Status: Daily Updates

The Bond

The Androids


Katima glared up at the mountain where she could barely make out Vegeta's silhouette up on the peak. There was a massive power vibrating off of him, and Katima could feel his rage and desperation through the bond. She approached slowly, afraid he actually might attack her in this state. As she got closer, seeing him standing there, energy waves rolling around him, he turned and looked down at her.

"I don't care anymore!" he cried, his eyes tearing, "I don't care about becoming a Super Saiyan, or about being better! I don't care if I even live! I DON'T CARE!"

He let out s scream of fury, his head tilted back to the sky. Katima stared as his bandages dissolved off his face, as a light began to flash. This hair, that onyx black, flickered to gold, and his aura began to shine. New power burst forth from him, and Katima nearly was sent crashing back to the ground. But she forced herself forward, listening to that wail of desperation, looking upon that awesome power.

"VEGETA!" she shouted, trying to make him stop as the ground below began to shake, "VEGETA STOP! YOU DID IT! LOOK AT YOURSELF!"

Vegeta slowly calmed at her voice and looked down at his hands, his eyes, now an emerald green, wide with wonder.

"You did it," Katima said, landing beside him and grabbing his shoulders, "You became a Super Saiyan!"

Vegeta's face slowly turned from numb shock to one of accomplishment. He smiled, and began to laugh, a hysterical laugh that was higher than normal.

"Look at you!" Katima breathed, running her hands along his chest, "It's amazing!"

Without warning, they were kissing. Katima tangled her fingers in his new golden hair, and pressed her body to him. His new strength was overwhelming, and she feared he may accidentally hurt her, but her want and need to kiss him was stronger.

They broke apart and stared at each other.

"I get it now," Vegeta said quietly, "The key."

Katima tilted her head questioningly.

"It comes from a need," said Vegeta, "Not a want. It's so clear now."

The gold faded, and he collapsed on her. Katima yelped and caught him, holding him tightly. She knew he was just exhausted. Becoming a Super Saiyan after getting a concussion was no small feat. Smiling lightly, She carefully put him over her shoulder and turned to carry him back home.

*scene change*

"He did it?" breathed Rilan, staring in mild aw at Katima.

They were in the main room, just him, Bulma, and Katima, sitting at the small table in the corner.

"He did," said Katima, nodding, smiling lightly. It was obvious how pleased she was, "But let's keep this on the down low, okay?" she smirked, "I just want to see the look of surprise on everyone's face when he goes Super on those androids!"

"Intense," Rilan smirked and straightened, "I can't believe he actually did it. I guess that means you're next."

"Yeah," Katima frowned, "I have no clue how I'm going to go about doing it though. Vegeta said that it comes from a need, not a want."

"Well we certainly NEED to kill those androids," said Bulma, "Isn't that enough?"

"I'm pretty sure it has to be a bit more intense than that," said Katima, "Otherwise I would have gotten to that level a long time ago, Vegeta as well."

"What was his need?" asked Rilan.

Katima frowned, "You know what, I'm not sure," she looked out the window, "He had given up on everything, even life, just before it happened. I think maybe… maybe it was the need to keep going," she shook her head, "I dunno. I suppose I'll ask him when he wakes up."

"So how are you going to find that need?" asked Bulma.

"I'm not sure," admitted Katima, then looked at Rilan, "What about when you transform? Is it the same concept?"

"Yes and no," said Rilan, "The transformation can respond to a need, like when Leir died back on Namek, how my need then was to avenge him. It triggered it. But I also found that… er… other things can make it happen, as well…"

Katima frowned at him and Rilan blushed.

"He means to say," Bulma leaned close across the table, "That on our wedding night he accidentally ascended."

Katima burst out laughing, and Rilan blushed even brighter.

"Bulma, you didn't have to put it so bluntly…" he muttered.

Bulma laughed and touched his shoulder lightly, "Well saying that 'love' triggers it just sounds too damn cheesy if you ask me."

