Status: Daily Updates

The Bond

Proving Love

Dengen lay on his back in the elaborate bed, within the strange cathedral that the Xekians had built for him. All those years ago when they found his broken, beaten body laying in a crater on their planet, he had whispered to them, one in particular that kept returning to give him water… Eagla was the easiest to Awaken. The beings of this planet, so human like, were like husks before Dengen's escape pod crashed here. He had barely escaped the wrath of Frieza, had seen all of his family and friends, slaughtered by him and his men… Had watched his planet die as he soared away, barely clinging to life.

But now that his planet was gone, Dengen had been slowly dying himself over the years, growing weaker and weaker. The source of his life had been the very core of his planet. It had been what kept all of his people alive. But Frieza had destroyed it in cold blood, along with the rest of his race… Dengen hadn't even been able to walk since the day he crashed on Xeknos.

However, there had been hope… Dengen's race was renowned for its psychic abilities, and luckily, as his life faded, his powers grew stronger, as if it were a mechanism to keep him going on without his planet. He slowly introduced the feeling of emotion to Eagla first, and the Xekian had seen his actions Godly. He began worshipping Dengen, and begging him to Awaken the others.

It was then that Dengen learned of the Bond. The most curious link that he had ever seen, something that even his powers couldn't pierce to fully take control and feed his own power into. He saw this as the opportunity… the opportunity to take revenge, and to prevent anything like Frieza from ever happening again. He would seize control of the galaxy, and enforce peace with an army of Bonded warriors.

Then began the careful procedure- in order to be in full control, he had to start indoctrinating them before they were even Bonded, slowly awaken their emotions to a point where they could control it, and then let them set the link. At that point, they would be willing to give him control since they revered him as their god. And while he was kind, he had to also be fierce, for some rebelled. He made examples of them, killing them from the inside out with Eagla's hands, for it was him that was Dengen's best soldier.

It was why he never allowed Eagla to Bond to anyone. He needed him to be an open book the entire time, since he revered Dengen the most, therefore making it extremely easy for him to reach inside and fuel his own powers through.

Then… things went sour…

While the emotions made the Bond nearly indestructible, the Xekian's emotions were heavily unstable and unnatural. Dengen had rushed it with too many of them, not making the progress as natural as it should have been, and therefore, when the war came, their bodies literally exploded form the inside out form the power they were unable to control. They had lost nearly all of the planet's population.

And with it, they lost the Bond.

The knowledge was only given to those who actually did it, taught to them the second before they planted it, and Dengen was a fool not to demand how it was done before the war happened. Every Xekian that knew the technique was already Bonded, and every Xekian that was Bonded died that day, all except one…

One, who lost the one it was Bonded to just in time to escape death… just in time to feel fear and flee into the galaxy. That Xekian was now long dead.

And now… there was only six left, including Eagla.

"It's the only way," Dengen hissed, not at all used to using his mouth and lips to talk, his voice, unlike the deep sinister voice that had come from Eagla's mouth, was dry and raspy, "I must gain the knowledge of the Bond… and only I am strong enough to defeat them… my children… you must give me your lives, so that the universe shall live on in peace…"

"Of course, My Lord," Eagla rasped, clutching his broken arm and kneeling before the bed, "You are what gave us life. It is only right we return it so that peace may be seen."

"My Lord…" the rest of them mumbled, kneeling as well.

"You're lives will be used to fuel the future," said Dengen, "Eagla… you have made me proud. You are the one that discovered where the deserter fled to and who he passed the knowledge on to. You were the one that stayed on Earth for years and observed the Saiyan girl, looking for clues, and then, you brought her here. You are the true Awakened, my son."

Eagla's eyes shone in pride, "My Lord, it was all for you," he bowed his head.

"I am sorry that I could not bring the Xekians to full power, but your story shall live on forever," coughed Dengen, stretching out a purple, three digit hand, placing it on Eagla's head, "My children, place your hands upon me, so that I may gain the strength I need to bring peace… to the galaxy…"

"For peace!" the cried, and six pairs on hands went upon his body.

And strength began to course through him.

