Status: Daily Updates

The Bond

Let's Go Super

The desert stretched out before Katima like an ocean of sand. The wind was tugging at her hair, now shortly cropped about her face, her blue eyes narrowed. They weren't too far ahead, and she could feel Goku's power dropping. She wondered if the androids were stronger than she predicted, wondered if Goku wasn't enough to save the world this time… but she knew it was something else.

"It must be the virus," she said, glancing to her right where Vegeta flew next to her, "Will we get there in time?"

Vegeta stared ahead, not meeting her gaze. She knew he cared less about whether they saved Goku's life or not, but that it meant something to Katima if they did. A very strange predicament for him.

When he still refused to reply, Katima let out a sigh and focused on flying faster. Honestly, even after a year in the forest away from everyone else, he was just as difficult to relate with. But there was a hint of worry coming at her through the bond. She knew. She hadn't had the virus yet either, and both of the vials of antidote was at Goku's home. She wondered if they should go get it before arriving- but if they did that, there was a strong chance that everyone would be dead by the time they arrived.

"I just remembered something," said Katima.

Vegeta glanced at her.

"That boy said that you died in battle with the androids," she frowned, "But I was supposed to die before they even arrived. So how was it you were still alive? The Bond hasn't changed again has it?"

"I did die on Namek," said Vegeta, "It very well could have changed then."

"But our hearts still beat in unison," said Katima, "And I can still feel your emotions. You still feel mine. If it changed to where you keep living if I die, wouldn't something else about it change too?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Vegeta snapped, "You're the one who planted the stupid thing in the first place."

"Lily didn't give me the details!" Katima retorted, "She sort of croaked before I could ask, excuse me…"

"Once we get Kakarot out of there, he can ask his Kai friend," said Vegeta, "Surely a Kai will know about what happened…"

"It's just strange," Katima frowned, "Why haven't Goku and I gotten sick with the virus before now? I don't even have it yet."

"We can't let our guard down about that," said Vegeta, "It very well could attack you soon, like it is your brother. Perhaps you should go get the antidote now."

"And let you go and fight the androids without me?" Katima smirked at him, "In your dreams. You're not the only one that gets to show off today."

Vegeta snorted, but there was a small smile of amusement, "I guess I shouldn't have expected to sway you."

"Sometimes I think I'm more stubborn than you are," Katima ran a hand through her short hair, "I can't get used to this haircut, why couldn't we just go into a city and do it? You hacked all of it off."

"Because Saiyan hair is different than human," said Vegeta, "We've been over this."

"Yeah yeah, born with it, it never changes.. unless you slice it off with energy. Blah blah blah."

They fell silent as they sensed the energy close now. Katima looked down, scanning the desert face.

"There!" she pointed.

There was a small group below, looking on at two figures. It looked like one was on the ground.

"We're not too late, come on," said Katima, and shot downward.

No stupid androids were going to take her brother out of the picture, not while she was around.

*scene change*

Rilan was clenching his fists. Goku was ahead of him, pinned to the ground with the pale android, Android 19's hands around his throat, sapping the energy from him. When the battle had first begun, Goku had warned the others to stay out of it, but it quickly became apparent that the virus that was supposed to strike a year and a half ago was consuming him now. Gohan had already left to go and fetch the antidote, and it was clear that he wasn't going to return in time.

"I can't sit by and watch this," Rilan yowled, taking a step forward, "I'm going in!"

"Rilan, no!" Krillin cried.

He had returned with a healed Yamcha to warn them about the androids' ability to steal energy.

"You doubt me too much, Krillin," snarled Rilan, pulling his shirt off, "When I Ascend, nothing can stand in my way, not even these metal freaks!"

However he never got the chance to ascend.

Two energy blasts slammed into the side of Android 19, and he was sent flying off Goku, rolling in the dirt, his clothing smoldering. Amazed, Rilan looked over to see who had fired the attack and took a sharp intake of breath.

Vegeta stood there, his hand still outstretched, a serious look on his face, and next to him, barely recognizable with her new shortly cropped black hair was Katima, who smirked and lowered her arm, propping an elbow on Vegeta's shoulder.

"Vegeta!" Krillin called, "Katima!"

"About time!" hissed Yamcha.

"That's my brother, ass," called Katima, "And he's sick, you wouldn't fight a sick man, would you? What a coward! Try fighting someone who can fight back!"

19 stood and frowned at them, who were now both smirking back.

"Vegeta and Katima," he said, and grinned, "My data shows that your powers are no match to my own, let alone Android 20's."

"How long ago was that data taken?" asked Katima, non phased, still smiling.

Rilan answered her, "They have records on all of you," he said, "But the records stop when you left for Namek," he smirked, "Which means, they have nothing on me, and Lercron, and nothing on Goku going Super," he then frowned, "But the virus is hitting him. Katima, did you already contract the illness?"

Katima didn't answer him, "So, you don't know about our tricks," she laughed.

"You should have kept recording," said Vegeta, "Because now you stand no chance."

