Status: Daily Updates

The Bond

The Girl's Future Past

It was pretty easy to see that Vegeta simply took up where Sykaima left off. Katima smiled as he drove Cell into the ground over and over and over again. And it was just the tip of Vegeta's new powers. He wasn't even trying.

"You better tell your boyfriend to end it soon," Sykaima muttered at one point while Vegeta laughed as he planted another kick to Cell's head, "We can not let this drag out. 18 isn't too far from here- if he gets her-"

"Cell isn't going anywhere," assured Katima, "Relax. You have bigger things to worry about, like dealing with the rest of the Z fighters after this. You have a lot of explaining to do."

Sykaima let out a puff, as if this didn't interest her in the least.

"I understand that he killed your family," said Katima softly, looking at the girl, "But if I didn't let Vegeta vent here, he would have taken it out on my brother. If you know so much about us then I'm sure you understand that predicament."

"Vegeta and Kakarot's rivalry is legendary," said Sykaima, "From where I'm from they are both revered as heroes. Destroying Frieza, saving the Namekian race, and you were part of it too, without you, Vegeta, and the other Z fighters, Kakarot could have never defeated Frieza."

"Technically Trunks killed Frieza," Katima said.

"Who?" Sykaima's eyes widened, "T-Trunks? Isn't- isn't he a baby?"

"No- well, yes, sort of," Katima sighed, "It is so complicated. Trunks is a baby in this time, but his adult self came back in time to stop the androids."

"I see," Sykaima's eyes became distant, "Yes, I understand now. The mysterious warrior who saved you and Kakarot's life…"

"Why do you keep calling Goku by his Saiyan name?" Katima asked, frowning at her.

Sykaima looked at her, "Where I'm from we go by birth names, not strange nicknames given to us by random old men. I only call him Goku to those who know his thoroughly as such. I would have thought with you being around Vegeta so much…"

"I call him Goku," said Katima, "It's how he was introduced to me. And Vegeta is just stubborn," she rolled her eyes, "Now you know a lot. About our entire lives it seems. Where are you from exactly?"

"I live in a space station that orbit's the moon," said Sykaima, looking at her with guarded eyes, "We… keep an eye on things- all things. We know everything about the past events, and we work hard to prevent… errors from reoccurring. We're like your guardians."

"But how did you know so much about Cell?" asked Katima, just as she heard Cell crying out in pain from another one of Vegeta's brutal attacks. It was almost hilarious that they were carrying on a normal conversation while Vegeta beat the living shit out of Cell just yards away.

"Gero… isn't very good at keeping things on the down low," said Sykaima, pulling her blond hair from her eyes. It was strange, in the light they shined blue, but in the shadows they were green, "All his experiments get out eventually. We've seen everything he has to offer."

All the same, Katima felt like she was hiding something. This girl's knowledge was unsettling. There was a darkness about her that made Katima nervous.

"This is impossible!"

Katima returned her attention to the fight, seeing Cell, beaten and bloody, laying at Vegeta's feet.

"You ARE Vegeta, aren't you?" Cell gasped, "My… all my knowledge on you- you shouldn't be capable of any of this!"

Vegeta smirked down at him, "I'm Super Vegeta," he said, "You say you have our genes… Saiyan blood runs in you. But you lack the pride!"

"This is ridiculous!" cried Cell, "If I were complete, if I were in my perfect form- I could destroy you all!"

"Are you saying that if you absorbed 18 that you could beat me?" laughed Vegeta.

"Undoubtedly," snarled Cell.

It was then Katima felt the curiosity spark in both herself, and Vegeta.

"Really?" Vegeta frowned at him, "So, if I were to let you transform, I would actually get a decent fight?"

"What is he doing?" whispered Sykaima.

"Yes," said Cell, smiling up at him, "You could test your Saiyan powers to the very limit."