*scene change*

Katima clung to Vegeta's hand as they flew. They were already powered to Super Saiyans, pushing ahead at their top speed. Next to them, Rilan was in his ascended Tygrian form, the second one at that, his tattoo like lines glowing a brilliant blue along with his eyes. 18 had Krillin's hand, helping him actually keep up with the rest of them. Sol and Hez were actually managing to keep pace on their own.

"I have a theory," said Vegeta as they flew, looking at her. Katima looked at him, her eyes moving over his golden hair to his shocking green eyes. He continued, "Just be ready when the time comes!"

"That's it? No explanation?" asked Katima.

Vegeta shook his head, looking forward again, "It may mess things up."

All she could feel from him was pure determination. She squeezed his hand.

"We can do this," she said.

"That, I have no doubt in," growled Vegeta, slowly smirking.

Katima felt her heart twinge. It was so nice to see his confidence back, his pride, the thing that had attracted her to him from the beginning. That they were no longer fighting… it was enough to make her nearly forget the fact that the universe was in danger.

"If we work together," said Sol slowly, "We may have a chance to defeat him- ah!" he gasped in surprise, and the rest of them all paused in their shock.

That power level…

"That's… that's insane…" whispered Krillin, "Do- do you feel that? It can't be- he can't be that strong!"

"He's taking the life force from all the others," said Rilan, "We don't have any time, come on!"

They began flying again. Rilan, Katima, and Vegeta pulled ahead of the others, their powers making them faster than them. Ahead, they saw the most personalized and beautiful building that they had seen on this planet thus far.

It was a cathedral, with tall towers and large elaborate stain glass windows and massive double doors made of wood with exotic carvings in them The material that made it looked like white marble, with designs etched along the walls and towers. Within it, Katima could sense one massive power level growing, and six others fading to nothing.

"Come on!" Sol cried, having caught up with them. He dived down, and the others quickly followed.

Sol blasted open the double doors with a wave of energy and ran inside, screaming, "EAGLA!"

Katima and Vegeta rushed in, still clutching hands and glowing golden with their Saiyan power, Rilan and the others just behind them, stomping over the double doors that now lay on the ground.

They entered just in time to see six bodies turn to dust.

"NO!" Sol howled, "EAGLA!"

"He… has done his duty."

In the back of the cathedral was a beautiful four poster bed. The six dust piles were lying around it, and rising from it, was a peculiar alien.

He was light purple in skin color, a strange fin like ordinate came from the back of his otherwise bald head to hang near his eyes, which were wide and bug like but black in color, shining in the fire light that came from the torches that lined the walls. He was tall, nearly seven feet in height and was build like a truck, muscles bursting from beneath was looked like well groomed ceremonial robes, white in color and flowing around him, revealing a bare chest and exotic pants that looked like waves coming down his legs to lap out over his large feet which were bare, and like his massive hands, only had three digits. His mouth was small, almost odd for the rest of his oversized body.

"So you're Dengen," snarled Vegeta, letting his hand slip from Katima's as he took a threatening step forward, "Finally decide to fight? But not after leeching power from others! What kind of coward are you?" Vegeta spat on the ground.

"You are the cowards," said Dengen harshly, "Refusing to see the truth- refusing to see what it will take to make peace! You all don't have the stomach to do it!"

Vegeta scoffed, "Know who you speak to, fool, I am Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans, and I have destroyed planets without a single thought," there was a soft touch of regret in him through the Bond as he said this, thinking of the way he was before, "Do not dare accuse me of having a weak stomach!"

"Vegeta…" snarled Dengen, "That name sounds familiar- you worked for Frieza didn't you?" the ailen's face suddenly twisted in wild anger.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes, "I worked under Frieza's boot until I had the chance to kill him. Instead, he defeated me, and I watched some low-class warrior outmatch me in strength and defeat him when his death should've rightfully been on my hands! Don't think for a moment that I worked for him willingly."

"You helped him," growled Dengen, "You helped him destroy my planet! I remember you and that Nappa and Raditz! All Saiyans!" the ground began to shake, and Dengen clenched his fists, "You helped kill my family!"

