Status: Andy/Ashley/Jinxx/Jake/Cc and a girl called Annie

The Tears

My Pride

The beep of my alarm rang through my head as my body tried to function, i look in the mirror and only saw a sad lonely person stare back at me.
" your week" i whispered to myself in shame
" no your not" the person in the mirror spoke back, staring at the person in the mirror, i shook my head.
" I'm going insane" i said loudly

I pulled my BVB ticket off my wall and chucked it in my bag, grabbing a BVB top and black ripped skinny jeans, i put them on and did my makeup.
I teased my hair, walking down the stairs into the kitchen i noticed my front door open.
Hold on, i thought to myself, i saw a shadow move in the lounge, i froze, is this the day i die. ?
"she's here i can feel it" shit shit shit, it's them, i new it, i slowly made my way to the door and ran out.
My neighbor Ms. Charlie gave me a weird look as i ran past.
I jumped into my car and started the engine, the rumble made the men run out of my house, i started to drive when one of them tried to grab onto my car.
"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE" i shouted as i swerved so he would let go.
he drop onto the road, i watched him get up as i drove away.
My breathing was out of control when i could focus on it, i looked in my rear vision mirror to see if anyone was following me.
" they won't find you, not under my watch" my reflection said
"please i can't deal with you right now, besides your not real, so GO AWAY" i shouted at the mirror.


"god I'm so excited" i said in the middle of the crowd, i was shaking like a leaf.
" me too" someone said next to me, a fairly pretty girl with these amazing golden eyes.
" yeah, i can't believe I'm in the front row"
" yeah it's so exciting, we get to see Andy up close and personal" she smiled big.
I smiled a little and nodded, we heard a guitar start to play (knives and pens).
I saw Jinxx and Jake jump up on stage and rock it.
Ashley walked on from the other side and smiled at me for screaming the loudest,
Andy came out from nowhere and made me faint, he scared the shit out of me.
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so what do u think
comment if u like :)

this story's gonna get so wiled <3