"Sounds interesting," said Vegeta, "Do you think you could take on two of me?" he gestured up to Katima, "She is just as strong as I am, and when we fight together, its like there's three of us."

"I could take on twenty of you," snarled Cell.

"He really is making this sound like fun," said Katima.

"Are you kidding?" Sykaima gasped, "No! If he takes 18, this entire planet will go into apocalypse. He won't leave anything left, he will destroy you, Kakarot, Gohan, Rilan- EVERYONE!"

"I think you are seriously lacking confidence in Vegeta and my abilities," said Katima, "Have your people ever seen us fight together? With our bond… it makes us ten times as strong."

"It won't be enough," breathed Sykaima, "None of it will ever be enough. If you let him do this, everything will be gone-" there were tears in Sykaima's eyes, and pity hit Katima.

"Hey," she said, "Don't cry, hun, we got this. I bet with all three of us, he couldn't win."

"I'm strong," said Sykaima, looking at Katima, "But not that strong."

"I say we let him do it," said Vegeta, looking up at them, "That is, if you ladies are done gossiping."

"Oh, shut up, you ass," said Katima, but there was a playful edge to her tone. Every insult he threw at her now a days was incredibly sexy in her mind.

"Very well!" Cell stood, smiling widely, "Then let's do this. Give me just a few moments to find 18, and we will continue where we left off."

"No!" Sykaima cried as Cell flew away.

She dove down, flying fast to follow him, but Vegeta suddenly appeared in front of her.

"You won't ruin this, girl," he said, "I get my one chance to test my body to the limits- this will most likely never come again!"

"Do you know what you're doing?" hissed Sykaima, grabbing the front of his armor, "You're making the biggest mistake of your life- one that will cost you your love-" she pointed back at Katima, "The one thing that you live for, the one thing you care about more than yourself- she will DIE because of your selfishness!"

"How DARE you!" Vegeta smacked her off of him, sending her flying into the ground where she created a great crater.

Katima flew forward and grabbed him, "Hey," she said, "Stop it- the girl didn't do anything-"

"Get off me!" Vegeta pushed her, glaring down at where Sykaima was getting up, "How dare she suggest that I would get you killed- I KNOW what I'm doing! We both know there is no way his power combined with that androids could be enough to stop us."

Katima heard a scream.

She whirled to see that Cell had found 18. They were in a clearing not too far away, and Krillin was there. Katima stared in aw as he leapt to fight Cell, trying to defend 18.

"He's going to get himself killed!" Katima hissed, making to fly forward, but Vegeta grabbed her arm.

"Don't interfere," he snapped.

Katima shook him off and yelled out, "CELL! Hurt baldy and the deal's off!"

Cell smacked Krillin aside, but Katima could sense the lack. He held back, the hit wasn't enough to kill him.

"NO!" Sykaima screamed, flying toward Cell, who was closing in on 18, "I WON'T LET YOU KILL ANYMORE!"

Vegeta hissed in annoyance and took after her.

"Don't hurt her, Vegeta!" Katima called, following.

Vegeta was faster than Sykaima, and he knocked her out of the air and flew down to pin her down so she didn't get back up. Katima kept an eye on them while she watched Cell's tail tip widen out and latch down around 18's torso. And like a snake devouring its pray, it slowly gobbled her up, until her feet went in. The bulge of her grew smaller as it went up the tail. Gross, Katima thought, but any thought after that was shattered.

That power.

That God awful power.

*scene change*

"No!" Piccolo hissed, staring down to Earth.

Rilan looked at him but then he felt it too.

"Oh my God," he breathed as the Earth shook, "He… he got the other one. He's complete- do you FEEL that?"

Trunks looked to be in shock, "The androids are strong but this- this is…"

"Goku and Gohan aren't even going to be enough for this," whispered Tien

"Don't say that," Rilan growled, "If anyone can beat that thing it's Goku. But we're going to have to help some how too."