"Vegeta isn't like that anymore," Katima stepped forward, "He's changed."

"It doesn't change what he did!" shouted Dengen, that odd green aura surrounding him, "He's a part of why the galaxy needs a ruler that will do what's necessary to keep peace!"

"He isn't!" Katima felt passion well up in her as she stepped forward, "Vegeta would never destroy another planet or kill another person in cold blood! He's not the same man anymore! That man is dead, and the man you see here now is my husband," she clenched and fist and put it over her heart, "He has pride and strength, and I respect him, everyone does now. I love him!"

She felt mild shock and warmth from Vegeta. That she would stand up for him so soon after he had ran off without her in search of power… it astonished him.

"And if you try to do what you are now," Katima continued, "In order to protect the galaxy, we will kill you!"

Dengen hissed, "You're all fools! I'm not the threat to this galaxy, I'm the hope!"

"You're ideals are what will through this universe into war," snapped Rilan.

Dengen let out a roar of frustration, "Fine! Remain in your foolish, stubborn ways! But I won't let you get in my way! I WON'T!"

He howled and power began to radiate around him. The flooring beneath him cracked and caved a little. The stained glass windows around them shattered, raining down rainbow colored glass. The ground shook violently, and that green aura seemed to swirl faster.

"This ends now!" Sol screamed, and rushed forward.

"SOL! NO!" they heard Hez cry.

As soon as Sol got too close, Dengen threw out a massive arm. The punch slammed across Sol's face, sending him flying into the far wall, smashing into it, making it crack, and then falling to the ground. The Namekian shakily got up, glaring, "You corrupted all these people!" he shouted, "You made them think you were a god! Good people- twisted to your will for your blind thinking!"

"What were they doing before?" demanded Dengen, "Being husks! Not caring about what happened to the universe, not moved by cries of pain or joy! I AWAKENED them!"

"You poisoned them!" screamed Sol, rushing forward again.

Sol made to punch Dengen in the gut, but the monstrous man caught his arm and pushed up a knee into the Namekian's stomach. He was so fast! Sol coughed up blood as the breath left his body.

"Sol! No, stop!" with a wail, Hez ran forward, his odd, makeshift dagger in his hand. He jumped into the air, dagger help high to stab down on Dengen, but he dropped Sol just in time to swing out a big burly arm to send Hez crashing through the wall.

"Hez!" Krillin shouted.

"Enough of this!" Rilan stepped forward, "This ends now!"

He rushed in, blue hair flying out behind him as he howled a battle cry, swinging up a leg. Dengen blocked it with his forearm and punched Rilan across the face with his other free arm. Rilan caved with the blow but smirked and straightened.

"That the best you can do?" he demanded.

There was a flare of shock in Dengen's eyes. He of course, didn't know of Rilan's extreme endurance, his ability to take several more hits than anyone else. But it didn't faze the beast long. He roared and his power spiked up even higher, making it like a potent taste in the air around them.

"Rilan, be careful!" Krillin called.

The two began brawling, and Rilan was taking a decent amount of hits, but he kept pushing on, spitting and hissing at each blow, dueling out his own, which hit, but didn't seem to make Dengen cave in the slightest. As the fight wore on, it was obvious whose strength was slowly out pacing whose. Rilan got sent flying across the room, nearly slamming into 18 and Krillin, who dodged just in time for Rilan to land rolling. It took him a moment to get up, he spat out a mouthful of blood, "Not bad," he wheezed.

"Enough," said Katima, holding up a hand to him when Rilan made to get back in the fight, "You're not strong enough, Rilan."

Rilan looked plainly insulted, "Katima-"

"Stop it, can't you tell he's still holding back?" Katima looked at Dengen who was watching her with a curious gaze, "There's only one way to beat him," she looked at Vegeta.

He nodded.

"What?" snarled Dengen, looking at them with his strange dark eyes, "You think you two stand a chance against me? You don't even know how to work the Bond!"

"Actually," said Vegeta, stepping forward, "I do."

Dengen stared at him in mild shock before shaking his head, "You lie," he growled, "If you knew, you wouldn't have faced Eagla! You wouldn't have come to him for knowledge!"