Rilan rested his head on his hands, sulking.

Once Katima recovered, wiping tears from her eyes, she shook her head, "Okay. Well, as fun as it would be to just suddenly go Super Saiyan my first time in bed, just to see the look on Vegeta's face, I don't think that's going to work."

"Maybe we could simulate something," said Bulma, "Like put you in a virtual reality room- I'm sure my dad could build one. It could show you your friends getting killed or something."

"I don't think that will work," Katima shook her head, "I'll know that it's a simulation, so my mind will know it's not really happening."

Bulma bit her lower lip, "That's true… Rilan, any ideas?"

"I could go beat on Vegeta in the back yard for a while," Rilan suggested, smirking.

"Again, not a real threat," said Katima, "You wouldn't actually kill him."

They were all silent for a long moment, each contemplating different ideas.

"I guess we'll just have to wait it out," sighed Rilan, leaning back in his chair, "I mean, you'll find a need at some point, won't you?"

Katima sighed and rested her head on the table, "It's just irritating. I know that he's going to be rubbing it in my face when he wakes up," she scowled.

"Don't let it get to you," said Bulma, smiling, "Imagine if you beat him to it? He'd be so pissed."

Katima giggled, "Yeah, that's true. My brother already did it, and that ticks him off enough."

*scene change*

The last year leaked by, and the training continued. While Katima and Vegeta moved their training to a secluded area in the wilderness to keep Vegeta's new transformation a secret, Rilan continued to work with Lercron, and slowly, the fused being was nearly as strong as Rilan was on Namek, if not more. However, the birth of his son distracted him for a while. Baby Trunks became a part of his reason to live as soon as he laid eyes on him. His mother's eyes had peered up at him when he was but a day old. Though being part Tygrian, he did not get the strange lines that Rilan had, and looked perfectly human, but Rilan could feel the power in his son's small body, and he knew that Trunks would become a brilliant warrior one day.

All the more reason to keep the androids from taking over. He would not let his new life and family be compromised. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he'd settle down and only fight to protect his family. The past three years, though being filled with vigorous training, were peaceful and happy.

But all of that was about to shatter. For the day for the androids to appear was now upon them.

Rilan stared out the window of Bulma's plane as they lowered to a bluff that over looked South City. He glanced back at his baby boy strapped safely in his seat, then at Yamcha and Lercron, who both looked rather edgy.

"Hey, it looks like they beat us here!" called Bulma.

Rilan looked back out and smiled when he saw Goku, Krillin, and Gohan waving up at them, Piccolo not to far from them. When the plane landed, Rilan stepped out and held out a hand to Goku, "It's good to see you again, friend."

Goku shook his hand smiling, "Likewise! Hey, I thought Katima and Vegeta would be with you guys," he frowned, looking at the plane as Bulma stepped out, holding Trunks.

"They went to train on their own a year ago," said Rilan, "Vegeta broke the gravity machine, and was too impatient to wait, and well, Katima seems to go where he goes."

"Figures," Goku chuckled.

"Uh, Bulma," Krillin stepped forward, "What's with the baby?"

Bulma giggled, "This is Trunks!"

"Aw, I bet he's yours, Yamcha!" Gohan said, smiling up at the man.

Yamcha scowled and crossed his arms, making Rilan nearly laugh. The rivalry between the two of them had not gone completely away even though it was obvious who won Bulma's heart.

"No," snapped Yamcha, "Just take a guess who's it actually is," he glared at Rilan.

"Whoa, really?" Krillin gasped, looking at Rilan who rubbed the back of his neck and smirked.

"Yeah, he looks like you, Rilan!" said Gohan, peering at the baby.

Gohan had grown a bit since the last time Rilan saw him. His hair was now long, a mane of black framing his near adolescent face.

"So where's Katima and Vegeta?" asked Krillin, "I know they're not with you two, but they do know it's the day right?"