"Vegeta and Katima are down there," said Trunks, "They are two of our best fighters- and that third one- Piccolo, you said she's on our side- she's strong too-"

"We are no match for Cell," said Piccolo, "I'm stronger than both of you in my current state, and he could defeat me in his second form. What do you think he'd do to you?"

"We can't just sit back and let them die!" Rilan snarled, "We have no Dragon Balls to bring them back now- we can't-"

"Wait- Krillin- Krillin's down there-" Tien said, "Can you contact him telepathically, Piccolo? Tell him to get them out of there while he's still transforming!"

"This is Vegeta and Katima we're talking about," said Piccolo, "Do you seriously think that they'll pass up such a great opportunity to test their combined powers?"

"Even with their bond they are no match," hissed Rilan, "This is impossible- we have to do something, we can't just sit here!"

"We still have twelve hours until Goku and Gohan come out," said Trunks, "We don't have the time…"

*scene change*

Katima was sent flying across the landscape. Just one small punch, and she had been tossed aside like a rag doll. She felt Vegeta's fury as he too was swatted aside. Even together, their powers were being demolished by Cell in his new form…

Katima landed, rolling over and over before coming to a stop. She groaned in pain and made to stand up, but Cell was there, his foot pressed down on her throat. Such speed! She looked up at him.

His new form made his face much more handsome and human like, but he still had the green bug like tendency around it and along his body.

"You fools," Cell's new voice was like that of a model, but disgust flooded Katima, "You made it so that I can now demolish the world with no one strong enough to oppose me."

"Get off me," Katima grunted, but he was too strong for her to even budge him.

"Now only rests the question of who should I kill first…" Cell laughed.

"NO!" Sykaima came from no where, but as she made to attack him, Cell slapped her aside, sending her flying away into the distance without even moving his foot from Katima's throat.

"Sykaima, I will save for last," said Cell idly, "She has answers to some of my questions… Now, if I kill you, Vegeta dies, yes? Easy… but boring… I think I would so enjoy to see you fall apart if I take Vegeta first."

"You wouldn't dare-" Katima began.

"Oh wouldn't I? Here he comes now," Cell smiled up at the sky as Vegeta bomb dived him, screaming a war cry.

But his attack never met. Cell shot up a hand and it closed around Vegeta's throat and he held him there. Vegeta choked and coughed, struggling violently, but unable to escape.

"No," Katima whispered, "I'll do anything, Cell, please- God, don't hurt him- please…"

"Begging, I like that," laughed Cell, "Do come more, come on," he tightened his grip, making Vegeta howl in pain.

"Stop it," Katima hissed, a strange feeling beginning to brighten inside her, "Don't hurt him- please- you can't… you don't know what you're doing…" her voice changed, and it even made Cell look down at her in surprise.

It was like several voices at once, and something ignited within her.

"Put. Him. Down."

A power radiated from within her, sending Cell flying away, but there was a strange aura that surround Vegeta, protecting him from harm. Vegeta was set down gently on his feet as Cell crashed into a mountain far off.

Katima gazed at Vegeta, unaware of her eyes which had turned white, even the pupil gone from existence. He stared at her in aw, but the power faded. Katima felt that strength leave her and her eyes returned to normal. She dropped to her knees, hair going from blond to black, and then fell face first into the dirt, darkness swallowing her.

*scene change*

"What the hell was that?" hissed Vegeta, staring down at Katima's still body. He didn't know whether to be scared or turned on.

His neck still throbbed, and his anger was still bubbling at the fact that Cell was so goddamn powerful- but that- Katima had just sent him flying wit Hough even moving- that power burst had been amazing- and that shield that surrounded him to protect him from it-

What the hell was going on?