"I didn't then," said Vegeta harshly, "But it only took me one defeat to understand."

"Vegeta…" Katima breathed.

Vegeta growled, "Enough talk!" he cried, "It's time to end you!"

He launched forward, screaming in rage, his super Saiyan power licking around his body. He threw forward a mighty punch, and to everyone's astonishment, was too fast for Dengen to block him. Dengen stumbled under the blow and looked up at Vegeta with shocked eyes.

Vegeta laughed, that old laugh of his that he used to do back on Namek when defeating his lesser enemies. The laugh that sent tingles down Katima's spine. He then threw out a kick, but this time, Dengen seemed ready. He blocked it with his forearm and pushed the leg away, unbalancing Vegeta slightly. Taking advantage of this, Dengen slammed a head-butt against Vegeta which sent him to the ground.

"Vegeta!" Katima hissed and dove forward. She jumped over Vegeta and threw up a kick, colliding it with Dengen's chin, sending him upward slightly before he fell back. Katima flipped backward with the might of her kick and landed lightly beside Vegeta. He was already getting up, but so was Dengen.

And so the fight unleashed. Katima barely managed to jump backward to dodge Dengen's first swipe. Vegeta ducked it and swiftly lurched up a punch, his small size compared to the beast giving him advantage. It landed and Dengen roared in anger and caught Vegeta's head between his massive hands. Vegeta yelped and grabbed at his wrists, trying to dislodge his grip, but Dengen held tightly, lifting him into the air, squeezing.

"NO!" Katima howled, running and sliding on the ground beneath Vegeta and threw Dengen's legs. She hopped up behind the beast and slammed a punch into where she hoped his kidney would be.

Dengen shrieked and dropped Vegeta who landed panting for a moment before rolling back out of harm's way as the alien beast kicked out wildly. When this attack missed he reached back and caught one of Katima's arms in his hand, which consumed her entire forearm, and dragged her out from behind him and in front of her. He made to punch her, holding her up before him like a sand bag, but Katima blasted an orb of power at his face. He howled like a dog in pain and dropped her to grasp his face with both hands.

"Strike now!" Vegeta ordered, holding out his hand for a Big Bang Attack.

Katima jumped back and twisted elegantly as she tossed three or four pulsating orbs of energy as Vegeta unleashed his attack. While Vegeta's blasted outright, the orbs that Katima tossed out were small until they met contact and exploded upon impact. Needless to say, Dengen was sent sailing back and into the bed, crushing it beneath him as he landed. The four posters fell, all the elaborate fabrics obscuring him from sight.

"This is pathetic!" cried Vegeta, "You put up more of a fight than this when facing me through Eagla!"

Slowly, Dengen emerged from the sheets. He didn't look too damaged despite all that they had tossed at him.

"I can't kill you," snapped Dengen, "I NEED the knowledge of the Bond! Why would I kill the last two people who know how to plant it?"

Vegeta scoffed, "I know nothing of planting it," he stated flatly, "It was planted on me, and that is all I know."

"You will tell me!" Dengen cried, looking at Katima "You will tell me how to plant the Bond! Or I will destroy your friends, one by one!" he aimed a hand out toward Hez who yelped.

However before the blast was even formed, Rilan was there, grabbing the boy and getting him out of the way. The greenish blast that came from Dengen blasted through one of the walls.

"Stop!" Katima growled, leaping in front of him, "You're fight is with us!"

"I will not lose my last hope for peace!" Dengen wailed, looking down at her in fury, "But if I must beat you to a pulp, I WILL!" he howled at the sky, beginning to power up.

"No," hissed Vegeta, "We can't let him start using his full power before we're at ours."

"Vegeta, I can't just make it happen!" Katima said.

Vegeta went to her and grabbed her shoulders as the entire planet began to shake, "If we wait for when I'm nearly dead, it could be too late. We have to make it happen now!"

"But how?" Katima wailed.

Vegeta looked at her, "Katima," he spoke slowly, and clearly, "I love you, Katima."

Katima blinked.