With sudden cries of war, both Katima and Vegeta's power levels skyrocketed. The ground began to shake, and Rilan gazed on in aw as golden light enlaced both of them, their hair turning to that shock of blonde, their eyes to that emerald green.

"Th-they're Super Saiyans!" Tien spluttered.

"That they are," Rilan slowly began to smile, and then he began to laugh, "That they are!"

*scene change*

Katima looked at the gold surrounding her with a satisfied smile. It was so easy to transform now, ever since six moths ago when it first happened. It had been a strange situation indeed, finding that need to push her over to the next level. But when she actually did it… the power, the accomplishment… it was enough to make her want the sing.

It had been like any other day in the forest. Katima had just gotten back from hunting, and was slowly cooking her catch over a fire. They had been staying in her old tree home, and Vegeta was in a nearby clearing, practicing going back and forth from Super Saiyan to get used to the feel of it even more than he already had.

"I'm tired of waiting," Vegeta snapped, returning to beneath the tree home with an angry scowl on his face, his blond hair still glowing, "It's your turn," he said, looking down at her.

"What? I just went hunting, the food's right here-" Katima had begun.

"No," interrupted Vegeta, "You need to become a Super Saiyan. Today."

"Vegeta," said Katima, taken aback, "We've been over this, I can't just do it…"

Vegeta glared at her, "We're going to find you a need today, one way or another. So if we have to do this the hard way, we will."

Without warning, he punched her across the face, slamming her into the ground.

"OW!" Katima yelped, propping herself on her elbows, "Uncalled for Vege-"

He kicked her in the gut, making her sail up into the air and smack her back across a tree trunk. It wasn't like their training sessions when he would hold back to make sure not to hurt her in his new Super Saiyan form, he was hitting to do some damage- to kill.

"Vegeta," Katima spat out a mouthful of blood when she landed, miraculously on her feet, in front of him, "This isn't going to work, I know you can't kill me-"

"I'm not planning on killing you," said Vegeta, stepping forward, "But if I have to break your legs and arms and back, I will."

"You wouldn't," Katima hissed.

Vegeta shot a blast at her that she managed to deflect, "Won't I?" he said, smirking.

Katima jumped aside when he charged at her and felt surprise thud in her heart. He was serious! He was going to beat her to a pulp to get her to transform! Had he gone insane, there was no help out here- even if he went to go get a sensu bean, that was miles upon miles away in Corin's Tower!

"Vegeta, stop it!" she snapped when he landed another hit.

"You have to transform or I'm not going to stop!" he yowled, running a knee into her stomach.

Katima felt the breath leave her, and spat out more blood. She landed on the ground, and he kicked her again, making her roll across the clearing.

"It's not going… to work," Katima panted, managing to get up and wipe some blood from her mouth.

Vegeta held out a hand to send out a blast, "I'll make it work!" he declared.

"No, Vegeta!" Katima yowled, jumping wildly to avoid his attack, "Vegeta I can't hurt you! Even if I'm about to die, I couldn't have the need to hurt you to make you stop… Vegeta, I love you."

Everything seemed to stop. Vegeta stumbled in mid swing of his next punch, making it easy for Katima to block it. She grabbed his arm and stared at him intently. The words had just slipped out, just fell into the air out of her desperation. Vegeta's hair went back to black, his eyes darkening, as he met her gaze with wonder. They were silent for a long moment, in which Katima had felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. She released his arm which then fell limply to his side, and she turned away from him.

What had she been expecting? The words back? She closed her eyes, trying not to let the tears of anger flood forth. Stupid, she thought, how could I be so stupid to say that?

"I'm sorry," she said over her shoulder, and began to walk away.


Katima stopped in her tracks, shock reverberating through her as she slowly turned back to face him.

"What did you say?" she whispered.

Vegeta looked angry, his fists clenched and his eyes narrowed as he glared at her, "How could someone like you possibly be in love with me?" he spat, "After everything that I've done? How dare you lie to me!"

Katima couldn't feel her legs. Was he really accusing her of LYING? He knew that she meant those words, with all of her heart, he could feel it through the bond, couldn't he?

Vegeta suddenly transformed, golden light surrounding him again, "You think that words like that will make me stop?" he cried.

Katima slowly felt anger bubble inside her. How… how DARE he! He doubted her feelings for HIM? How many times had she proven over and over how much she cared for him? How many times had they kissed, had they gazed into each other's souls?

"You jackass!" she shouted, so loud that it made Vegeta flinch, "How could you? You doubt me? You think that I'm LYING?" she took a step forward, fury lighting fire in her blue eyes, "After all we've been through, after everything that I've told you- do you know how hard it was to say that? And you just cast it aside like TRASH?" she grabbed the front of his armor and pulled him to her, "You're not the only one with issues, Vegeta! I was raised my whole life being told that I was a MONSTER! That I couldn't live like other little girls because I would kill everyone! I didn't even go into the city for the first time until I was seventeen- and it was behind Lily's back!

