Status: Andy/Ashley/Jinxx/Jake/Cc and a girl called Annie

The Tears

My Confused Little Mind Makes Me Want To Cry

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" i screamed from my sleep, i heard someone rush into the mini lounge were i slept.
"Annie, Annie..." the voice rang through my head.
"mm" i groaned as i opened my wiry eyes, Andy eyes made me jump in surprise.

A little squeak came from my lips as i leaped 10 feet in the air.

"GOD,CLAM DOWN, i was just seeing if you we're ok, i heard you scream" Andy said in a panic from my reaction.
"i screamed" god sometimes i confuse myself to much.
"yeah, we're you having a bad dream or something?" he asked
"no... i don't think" he gave me a weird look i can't really explain, it was just one of those typical Andy looks, you know...

" well it's 8:00am so we should stay up we had to get up in 3 minutes anyway" he complained
"right..." i walked past him straight to the fridge.

searching through the food i saw the town we where in, FUCK, no, anywhere but here.
i started tugging at my hair.

"are you ok Annie" Andy approached me from behind, he turned me around so i would face him.
"what" he asked "what's wrong"?
" they'll find me Andy, i have some very bad people after me and there Boss lives in this town, TELL ME your not performing here" i gave him a look of fear.
" no we're not performing here, Annie if you have some bad people after you, tell the police, surly they can't do anything about that"
"Andy, they control the police, they are the police, and I'm there main target, they want to kill me, I'm going to die" i started to cry, as much as i do wish my life was over, i don't want to die a cold and lonly death beside the devil himself.

Andy pulled me into a hug, Ashley must of heard me cry because next thing i new he was patting me on the back and asking me what's wrong.

"Ash, we got to help her, she's in danger" Ashley's face went pale.
"W-What, why?" i think I've officially confused Andy and Ashley.

" i don't know but look at her she's crying, she's scared out of her freaking mind" Andy started to look real concerned. Ashley waited for a moment then told Andy something i didn't here.

why the fuck was i so stupid in the past i wouldn't be here if i had just took care of my brother... kill me
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by the way if you want to know what Annie looks like she looks like this <3 it's me