But then, she felt it. How much he meant it in the Bond. Her heart began to pick up pace and she was suddenly kissing him, pressing her lips firmly to his, and when she broke away, she realized.

He did. He did understand. She turned as Dengen stopped powering up. His power level was massive, potent enough to choke her. He was just as strong as Cell, if not a bit more. How could a power like this have been dormant and gotten up so high just from six low level sacrifices?

Katima stepped forward, looking at Dengen with shining eyes, "The Bond takes emotion and turns it into raw power," she said, "I didn't understand how to make it happen upon will at first- I still am not sure, but I think I know! Because if anger and rage could trigger that much power in me, imagine what a stronger emotion could?"

"What emotion is there stronger than rage or anger?" growled Dengen, "It is what fuels my ambitions to bring peace to this galaxy! It's what makes me push harder!"

"I doubt you've ever felt anything stronger than that," said Katima, placing two fingers on her heart, "Because you would know. You would know the feeling of living, not for yourself, but someone else. Of fighting for those you care for, and hold dear. The feeling of wanting to protect someone with everything you have and are!"

She reached over and took Vegeta's hand and he stared at her in mild aw, "It's love," Katima whispered, "Love for my husband, my family, my friends! It's the strongest emotion that is possible! It can drive you to do both noble and terrible things, cause you to kill and die for them! And if killing you means those I love remain safe, then it is what I will do!"

Power coursed through her. The ground beneath her cracked and dented, and she screamed up at the ceiling. It slowly began to cave in. She heard Krillin and Hez yelping in surprise and fear as it began to decend upon them, but Vegeta sent a blast all around him, making the debris sail away, and the rest of the ceiling blast out. Above them the twin moons shone down, and to Katima's surprise, she felt Vegeta powering up beside her. She clenched his hand, and together they focused on their passion for one another, their presences touching each other through the Bond, and therefore making it course of their bodies in pure energy.

When they stopped, Katima realized they had ascended to the point of Super Saiyan that Gohan was when he defeated Cell.

And she also saw the look of fear in Dengen's eyes.

*scene change*

He had done it. Vegeta felt the power in his veins, and he felt wild satisfaction. With this- he could defeat Dengen! He could prove that he was the strongest warrior! He had unlocked the secrets to the power of the Bond, and now, he was going to destroy this pest.

With Katima at his side.

But to his surprise, Katima spoke instead of launching an attack.

"Give up," her voice sounded like a thousand voices at once, and her eyes glowed white, "You still can walk away. We understand all you want is peace, but you're doing this the wrong way!"

Vegeta felt slight anger hit him, what was this? Was she turning into Kakarot? This was no time for mercy!

"I can't give up!" Dengen steeled himself, looking at them, "My way is the only way! I can't back down!"

"Don't be a fool!" Katima snapped, "You know we will kill you."

Dengen grinned wickedly, "It would take both of you to do so, and at this strength, yes."

"Then why persist?" snarled Katima.

"Because he cannot keep it up," Dengen looked at Vegeta.

Vegeta was insulted. Power was at his fingertips, he never felt stronger, and he was not anywhere close to tired.

"What are you talking about?" Vegeta's voice was normal, not like Katima's, and his eyes weren't alight, but he figured that was for her side of the Bond.

"You can't keep this up when what you truly want, is just power."

Vegeta gazed at him, confused. Of course he wanted power! It's what he wanted from the gate, and now he had it! What difference did that make?

"She fights for you," Dengen nodded at Katima, "But you fight for power, and power alone."

Vegeta gritted his teeth, "I'll show you true power!" he howled and leapt forward.

"Vegeta!" he heard Katima call, but he ignored it.

This insolent little bug thought he could insult the great Prince Vegeta? He slammed a fist across Dengen's face, sending him sailing out of the building. With a roar of rage, he took chase. He barely was aware of the others following. Dengen tumbled into the mud outside, there was rain pouring down now in sheets, and it soaked into Vegeta's blond hair.

He walked toward Dengen, "Does that feel like waning power to you?" he demanded.

To his harsh annoyance, Dengen was laughing as he shakily picked himself off the ground.

