mum got bit distant too and we argued a bit more than before” Chris said looking down
“But are you both alright now” I asked
“Yeah we’re just fine now” Chris said looking to me
“Good” I said smiling

We just continued are conversation and devouring down our ice-cream we walked out and headed in different directions but obviously saying bye to each other tomorrow will be an event of a life time for me, for us both.
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I hope you liked it and get some comments rolling in.

I know it's a short chapter I'm goingto make chapter 4 longer.