Sykaima landed beside him, her eyes on Katima, worry on her face, "What happened? That burst- it-"

"I don't know," snapped Vegeta, turning to see that Cell was already recovering, "But that took all the energy from her. And he isn't even scratched," Vegeta spat on the ground, "This is ridiculous- I am the prince of all Saiyans! He can't defeat me-"

"Stop!" Sykaima grabbed his arm, "Don't be a fool. Your pride if heavy, but I know that you realize he's already beaten you. Listen to me- there is one last chance that we can win this. He has your genes, Vegeta. You gave in to him because you wanted a decent fight- you let him transform- well don't you think he has that itch too? He even has some of Frieza in him- he has to have that same stubborn pride and need to fight."

"Are you insulting me?" Vegeta growled.

"Goddamn it," sighed Sykaima, "Listen to me!" she grabbed his shoulders, "I know what I'm doing. Let me talk to him, and you get Katima back to the lookout."

"I will not retreat!" Vegeta shouted, "Saiyan warriors do not run away!"

Sykaima looked like she was going to scream. She pushed him away and powered up, her blond hair giving off the feel that her aura was gold, "It's not running!" she cried, "It's a tactical retreat- you're a battle god! You know that there is no other way! If you don't get out of here, you and Katima will DIE. You are two of our best fighters- we need you! But you aren't ready to face him. You have to go back to the lookout and spend more time in the time chamber."

"You think he's going to let us train for even one day?" Vegeta snarled.

"He'll let you train for ten," said Sykaima, "Listen to me, I beg you, I will meet you at the lookout, and answer all of your questions."

The desperation in her eyes made Vegeta think of Katima when she finally went Super Saiyan. He gritted his teeth. Running away… it was cowardice… but wasn't he willing to do that with Frieza? Back then he was a different man, only concerned with himself. He knew then that Frieza could kill him, but he had just been beating Cell's ass moments ago. As soon as he took 18, everything changed…

Couldn't he treat this like Frieza? This time he had a chance to run… Because he couldn't run on Namek, he had gotten killed. Looking down at Katima he decided the girl was right. A tactical retreat. That's all it was.

"You're sure about this?" Vegeta asked.

Sykaima nodded, "Positive."

"Very well," Vegeta knelt and picked up Katima, cradling her close to his chest, "If you're wrong, I'll kill you myself."

Sykaima smiled at him, "I'd expect nothing less."

"We're coming too," Krillin emerged from behind a boulder, barely managing to hold up Android 16 as he stumbled toward them, "I think Bulma can repair 16, and he can help us."

"You're going to trust one of those androids?" Vegeta snapped.

Krillin kept his composure, "Yes. It's not his fault what Gero programmed him to do, and Bulma can rewire him so he can make his own choices even easier. He wants to avenge 17 and 18," a strange look crossed the human face, "I do too."

"If he makes one wrong move, I'm going to blast him into oblivion," snapped Vegeta.

"I'm taking him to Capsule Corp first," said Krillin, "Then I'll meet you guys at the lookout."

"You're telling me these things like I care," said Vegeta.

Krillin scowled, "I like you better when Katima's awake."

*scene change*

As Sykaima watched the group fly off, Cell approached her from where Katima had blasted him into the mountain. She waited for him, her back turned, trying to figure out how she was going to do this. If Cell possessed Vegeta's genes, then he could probably be swayed just as easily when it came to the proposal of a great fight.

She'd have to word this carefully.

"Having them run isn't going to help," said Cell, mere feet behind her, "I will find them as soon as I kill you. Which should only take a moment."

"How boring," said Sykaima, turning to face him, "Killing me in a second? Killing the world in a second? How pathetic. You have that awesome new body, and you're just going to zap people around… What if I told you that we could give you the fight of your life in ten days' time?"

"What are you getting at girl?" Cell snapped.

"We can have an entire armada of fighters for you to face. You have memories of the World's Martial Arts Tournament, right? You could bring it back," she smiled, "Imagine, we could have a camera crew- you could ask all the strongest fighters in this world to face off against you. You heard Goku earlier, he'll be ready to fight you in a day. You'd get him, Gohan, Rilan, all of them. Give them ten days to prepare, and you can have the time of your life."