"Stop laughing!" Vegeta shouted, punching him again, sending him back into the mud.

"Vegeta," Katima was out in the rain with him, rain falling down over her, her eyes glowing eerily.

"This fool think he can insult me when his life is in my hands!" Vegeta shrieked, looking down at Dengen as he coughed up a mouthful of blood, but still laughed.

"Y- you came to me… for power…" Dengen stated flatly, "You went and found Eagla because of your thirst to prove yourself! You're not really doing this… for her…"

Vegeta stared at him, anger thick in his veins, how dare he? Of course he was here… for…

The world seemed to shrink around Vegeta and he felt his heart pick up pace. Could he be right? Was he doing this just for the sake of power? Was all for his own selfish needs?

And then he was struck across the face.

Dengen had gotten up and kicked him square across the jaw, sending Vegeta flying a few feet before landing sliding in the mud. He rolled onto his back, spitting out mud, just in time to block a massive foot coming down on his chest. He caught it with his hands, but to his horror, his power, so strong a second ago, was waning, and he could barely keep Dengen from crushing his chest.

"Get off him!"

Dengen's weight suddenly vanished and Vegeta sat up to see Katima had blasted him away. She rushed over and stood before Vegeta, guarding him, "You're mind games will not work!" she cried.

"They will long enough!" screamed Dengen, launching himself forward.

They began brawling across the landscape, mud flying everywhere, blasts making huge craters and nearly hitting allies that were forced to dodge out of the way. Rilan came rushing to Vegeta.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Vegeta saw a hand offered to him but ignored it, getting up on his own. He began to head for the battle.

"Stop," Rilan grabbed his arm, "You power isn't as strong as hers, you'll only distract her."

Vegeta snarled and ripped out of the Tygrian's grip, "That's ridiculous, I just had the power a second ago, it was just a faze!"

"You're wrong," spat Rilan, "You're not strong enough Vegeta, because that guy is right, you're not fighting for Katima, you're fighting for power!"

Vegeta clenched his fists, fury bathing him. Rilan… was he was right?

*scene change*

Katima moved with the power and speed of a goddess. It was astounding to have this power, this that she had had but tastes of, now at her fingertips and at her disposal. Why hadn't she seen the key before? Why didn't she realize that focusing on her love and passion for Vegeta and her family and friends was all she needed? It had been so obvious!

She twisted along in battle with Dengen, their powers matched, neither able to land a blow on the other. Katima felt anger clouding her at the feeling she was getting from Vegeta. He was succumbing to the seeds that Dengen had placed in his head. Clever, that this alien knew how to twist and trick Vegeta's mind, making him think about his past obsession with power.

"You cannot win!" cried Dengen as he blocked a kick from her, "Not without him!"

"I have him already," snarled Katima, "He will see that you just ploy with his mind!"

"Do I?" Dengen growled, "Or do I state the truth?"

Katima felt her heart skip a beat, and in her hesitation, he landed a punch on her face. She went sailing back, landing rolling in the mud. She spat as she got to her feet again, her body soaked from the rain.

Dengen laughed, "You don't see it, because you are blind with hope," he crowed, "You can't bear to think that his love for power is still greater than his love for you!"

"You're WRONG!" Katima cried, flying toward him.

She caught him off guard, managing to land a knee in his gut. As the air left his body from the blow she slammed and elbow down on the back of his head. Dengen crashed into the mud, but he rolled backward and to his feet and shot out a green blast.

Katima crossed her arms before her face and blocked the brunt of the blow, but Dengen was at close range again, swinging a punch at her side. She jumped back to dodge it, throughing out a kick, but he grabbed hold of her ankle. Smirking, he started to spin her around wildly until they were going fast enough to send the droplet of rain coming down on them rebounding in the opposite direction. He let go, sending her sailing toward the others.

She crashed straight into Rilan and Hez, the three of them sent tumbling over each other before landing in a heap. Katima jumped to her feet, snarling, and blasted back toward Dengen, not bothering to check if they were alright. He had to be stopped.