"I'm sure they do," said Bulma, holding Trunks down so Gohan could proceed to trying to make the baby laugh, "We just have to be patient."


Rilan turned and saw Tien flying toward them. He landed lightly and blinked at Trunks, "What's with the kid?"

"Bulma and Rilan's," said Goku going over and clapping a shoulder on Tien's shoulder, "Good to see you! Where's Chiaotzu?"

"I figured this was going to be a little too dangerous for him," said Tien, "So I dropped him off at Roshi's."

"Right, good idea," said Yamcha, stepping forward to greet his friend, "I'd hate to see the little guy get hurt."

Rilan sighed and looked out at the city, "How will we know when they arrive?"

"I think we should go look before trouble starts," said Piccolo, "From what that boy from the future said, I'd assume that they won't be just sight seeing."

"Good idea," said Rilan, then turned to his wife, "I think you and Trunks should go now."

"I just want a peek at them," Bulma smirked, "I promise I'll bail if things get too rowdy."

Rilan sighed. There was no arguing with her, but did she really have to put Trunks in danger as well?

"I guess we have to start the show without Katima and Vegeta," said Krillin, "Let's split up and search the city for anything suspicious."

"Good luck, everyone," said Goku, glancing at them all, "Remember, don't take them on alone, if you see them, call for the others."

"I may be bold, but I'm not stupid," said Rilan, "Goodbye, honey," he kissed Bulma on the forehead, then Trunks, "Keep safe."

"You're the one that is in danger," said Bulma, frowning up at him.

Rilan smiled, "I'll be fine," he promised.

A promise that he would not keep…

*scene change*

Yamcha slowly lowered himself into the city. The concept of trying to find two individuals that were much stronger than Frieza had been terrified him to the bone, but some part inside of him wanted to impress Bulma. Why he was still barking up that tree he had no idea. Hell, she even had the guy's KID. Frustration bathed him.

How was it that he, who had known Bulma almost all of his life, could lose her to some guy that just sweeps in from no where? Was it the bad boy concept? As nice as Rilan seemed now, he DID work for Frieza, even admitted to wanting to take the alien's place. Who knows, he could even still be one of the bad guys!

Yamcha sighed as he began to scout the city streets. Who was he kidding? He had lost Bulma fair and square. He might as well get on with the facts then get on with his life. There were plenty of other girls out there who would love a handsome catch like him! Yeah! Yamcha smiled to himself, pleased with this thought, but it quickly faded when he remembered the task at hand.

Finding two androids that could most likely kill him in one hit.

Scanning the crowds, he slowly wondered to himself what on Earth these androids could look like, that kid hadn't given them a description. Now that the time was here, he wondered where that kid even was. He had told them that he would be back. And for that matter where the hell were Vegeta and Katima? They were two of their best fighters! They had been preparing for three long years for this, and they end up late. Probably too busy screaming at each other. Or kissing. They were always doing one or the other it seemed.

Yamcha sighed and laced his hands behind his head. Maybe he should just fly out of here while there was still time. Save his own ass… But, he couldn't do that. After dying to save the Earth once, he figured doing it again wouldn't be too bad. After all, he had been blown apart by a stupid Saiybaman last time, at least now he could get killed by a formidable foe. No one could laugh and ask how he managed that.

Or maybe that kid was wrong. Maybe it had just been a stupid prank… But no, the fear in that kid's eyes… it wasn't faked. Yamcha groaned. Why couldn't he just lead a peaceful life? Why did he have to meet Goku and get sucked into this mess? Ditching seemed a good idea once again.

He heard an explosion, and Yamcha froze, looking toward where it came from. There were business buildings in his way so he rushed through an ally way and broke out into a street to see a vehicle now a smoldering pile of metal and ash. Several people were running from it, screaming. Yamcha looked around wildly, looking for any sign of robots.