"I feel like you're trying to trick me," said Cell darkly, glaring down at her, "But… to never fully test my new body…" he looked over his hands, "It would be a sin…"

"Wouldn't it?" Sykaima smiled, "I'll prepare too, and we can fight again."

"Only ten days?" Cell closed his eyes, then nodded, "Yes, there's no way that you could all improve that much in that time. I think it will be safe… and if not, then it will be all the more fun," he smiled, "Fine. I will go announce the tournament myself. You have ten days. Keep your eyes on the television, I will broadcast the location of my arena."

"Arena?" Sykaima blinked, "You're going to make an arena?"

"Why not?" Cell laughed, "It will have the same rules as the tournament. You ring out, you lose, you give up, you lose. Very simple."

"Fine," said Sykaima, smiling, "It's a deal. We will see you there."

As Cell flew away, Sykaima's smile widened. She had no idea how she did it, but she just saved the world.

*scene change*

Katima felt the bean being popped in her mouth, and she chewed. As she swallowed, energy flooded her bones and she sat bolt upright and looked around. She was at the lookout, and Vegeta was kneeling beside her, a look of relief coming across his face when their eyes met.

"What happened?" Katima rasped, "Where's Cell?"

"The girl just got done negotiating with him," said Piccolo's voice, and Katima turned to see him standing at the edge, looking down to the Earth with Tien beside him, "She has bought us ten days to train, and then we each face Cell in a tournament, one by one."

"The girl?" asked Katima, "You mean Sykaima?"

"Don't sit up so fast, you'll hurt yourself."

Katima looked around and saw Goku standing nearby, smiling. He was in Super Saiyan form, and as Katima got up, he came and hugged her.

"I'm glad you're okay," he said.

"Goku," Katima stepped back from him and stared, "Your power… its amazing. You ascended."

She could suddenly feel the irritation coming from Vegeta. She glanced back at him to see he was brooding but before she could comfort him, someone else was hugging her. Katima hugged back instinctively, and then stepped back to see an almost teenage boy looking up at her from under a fray of blond hair.

"Gohan!" Katima cried, and hugged him again, "You're a Super Saiyan! And you've gotten so big!" she held his shoulders and looked at him critically, "And someone cut your hair, that's good. Look at you! If you keep growing you'll be as tall as me!"

"What a compliment," said a sarcastic voice.

Kaitma turned and saw Rilan smirking at her, Trunks beside him.

"You guys haven't gone in?" she asked.

"Wanted to wait for you to wake up," said Trunks, "And to see exactly who this Sykaima is. Vegeta said she would give us answers."

"Yeah, I heard that too," Krillin landed and ran to them, "I just dropped 16 off at Bulma's- don't worry, he's in no shape to fight."

"You left that thing at my mother's house?" Trunks cried, "And me! I'm there- baby me is there too!"

"Chill out," Krillin waved him off, "These androids- when Gero isn't fueling them, they aren't so bad. They have the will to break away from their wiring, they just need the correct situation."

"Are you kidding me?" snarled Trunks- who looked a lot like his father in the space armor, "Those things have destroyed my entire life- killed everyone I know and love into ash because they find it amusing! They aren't human!"

"Part of them is," said Krillin, "Bulma found files that 17 and 18 used to be human. He took them and changed them against their will!"

Trunks face fell. He seemed to consider slowly. "Well," he sighed, "Let's just hope that thing does help us. If not…"

"Where is this girl?" asked Gohan, "I've heard a lot about her- she's as strong as you and Vegeta?"

"Yes," said Kaitma, glad of the change of subject, "She told me she's from a space station that orbit's the moon-"

"And I wasn't lying."

Katima turned to see Sykaima land lightly, flipping her blond hair in the wind, "I do live in a space station that orbit's the moon. It's because where I'm from, Earth isn't safe anymore."