"Think about it," laughed Dengen as they began brawling again, "Why did his power fade? Why else would he be useless right now?"

"Because you've poisoned his mind with doubt!" Katima howled.

"You lie to yourself, even now, just to appease your own petty emotions."

Again, Katima stumbled in her fighting and Dengen got a few solid hits in. An elbow to the face, a kick on the side that sent her back a few feet and then a energy orb that blasted her backward, carving into her armored stomach, leaving it bloodied and raw.

"Katima!" she heard Krillin cry.

"Even your power wanes," laughed Dengen, slowly approaching where she lay in the mud, "Because you know it's true!"

"LIAR!" Katima screamed, and power flourished around her, making Dengen stumble and raise his arms defensively.

She launched forward, throwing out a flurry of hits that Dengen just barely managed to block at first but slowly was able to counter her every move. Katima felt the strength in her softening and she pushed harder. No. She wouldn't be tricked, she knew that-


She spotted him suddenly, standing off on his own, glaring at the ground, the rain coming down on him. He was no longer in Super Saiyan form. His fists were clenched, his teeth grit as he looked at the ground. And all she could feel from him… was guilt.


Katima was suddenly hit, send to the ground where she gasped, the air leaving her as she thumped onto her back roughly. Dengen towered over her, a hand open and aimed at her face.

"Love," Dengen scoffed, "The strongest emotion? I think not."

"Get away from her!" 18 came rushing forward, but Dengen swatted her away like a fly.

"18!" Krillin shouted, rushing to where she crashed in the mud.

"Stop this, Dengen!" Sol cried, "This isn't the way! How can peace be won like this?"

"It is the ONLY way!" Dengen screamed, "Give me the secret! Tell me how to plant the Bond!" he reached down and grabbed the front of Katima's armor, lifting her to his face, "TELL ME!"

"Never," Katima spat in his face.

Dengen howled and clenched his fist and slammed it into her already wounded gut.

Katima wailed in pain, her Super Saiyan form fading.


With a jolt, Katima realized it was Vegeta who spoke. She was limp in Dengen's grasp but looked over to see him walking forward, his face full of ferocity. She felt a strange feeling coming from him in the Bond.

"You piss-ant warrior, you think that you can just get peace because you want it?" Vegeta spat on the ground, "Peace will never happen. It can't. The only think you can do is become a warrior that does his damnedest to protect what you have, what you care for… what you love."

"Vegeta…" Katima rasped.

Vegeta looked at her, "I love you Katima. And I'll prove it, here and now!"

Power surged from him and Katima felt her heart race as he went Super Saiyan, his eyes began to glow white, and it was like a thousand voices coming from him at once, "THIS ENDS NOW!"

Dengen dropped Katima in shock and she pulled herself to her feet as the alien faced Vegeta, fear in his eyes.

"No!" he cried, "This can't be! You're just like any of the others of Frieza's men! You can't feel love! All you care about is power!"

"You're wrong!" Vegeta bellowed, "You've been wrong about everything, and it will be your DEATH!"

Katima felt the passion from the Bond, felt the power began to surge through her. She screamed to the sky and powered to Super Saiyan. She darted to Vegeta, ignoring the pain in her wounds, and pressed her back to his chest. He wrapped an arm around her middle, and held out his free hand, the thumb tucked in, and she pressed the heels of her hands to either side of his palm.

"BIG BANG ATTACK!" Vegeta shouted as Katima cried, "ETERNAL BURN!"

"No!" screamed Dengen as a wave of power flowed toward him, "I CAN'T BE STOPPED! NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

The white tidal wave of energy consumed him and surged forward, making the planet shake beneath their feet. Katima felt Dengen's power blink to nothing and she and Vegeta let the power fade. Before them was a massive chasm that they had left. There wasn't a single trace of Dengen left.

Katima was turned to face Vegeta and he pressed his lips to hers. They kissed until they faded from Super Saiyan, and both collapsed, tangled together and unconscious.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song for this Chapter: Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles.
Probably one of the sappiest chapter you will see here. I think it's rather hilarious listening to that song while picturing Vegeta and Katima destroying Dengen.