"You guys better get out of here," he yelled to an older man and a chubby pale fellow as he looked, "This looks dangerous."

He looked up in the sky to check if they were flying above and then around the intersection again, his eyes narrowed for any suspicious activity. What happened, did they just blow up the car and run? And why couldn't he sense their energy?

"Huh?" Yamcha realized the old man and his pale friend hadn't left the scene, and were merely staring at his actions with mute curiosity.

"Did you guys see what happened?" Yamcha continued, walking toward them, "It's very important, we're expecting a couple of androids to come and attack this city, you must… have…"

He was a foot away from the two when dawning hit him. He spotted the banner on the old man's towering hat and felt the blood rush away from his face. There were the letters RR on this red banner.

"Red… Ribbon…" Yamcha remembered that insignia all too well.

Suddenly, the old man's hand was around his mouth. Yamcha tried to scream as he was lifted into the air, but it was muffled. He claws at the elder's hand, but the strength there- it was incredible! Then, quite suddenly, energy began to seep from Yamcha's body. His strength was sapped, and his arms fell from their valiant effort to free himself, dangling at his sides like wet noodles. What was happening? He felt completely drained, like the life was getting sucked out of him.

The old man smiled up at him from beneath a bushy white mustache and then, pain stabbed through Yamcha's chest. The old man had thrust his arm up, and through his ribcage and out his back. Yamcha was aware of the warm spread of blood…

And then nothing.

*scene change*

"Yamcha's power level just dropped off the map," hissed Rilan.

He and Lercron were in the city's shopping district, both of them looking toward where Yamcha's energy vanished.

"Looks like the show's started," Lercron muttered, "Let's get going."

They jumped into the air, causing several people to yelp in surprise around them as they flew away, whizzing between the buildings. Rilan could feel the others rocketing toward the spot as well and felt his heart pick up pace. This was it.

Yamcha was in an intersection next to a blown up automobile, two figures looming over his motionless body. There was still a very faint trace of life clinging to the man, and Rilan landed next to him, kneeling down to check the massive wound in his chest. He then looked up at the androids, the things that they had been waiting for all these years.

One was an elderly man, a towering hat upon his head, bushy white hair flowing down his back, a mustache hiding his mouth. Next to him was a short portly man with paper white skin, a hat with a little point on the top, and a round child like face.

"These are them?" Lercron muttered, staying close to Rilan's side, "I can't even sense their energy!"

"It's because they're androids," said Tien, landing next to them.

Goku was just behind him, with Krillin, Piccolo, and Gohan. They all glared at the twosome, and the silence was slowly becoming unnerving.

"Krillin, get Yamcha to Bulma and get him a sensu bean, Yajurobi is with her, I saw him land while I was scouting the air," said Goku, "Quick!"

Krillin nodded and rushed over to Yamcha, pulling an arm over his shoulders and flew off, leaving a trail of blood. Rilan scowled. He and Yamcha fought more than anything, but he found that he did not want him to die. He turned to face the androids, and readied himself.

"We should go somewhere else," said Goku, "Where there are no innocent people around."

"You want no innocent people?" asked the older man, "We can handle that."

He and his comrade raised their hands and began to blast all the buildings around them, fire leaping forth, and explosions blooming into the sky. Rilan was amazed at such power, amazed at their ruthlessness. The screams of terror surrounded them, and Rilan felt energy sparks vanishing one by one.

"NO!" Goku screamed, "STOP IT! STOP!"

They did as he asked, and looked at him with mild amusement.

"You said you wanted no innocent people," said the pale one, his voice high pitched like a small boy's, "There are no more innocent people."

Goku was shaking in rage, glaring at the pare with hatred in his eyes, "We will go somewhere else," he snapped, "And I promise, we will give you the fight of a life time."

The two looked at one another, seeming to decide, then the older one looked back at Goku and nodded, "Lead on, Goku." he said.
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Song for this chapter: Makedamnsure by Taking Back Sunday