Status: In Progression

Suicide Season

Life is perfect

two months later
It may have only been two official months since me and Oli had started dating again and had finally become a couple again but Oli had asked me to move in with him even though we had agreed to pose serious questions like this five months down the line. I couldn't resist, I said yes and moved in. The boxes were done and I was just putting my clothes away in the section of the wardrobe that was going to be mine. He led on the bed taking a phone call. I presumed it was his mum, dad or Tom. I heard an excited Yorkshire accent come from the phone and smiled it was my best friend. I sat on the bed looking at the one tears stained mangled through anger box left. The box of memories. He rolled over stroked my back then sat up placed his legs either side of me and hugged me.
"Let's make those memories not haunt us anymore they're too good to hurt us."
I picked up the box and emptied it onto the bed. The photo album, the print Tom did, two of Oli's T-shirts, two bracelets he'd brought me and the necklace, ticket stubs from gigs we'd gone to see together. The picture of us at the Architects gig. Two preserved flower heads, one from the first batch of roses he brought me and the flower he picked me in Greece. I also had a very early version drawing of Raised By Raptors, Oli's comic. There was a photo of us at a friends wedding, a perfume bottle he loved me wearing when I was younger. That was all that was there.
"Woah you kept everything" he picked up the flower heads, "ha, first set of roses and the flower I picked in Greece. Oh, the photo album." He smiled and looked at me.
"I'm going to put the photo of us in the living room."
I padded down the stairs followed by Oli as we both studied the photograph in my hands.
"That was such a fun day."
"It was and I enjoyed every minuet of it." I smiled.

I placed the photo by the flat screen, and sat on the sofa. "Are we finished?" I looked up at him.
"I think so." He fell over the end of the sofa and his head landed in my lap. He watched me. "You look tired."
"I'm exhausted, I never knew moving would be that hard." I laughed running my hand through his short hair.
"But we left most of your stuff at your flat. Since you were so insistent that we keep it." He watched me.
"But what if we need time, I can then go to my flat and chill out. I think when you're home that we need to watch how much time, fuck it I dunno why I wanted to keep the flat."
He studied me. "It's because you're scared we will break up again?"
"I don't know, I won't break up with you that's for sure but what if you get bored with me?"
"I will never get bored of you. I'm worried too."
"Because I'm seriously worried that I'll let you down again."
"Oli you have never let me down. You've always been amazing, I'm the one who let you down."
"Shush" he sat up and kissed me. Oskar started barking and running around. I giggled at him.
"I think our little man agrees." I smiled fussing Oskar.
"Hmm that sounds good. Our little man." Oli smiled. Was he thinking about kids?! I just wasn't ready for that yet. I'm 25 for goodness sakes!
Oskar ran to the door and started barking again. "You might want to answer the door."
I walked to the door pondering the idea of me and Oli having a child, it sounded good to me but was I ready?

I opened the door and tied my hair up in a scruffy bun.
"Robyn!" The blue eyed, neat bearded, handsome man threw himself at me.
"Tom!" I hugged him back.
"Robyn!" The short tattooed black hair girl ran at me.
"Mel!" I hugged her too.
"Welcome home Robyn." Oli's mum and dad arrived too.
"Wow the whole family" I smiled. "It's nice to see you again Mrs S" I hugged her tears in my eyes.
"Don't cry dear, you know you are always welcome in our family and we were ecstatic when Oliver said you two were back together and he was going to ask you to move in with him. We brought you cookies."
"Mmm the Sykes home made cookies are by far the best. I apologise for the fact I'm only in sweats. I'd look so much better if I was warned that we would have visitors." I smiled leading the family in.
"Oli will you make tea while I go get changed?"
"Sure." I kissed him on the cheek and went up stairs.
I threw on my jeans and a decent top, I put my hair in a ponytail. Oskar was running around me as I did. I laughed and told him I wasn't going anywhere. I padded back downstairs and joined everyone. I heard laughing and Mel and Oli teasing each other. I walked into the living room and Oli was sat on one chair, his parents on the sofa and Tom on the other chair Mel sat on the arm of it holding her tea. I went to perch on the floor by the fire place but Oli pulled me onto the chair arm to sit with him. He handed me the cup that was mine. (My nightmare before Christmas one) and I got myself a cookie. We sat and chilled, laughing together, gossiping and catching up. After we said goodbye, Oli washed up, told me have a bath and he'd meet me in bed. I did as I was told and dryer my hair and met him in bed. I feel asleep almost instantly. Oskar curled up next to me and moved to curl up in front of me every time I turned over. I was finally home. In the arms of my perfect man and with the job of my dreams. My life was once again complete.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short but it's just a filler.
I still love how Oskar is with Robyn when she moves back in

Thanks for reading and recommending