"You speak like you're from a different time," said Trunks, stepping forward, "I know that code anywhere."

But Sykaima was merely staring at him.

"Sykaima?" Katima asked.

Sykaima suddenly ran forward, and jumped at Trunks, hugging him tightly, wrapping her legs around his torso. Trunks looked utterly shocked, his arms out to the side as if terrified to touch the beautiful girl clinging to him.

"Trunks!" Sykaima cried, dropping down and grabbing his face in her hands, "Oh God, Trunks… I never… I thought…"

Without warning, she burst into tears and hugged him again. Trunks awkwardly patted her back, looking completely lost.

"Okay, everyone who's confused, raise your hand," said Krillin and thrust his hand into the air.

In good spirit, so did Gohan, Goku, and Kaitma. Vegeta looked at them like they were idiots, but looked as lost as they all were.

"I'm sorry," Katima stepped back and wiped her eyes, "I know that you don't know me," she looked at Trunks, "You're different from my Trunks. But your face…"

"You ARE from a different time," said Trunks, "That's why I don't know you. Your future is different than the one I'm from."

"Yes," said Sykaima, gathering her composure, "From where I'm from, Cell is the one who reeks havoc, not the androids. I am from the future of this timeline- well, I was until I came and convinced Cell to do the tournament. Now things have changed, I've made a parallel universe like the mysterious warrior did when he went back to shift Goku and Kaitma from dying of the virus," she looked at Trunks, "It was you- but not the you I know. The you I know was raised by Bulma since his father was killed by Cell," she glanced at Rilan, "The only ones who survived the onslaught of his first attack out of the Z fighters was Kakarot, Gohan, Katima, Vegeta, and Piccolo."

"So only the strong," said Rilan, "Other than me. Damn, he must have got me in the back."

"This is hardly the time for jokes," snapped Piccolo, "Go on," he nodded to Sykaima.

"All of you took your families and went into hiding," said Sykaima, "But Cell hunted you down, one by one. First he got Kakarot," she bowed her head, "I was two years old at the time. Then, he found you, Piccolo," she nodded to him, "I was three. Next, he got Katima," she looked at Katima, who felt her heart lurch, "I was five. He didn't get Gohan until I was twelve, by then, he had trained Trunks how to fight, very well I might add. After him was Vegeta. That was only two months before I came here. And then he found Bulma."

Katima saw Rilan's hands turn into fists at the sound of her name on the list of dead.

Sykaima had tears in her eyes, "She died keeping Cell distracted while Trunks and I got to the time machine. But when we made to take off… Trunks stayed behind to give me time to leave," she shut her eyes, as if this memory caused her more pain than anything, "I saw him die just before I departed."

"But who are you?" asked Gohan, "And why do you keep calling my dad Kakarot?"

"I thought it was obvious," said Katime, smiling as she wiped her tears, "My father taught me everything I know about fighting…" her hair suddenly turned black, and laid flat on her scalp, her eyes turned black, "Including his rivalry my uncle."

There was a long, shocked silence.

"You're a Saiyan," said Goku, "You've been in Super Saiyan form this entire time."

Katima felt her world roll. This girl- who had Vegeta's eyes- his posture and snaky attitude-

Sykaima seemed to notice that Katima was staring at her, "I didn't know my mother very long in my time," she said, "It's nice to see you again."

"That- she-" Vegeta spluttered, his eyes wide, "You- but-"

"Now you know how I feel," said Rilan which made Trunks smile sheepishly.

"Our daughter calls Goku Kakarot," Katima breathed, "Why is that hilarious?"

"But-" Vegeta was still freaking out, "We don't even have a child- we- I- you can't be my daughter!"

"Really?" Sykaima tilted her head to the side and powered back up to Super Saiyan, "Who else but a Saiyan can do this?"

Vegeta fell back on his ass, sitting there with his legs stretched out in front of him like a child, his face still in that Oh My God twist.

