Status: In Progression

Suicide Season

5) Blessed With A Curse

After some jittering bout the fact they'd walked in on us having sex and the wounds I'd left on Oli's back and he said something about food so I got dressed and stood in the door way. They were quizzing him about contraception I had to stop myself from laughing really hard. I Slipped into the kitchen as Oli's mum said he was cooking
"Makes a change." I laughed kissing the wounds I'd left on his back " I'm sorry baby." He kissed me proply with his arms around my shoulders. Our parents Awwed as we rolled our eyes at them.
I took my mum and Oli's mum out clubbing but we didnt stay out long because they didn't want to stay out. We got in about two in the morning. I grabbed myself a drink of water and said goodnight to my mum and walked to our room. The door was open a fraction as it always is when i'm out. I stepped in got undressed into my short pajamas, placed my glass on my bedside table. I crawled over our red sheets and kissed his cheek. It was then I realised he wasn't breathing. My heart wretched in my chest. This was almost as scary for me as it was for him. He'd gone into sleep paralysis. I took his hand and tucked my hair behind my ear and ducked so my lips were at his ear. "Oli, I know you can hear me, wake up please! Oli come back to me. Please before this kills you." i was probably being over dramatic but iwas always scared that it would kill him. I sat up not getting a response, i raised my voice knowing I wouldn't wake my mum up. "Oliver Scott Sykes! Wake up! I Love You! I need you to wake up!" I was crying now, desperation lacing every word that spilled from my mouth.
His chest heaved as he woke up, gasping for air. He screamed letting go of my hand and recoiling away from me. He was ranting about how he's not ready to die. "This isn't a dream baby, it's me Robyn. I could never hurt you Oli. It's okay, It's okay." I was straddleing him over the cover holding his head in my shoulder stroking his hair as he cried quietly. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I'm sorry, never leave me."
"Never never baby." I squeezed tighter. He kissed my lips lightly, he was still shaking.
We got out of bed he slung on a pair of pj bottoms and a long-sleeved wool jumper, one of those grampa ones. He sauntered to the kitchen to get a drink. I lent on the freezer door. ( Our fidge freezer was american style.) I looked up at him in worry.
"You can go to bed if you want." he sighed
"You know I won't until you do." i yawned.
"I love you." he kissed me with more force this time. "I don't think I'd be able to cope with this fucking sleep thing if I didn't have you."

we were still up when my mum got up. Oli was hugging my legs with his arms and his head on my pelivis. I was struggling to stay awake. Oli's eyes were fixed on the TV but weren't focasing on what was going one. I nudged him every now and again to make sure he wasn't going back into paralysis.
"Morn- You guys look extremely tired."
"I haven't slept since we got in." i yawned
"Why?" she asked worried
"Oli had an episode and usually can't sleep afterwards, I stay up with him to make sure he doesn't do it again."
"Episode? Oh the sleep thing you were telling me about?" She was stroking Oli's hair replacing my clam strokes of comfort. I nodded lightly.
"I think you two need sleep." she smiled at me.
"What about you? I'd feel so rude if we went to bed and left you here." Oli spoke to my mum softly.
"I'll be okay. You're mum asked me for coffee again anyway. I'll go and try and find a little more information about your lives." I laughed weakly.
"Thank you mum. Come on baby let's go to bed. Think you can sleep now?" Oli noddedour dog jumping down and plodding off to the bedroom.

I held his hand as we walked into the room. It was still pitch black. The dog was led moaning in his basket so Oli picked him up and got into bed, sliding his joggers off under the covers. I stripped to my underwear. The dog led between us but Oli still put his head on my chest listening to my heart like he did when he was upset.
"Your heart. It's like it calls to me." i smiled
"You're so romantic when you're over tired."
"Sorry kids, I need to make sure you're both okay." mum came in and tucked us up and kissed our heads and left.
"Wow your mum looks after us." He yawned pulling me closer and snuggling into me.
"She does good morning baby. Sweet dreams. I love you."

We slept all through the day. Mum came in at nine to feel us and give us tea. We invited her to sit on the end to talk.
"Sara I think there is something I should confess."
"She'll kill you and me." I mentioned while my eyes were closed.
"Please don't be mad. You almost got Robyn back in Wales with you."
"What did you do." even I could feel the daggers my mum was giving him.
"While I was partying with teh guys a groupie may have sucked me off as in gave me a blowjob. Before you ask why your daughter is so stupid to stay, Robyn was very angry, yes she threatened to move out, yes I hit the floor crying."
"And you're telling me this because?"
"I thought you should know, I value Robyn more than anything. I told her the day after it happened. I'm honest like that. I couldn't ever loose her. If I did I'd fight for her back. Even if she was with another man."
"What if she's happy?"
"She has always said she could never be with another man and be as happy as she is with me. Even though I'm away a lot."
"What would life be like if you didn't have Robyn?"
"I would be lost without her" he turned over and kissed my cheek.
"I'm possitive you two will last and it's scary. Hurt my daughter I WILL kill you. Anyway you two get back to sleep. I'll lock up and get to sleep too."
"Mum..." I finaly said.
"Yeah babe?"
"I love you."
"I love you too babe. YOU" she jabbed a finger at Oli, "look after her."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the most pointless chapter I know. But it kinda gives an Insight into what I think his girlfriend would feel if she walked in on it happeneing.

I'm thinking of translating this into Oli's point of view but I'm not sure so Give me feed back. :)

Chapter Title- BMTH- Blessed With Curse

Thanks for reading.