Status: Daily Updates

The Bond

Body Confusion

Katima found Vegeta outside, hiding behind a leg of Frieza's ship, looking over at something. Katima went to his side and followed his gaze to see that it was Gohan and Krillin. They were standing beside all seven Dragon Balls, and they appeared to have dug them up from the ground, as there was a hole beside them.

"Gohan, Krillin!" Katima called.

Vegeta flinched and turned to slap a hand across her mouth, "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded.

"Katima?" Krillin blinked over at her and Vegeta, "Hey! You guys are here? I thought you two stayed behind to help Goku."

Katima pushed Vegeta aside and glared at him, "It's a long story," she said and walked toward them, "You guys found the Dragon Balls!"

"Yeah," Krillin frowned, "But the password doesn't work. I think it must be in Namekian."

"What?" Vegeta snarled, striding forward, "But- wait-" he looked up at the sky, "Someone's here."

The rest of them looked up to see that it was Goku, and for some odd reason, Jeice was with him. Goku touched down a few yards away, Jeice behind him.

"Goku!" Krillin called, "Hey, so I guess you beat those guys! Hey, why's the red guy with you? Isn't he one of the bad guys?"

Goku smiled. There was a Scouter on his face, and Katima wondered why on Earth he had one. Vegeta was stiff beside her.

"No," he said softly, "That's not Kakarot!"

"What do you mean, it's not?" asked Krillin, stepping forward and smiling up at Goku, "Of course it is! Why do you have a Scouter, Goku?"

"Krillin, no that isn't my dad!" Gohan cried.

"Very perceptive," came an oddly familiar voice from Goku's mouth just before he smacked Krillin aside into the ship.

"Ah!" Katima grabbed Vegeta's arm, "What the hell is going on?"

"It's Ginyu," said Vegeta, "He's taken Kakarot's body."

"H-he can do that?" Katima spluttered.

Vegeta nodded, his teeth gritted.

Next, three more people landed, it was Rilan, Leir, and Nicron. Rilan had a smirk on his face.

"Nicron, Leir, we're going to go and find Frieza," he ordered, "To tell him to not worry about a thing, and that we have Vegeta."

Vegeta narrowed his eyes as Leir and Nicron flew off. Katima placed a hand on her hilt, ready to unsheathe it should Rilan approach, but he remained still, smiling at them.

"What is his secret?" Katima spat, "He knows that his power is equal to yours, why is he acting so damn confident?"

After a moment Rilan chuckled and followed his comrades. Katima glared after him, but there were more pressing matters to deal with than worrying about that strange man.

Krillin and Gohan had unleashed their attack on the Ginyu trapped in Goku's body. What an odd concept. She watched as they brawled, but it was obvious that Ginyu was much more powerful in his new body.


Katima turned to see Ginyu- the real Ginyu- sort of- boy was this confusing… It was Ginyu's body, limping toward them, clutching his chest where a gaping wound was.

"Gohan, that isn't me, I can tell you're holding back!" from Ginyu's body came Goku's voice. So that was Goku- trapped in the alien's body.

"This is starting to weird me out," said Katima, as the Goku trapped in Ginyu shouted for Gohan to give it everything he had.

She felt a sudden burst of power erupt from her nephew, and Gohan attacked the Ginyu trapped in Goku with new found might. The boy slammed him into the side of Frieza's ship, then shouted, "MASENKO!" and a heavy beam of power whirled down and slammed into his father's body.

Meanwhile, Jeice was cornering Krillin, who had been thrown out of the battle completely. Katima looked over at Vegeta.

"Shall we?" she asked.

Vegeta grunted and pushed past her and went up to Jeice's back. Krillin saw the prince coming to his aid and beamed, making Jeice stop as Vegeta placed a hand on his shoulder and muttered, "Good day…. Mate."

Vegeta threw Jeice to the side, and then gave chase. Katima jumped up into the air and followed him, unsheathing her blade. Vegeta and Jeice appeared to be evenly matched, brawling across the sky, landing a few decent number of hits, but Vegeta was slowly getting the upper hand. He began to get several blows in, making Jeice go on the defensive. Jeice finally managed to break away and wiped the blood from his face.

"I don't understand!" he cried, "You weren't nearly this strong when you fought Reccome!"

"Saiyan blood is the greatest in the universe," said Vegeta, "With each defeat, we grow stronger. There is no limit to our power!"

He lashed forward and slammed the side of his hand into Jeice's ribcage, splintering his armor and making the red alien fly toward Katima, who smirked and raised her blade. Jeice let out a scream of terror just before Katima slashed her sword out to severe his head. As he fell in two pieces to the ground, Vegeta shot out a heavy blast of energy, reducing the body to ash.

Katima grinned and sheathed her blade, glancing at Vegeta.

"That was great," she told him.

Vegeta ignored her, flying down back toward the ship. Katima sighed and followed. She knew there was something there in Vegeta that was good. It was just going to take a long time to reach it.

When she landed, she saw that Gohan was no longer winning. It appeared that Ginyu had figured out some of the functions of Goku's body's techniques. But one thing he did not expect was Vegeta.

Vegeta flew up and slammed a kick to the side of Ginyu's face sending him rocketing down toward the ground, smashing into the dirt, and not getting back up. He lay there in his stolen body, beaten and bloodied, his arms above his head, limp.