"Let's just- um, calm down," Goku said, laughing lightly, "So you're my niece? I can't believe how powerful you are!"

"Not strong enough to beat Cell," said Sykaima, looking at her uncle, "I'll need you're help for that. It seems you already have the super thing down."

"What do you mean?" asked Katima.

"They can stay in Super Saiyan form without effort," said Sykaima, "I was able to do it around Gohan's age myself," she nodded at him, "I've never seen my cousin so tiny."

"My world is officially rocked," said Katima, going over to Vegeta and sitting beside him, burying her head in her hands, "A child- a daughter!"

"I was afraid to mention myself from the gate," said Sykaima, "If I had it my way, I would have taken out 18 and then Cell, then left without a word. I was going to stay here and live in hiding, since there is nothing to go home to," her face looked stricken, "He's already claimed that universe for himself."

"But if you said something," Katima looked up as she spoke, "That you were from the future- then maybe Vegeta and I would have listened…"

"Yeah, and maybe my father will stop being so arrogant," laughed Sykaima, which made Vegeta look up with annoyance on his face.

"You wouldn't have believed her," said Piccolo, "You two were just itching for a fight."

"Yeah, and we got one," sighed Katima, shaking her head, "Okay, we're going to have to split up the days we spend in the time chamber- Rilan and Trunks, you go first, you haven't been in yet- and then… three for each of us groups after that-"

"I don't think Gohan and I need it," said Goku.

"What?" Vegeta snapped, jumping to his feet, "Are you saying that you think you could take on Cell now?"

"Now? No," said Goku, clasping his hands behind his head, "But we don't need another year."

Vegeta was seething. Katima jumped up and wrapped an arm around his waist, trying to send soothing messages through the bond. Goku wasn't being an ass, he was being honest.

Vegeta calmed, and then turned to face her, "You," he said sharply.

"Me?" Katima blinked.

"What the hell did you do earlier?" Vegeta demanded, "You blasted Cell away like he was a paper bag, and the shield- the shield around me- what was that?"

"I…" Katima tried to remember, "I remember him holding you. And then…" the voices… so many voices along with her own spilling from her mouth, that power she felt crawling from within her… "I don't know," she whispered, "It just… happened."

"What?" Vegeta snapped, "You mean you can't just access that whenever you want?"

"You think if I could that Cell would be alive right now?" Katima said indignantly.

Vegeta let out a huff of frustration, "After Rilan and Trunks are done, I want the rest of the days for us. If we can unlock that power-"

"You can't."

It was Mr. Popo. He stepped forward, a worried frown on his red lips, "You can only go into the time chamber two times before it is sealed to you for an entire year."

"Are you kidding?" Katima hissed, "So we just get one more day?"

"Two," said Popo, "If you can stand it. But after two days, the door will disappear and you will be trapped forever."

"Fine," snapped Vegeta, "We'll take two days after Rilan and Trunks."

"Then I'll take one of the days Goku gave up," said Piccolo, "I want to train too."

"I'll go with you," said Sykaima, stepping forward, "If you like to train alone, that's fine, I'll leave you be, but no sense in wasting the opportunity."

"No, I think you could be a good help," Piccolo looked at her, "You have the blood of Katima, Vegeta, and Goku in you. Surely you are capable of great things."

"Gohan and I are going back home now," said Goku, "We'll meet back up here in ten days."

"Keep an eye on the television," said Sykaima, "Cell said he would announce the location of the arena there."

"Well," Katima sighed, "Let's just go back to Capsule Corp, hun," she grabbed Vegeta's hand, "We can train in their courtyards. Sykaima- you need a place to stay? I'm sure Bulma would be happy to oblige."

Sykaima was staring at Trunks as he went with his father toward the time chamber. She started and looked back, blushing, "Yes- okay," she said, "Thank you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Song for this chapter: Smile by Avril Lavigne