"And you… you being a Prince of all Saiyans, so proud and powerful, with becoming a Super Saiyan and such, you think that only what you say counts, and ignore my affection like it's just something that you can just take when you want! WELL IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT, BUB! And now you have the NERVE to say that I'm lying to you when I finally confess what I've been feeling all this time? For three long years, I've been in love with you, I have no fucking idea why, but I have, and am, and most likely always will be! And I shouldn't have to prove that to you!"

Vegeta gazed at her for a long moment, then his mouth slowly turned into a grin and he began to chuckle.


Vegeta stopped and gently kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear, "I knew you could do it."

Katima frowned and let go of him, just now becoming aware of the new power that was in her hands. She looked around herself, noticing that there was a golden aura surrounding her. She pulled her pony tail in front of her face, and saw it was spiked out like a dinosaur tail and a brilliant blonde. She had become a Super Saiyan without even realizing it.

They had to cut her hair because of how ridiculous it looked when she transformed. Katima should have guessed that the need to prove herself to Vegeta was the need she had to have for becoming a Super Saiyan, but it had taken her six long months to figure that out. A part of her thought that Vegeta had it figured out before her.

But the happy memories were cut off there. Staring ahead of her at Android 19, she grinned and crouched at the ready.

"I wonder if androids can feel fear," mused Vegeta, loud enough for all to hear, "Shall we find out, Katima?"

"I don't know," Katima placed her hands on her hips, "I seriously doubt it's going to take BOTH of us to take them out."

"You're right," said Vegeta, turning to her, "So let's settle this."

Katima and Vegeta began a heated battle of rock-paper-scissors. For three rounds they tied, but finally, Vegeta destroyed her scissors with a rock. She scowled and powered down, her hair going back to black, "Fine, but I get the other one when you're done!" she called as he laughed and began striding toward 19.

"Did you guys really just play rock-paper-scissors to decide who fought the android?" Krillin croaked as she joined their ranks to watch.

"Sure," she said, "Even only one of us is more than a match for these heaps of scrap," she glanced at the old-man model not too far away, who was still smirking in his own confidence, "Vegeta and I fight our best together, but we're still more than decent alone. He's got this."

"B-but-" Yamcha muttered, "They can drain energy through their hands!"

"What?" Katima turned to him, frowned, then called to Vegeta, "HEY! Avoid the hands! They drain energy!"

"And no energy blasts!" added Rilan, "They can absorb those too!"

Vegeta shrugged as he and 19 squared off, "No matter," he said, "This will still be an easy task. I prefer brawling anyway."

As the battle began, it was obvious that 19 had underestimated Vegeta's skill. Katima smiled as he threw the android into the ground, kicked him high in the air, and landed so many blows that the two were a mere blur across the landscape.

"Yamcha, go get Goku," said Piccolo, "Take him toward his home, you might meet Gohan half way."

"Good idea," said Yamcha.

"Don't worry," said Katima, "I'll guard you while you get into the air."

She and Yamcha walked across the clearing to where her brother was lying. She could feel the heat rising off his skin. He was in high fever. He clutched his chest, gasping for air, his eyes looking bruised and remaining closed even as Yamcha pulled Goku's arm over his shoulders. Katima glanced back to make sure Vegeta was fighting well away from them and that the other android did not interfere. It appeared Android 20 was too busy gazing at the fight in horror to notice them.

"Good luck," Katima told Yamcha, "Tell Chichi and Gohan I said hello."

"Will do," said Yamcha, jumping into the air and flying up and slowly out of sight.

As Katima returned to the others, she saw too slight shock that 19 had hold of Vegeta's wrists. She began to run toward them, but Vegeta called to her, "No! I can handle this."

"Ass," she sighed, going back to the group.

Vegeta smirked at 19 and jumped up, planting his feet on the android's chest, knees bent. Slowly, he began to straighten them.

"Oh, look, they can feel fear!" Vegeta crowed as 19 yelped in shock and pain, his eyes widening in horror.

Vegeta straightened his legs fully, and 19's hands were ripped off, leaving behind stumps with wires and circuits poking out. The hands were still clinging to Vegeta's wrists as he did a back flip to land on his feet, and stand before the trembling android with dark liquid coming from his useless stumps for arms.

"What's wrong?" laughed Vegeta as he pried the lifeless hands from his arms, "You look a little worried. I wonder if, you being a machine and everything, if you will get to the check in station in other world."

19 turned and began to run, which just made Vegeta laugh. He generated a yellow disc of enery and flung it, no longer worried about it being absorbed since the hands were at his feet. It cleanly sliced off the android's head, which tumbled to the ground, the body falling into the sand like a sack of potatoes.

The group around Katima erupted into applause but she just smiled and gave Vegeta a thumbs up. This was to be expected, she knew that the androids weren't going to be any match for them. She turned to look at the other android who stared on at his comrade in horror and smiled, powering up to Super Saiyan in the blink of an eye, which made Krillin fall over.

"Come on then," she said to the android, which looked over at her with wide, fearful eyes, "My turn!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Song for this chapter: Let's Kill Tonight by Panic! at the Disco