"This is the best part," cried Vegeta, stopping several yards above Ginyu, "I get to kill Ginyu and Kakarot at the same time!"

With a battle cry he began to soar downward to make the killing blow.

"Vegeta, no!" Goku cried from Ginyu's mouth.

Katima watched as Ginyu smiled and opened his mouth wide, and scream, "CHANGE NOW!"

A beam of light burst from his mouth and began to rocket up toward Vegeta, who appeared to be unable to move out of the way.

Ginyu was trying to take Vegeta's body.

"NO!" Katima screamed, about to fly out to try and push Vegeta out of the way, but Goku beat her to it.

He leapt forward with Ginyi's body, and jumped right in front of Vegeta and took the blast. Vegeta came falling down toward Katima, and she jumped up and caught him as she watched Ginyu- or was it Goku- fall down on the other side of Goku's body. Katima set Vegeta on his feet, and he was too surprised by all of this development to be mad at her for helping him.

"Wait," said Katima, blinking, "So… does this mean…" Katima rushed toward her brother's body and looked down to see that he was laughing, and it was Goku's normal voice making the sounds.

"Goku!" she cried, beaming, "Excellent! You've got your body back!"

"Wait!" Krillin jumped in front of her, his arms spread wide, "Goku, what is your favorite food?"

Goku stopped laughing and blinked at him, "Favorite?"

"He's back!" Krillin punched the air.

Katima laughed and knelt beside her brother, "Got any more of those beans?"

Goku frowned, "No. Guess I should have brought one for myself, ha ha."

"Damn it!"

Katima looked up to see Ginyu was glaring at his hands, "Well…" he sighed, "At least I'm not trapped in a useless body."

"Give me a minute," said Vegeta, who jumped forward and threw out a fist, punching him across the face.

Katima watched as Vegeta threw Ginyu up in the air, and launched up to deliver a fatal blow. But Ginyu recovered and twisted in midair and opened his mouth again, aiming down at Vegeta, "CHANGE NOW!"

"VEGETA NO!" Katima screamed as the beam shot down toward Vegeta who was once again trapped in the beams vice.

She looked frantically around and spotted what resembled a frog creature by her ankle. She snatched it up, took careful aim, and then threw the thing as hard as she could. The light became to bright for her to keep watching and she closed her eyes and shielded Goku, praying it had worked.

Finally, the light faded, and Katima slowly looked up, expecting to see Vegeta looming over her with Ginyu's voice laughing out of it, but instead, she saw Vegeta on his back, propping himself up with his elbows, and Ginyu, who was doing the strangest thing. He was on all fours, and hopping, his deep vocals muttering, "Ribbit… ribbit… croak…"

"I-it worked," Katima breathed and stood slowly, "I can't believe it worked!"

"What happened?" asked Gohan, running to her side.

"I threw a frog," said Katima, "And it hit the beam, which means…" she scanned the ground and then spotted it, a shivering frog in the grass not too far from Vegeta.

"Ha!" she hopped over Goku and ran over to it, crouching down to get a closer look.

The frog sort of freaked out when it saw her, and made to scramble away, but he slammed into the side of Vegeta's foot. The prince had gotten to his feet, and he lifted his foot and placed it gently on the frog's back, making it squeal in terror.

"Oh, come on, Vegeta, he can't hurt anyone now," said Katima, getting to her feet and placing a hand on his shoulder, "I honestly think you would be doing him a favor by killing him. Let him live life as a frog. He deserves it!"

Vegeta seemed to contemplate her words for a moment and removed his foot. The frog seemed to let out a sigh of relief, but then Vegeta kicked it, sending it sailing over to the next island. Katima laughed but then she stopped, remembering something important. She ran back over to her brother, who was still in terrible shape.

"Goku, are you going to be okay?" she asked.

Goku coughed and then chuckled, "Probably not for a while."

"Pick him up," Vegeta ordered, "And follow me."

Krillin and Gohan looked at the prince, "Are you nuts, we can't move him!"

Vegeta looked back at them with narrowed eyes, "Do you want him to live?" he snapped.

Katima reached down and pulled Goku's arm around her shoulders. He wailed in pain but she jumped up into the air to follow Vegeta. Krillin quickly grabbed Goku's other arm and helped support him as they entered the ship. Vegeta led them to a room that was full of strange pod like things. The prince strode to one and opened the glass front.

"Put him in here," he said.

Katima and Krillin eased Goku into the pod where he was placed in a sitting position. Vegeta reached in and grabbed a face mask and fastened it around Goku's mouth and nose. He then hooked two cords to the sides of Goku's head on his temples. Vegeta stepped back and closed the pod, went to the controls and water began to flood the tank.

"What is this?" asked Gohan, pressing his hands to the glass to watch his father get submerged.

"Healing tank," said Vegeta, "But it's an older model. It will take a while for him to fully recover."

"What happened to the newer one?" asked Krillin.

"I broke it," said Vegeta simply, pressing in more buttons, then sighing and looking at Goku in the tank, "Hopefully he'll be ready, because I can guarantee you that Frieza will be returning," he turned to look at the boys, "You two could stand to have some armor. Come on."

Katima watched them go to the washroom, and she turned to look at her brother, who had now closed his eyes. She placed a hand on the glass. Once again, just like back on Earth, they were waiting on her brother to save the day.

"You better not cut it so close again, bro," said Katima.
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Song for this chapter: Identity Crisis by Thrice