Status: Daily Updates

The Bond


A week had passed since Vegeta and Makoto's departure. Katima had looked up every so often to see a strange silver orb hanging over the mountains, the artificial moon that caused the transformation. She felt the feelings from her husband, mixing between anger, frustration, to pride and satisfaction. She knew the training was going well. In the meantime, her own training was doing decent as well.

"Come at me, Trunks, come on!" Katima goaded.

They were in the back gardens, sheltered from any prying eyes from the streets. Trunks was ascended, his hair remaining purple, but tattooing lines tracing all of his skin and his eyes turning bright yellow. He hadn't reached the second level of ascension yet like his father, which Katima remembered made future Trunks' hair blue and the lines shine and his eyes turn to an ice color.

The boy was crouched, ready to pounce, and Katima was in Super Saiyan form, poised to defend. He launched forward, yowling, swinging at her with a wide punch. Katima ducked nimbly and quickly blocked his kick. She threw up a knee before he could recover and slammed it in his gut. Trunks let out a cough as the breath left him. Katima punched the side of his face, sending him into the ground and she jumped back, worry pricking her. She hadn't hit too hard, did she?

But Trunks was getting to his feet, facing her. She smirked at his eager grin. Of course, he was part Tygrian, his endurance was through the roof. He leapt at her again, and they began to brawl across the gardens. Katima was managing to dodge most of the boy's attacks and land most of her own, but no matter how many blows she planted, Trunks kept going. She wasn't using her full power, by any means, but it still shocked her how strong Trunks was.

"Alright, that's enough," said Rilan, who was watching at the side, when Katima sent Trunks across the garden.

Trunks had been getting back up to keep going. He pouted at his father, "Aw, but I'm not done!" he said.

Katima laughed and rubbed the back of her neck, "You got some moves there, kiddo! I'm impressed!"

Trunks glared at her, "But you weren't using your full strength, were you?" he accused.

Katima raised her hands as if in surrender, "Now come on, Trunks, I don't want to hurt you!"

Trunks pouted, "That's no fair! I can take it!"

"You'd be surprised, Katima," said Rilan, powering up, his hair glowing blue slightly, and his lines carving across his skin, shining like trails of ice, his eyes gleaming, "Trunks is stronger than you think."

Katima looked at him oddly. Rilan was in his second stage of ascension. Wasn't that too strong for Trunks? But to her surprise, he squared off with his son.

Katima stepped back to allow them room, and they began to brawl across the ground. Granted, Trunks was getting hit far more than Rilan was, but even at the point where Katima was sure any non Tygrian at the boy's power level would be beaten bloody, Trunks only had a few scrapes. Finally, they stopped, Trunks panting and grasping his knees to stay up.

"I can keep going, Dad!" he gasped.

"No, that's enough," said Rilan, powering down and smiling at his son, "You did well."

Katima powered down as well, her hair returning to black and laying down, "Let's get some food, huh?" she asked.

They headed inside and headed to the kitchen to find Bulma cooking. She smiled back at them, "How are my strong boys? Training hard?" she asked them.

Rilan smiled, "Of course."

Bulma grinned at Katima, "Are they being nice, Katima?"

"Oh, they know they have to," Katima winked, "They don't want to make me mad."

"Oh ha, ha," scoffed Trunks.

Katima shot a little blast of power at him, it knocked him down.

"HEY!" he shouted, rubbing his chest where it hit him, "That wasn't cool, Katima!"

"A good warrior is always paying attention," said Rilan, "Even in his own house among family and friends."

Trunks grumbled, "Totally not fair…"

Katima and Bulma chuckled.

Quite suddenly, Katima noticed that the distance in the bond with Vegeta wasn't as large as it had been. She perked up and cast out her senses, and sure enough she felt two familiar life sources heading toward them.

"They're back!" Trunks yelped, and ran from the room.

Katima grinned and Bulma and chased after the boy. Her own strong boys were home.

Outside, Vegeta and Makoto landed in the garden. Makoto came tearing toward her, and jumped up to hug her. Katima hugged him back.

"Mom! I did it! I can turn into an ape and control myself and everything! Dad even taught me how to fight tiny targets! It was SO cool I was SO big!" Makoto rambled excitedly.

Katima laughed and set him down, "I'm so proud of you, Makoto!" she said.

"Can you really, Makoto?" Trunks asked, looking awestruck, "You can control yourself when you're a big monkey?"

"I sure can!" Makoto put his fists on his hips, his tail lashing back and forth.

"Let's go tell Mom!" Trunks said.

They both cheered and rushed inside, laughing and yelling back and forth.

Katima then returned her attention to Vegeta. He stood there in his thick coat and snow pants, thumbs tucked under the straps of his back pack. He smiled at her lightly.

"I missed you," Katima said, going to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"He was fully trained in a week," said Vegeta, "On average back on our home planet, it took moons to become adept at controlling one's self and able to battle adequately."

Katima beamed, "Our son's a prodigy," she said softly, kissing him.

Vegeta kissed back gently without removing his thumbs from the straps. He broke from her and looked all business again.

"How is your training going?"

"I bet I can beat you in a grappling match."

Vegeta perked a brow, "Or really?"

"Both out here AND in bed."

Vegeta turned red.

Katima laughed and retracted her arms, "Come on, Bulma was just cooking lunch.

"Oh thank God," said Vegeta, "We ran out of those boxes the first three days… I'm starved."

The weeks went on, and it was good to train with her husband and son again. Makoto never really trained hand to hand with her before, and he seemed nervous. Vegeta had to yell at him to actually try one evening and he managed to punch Katima in the face. He had nearly cried afterward, and Katima had to assure him that she was proud that he managed to hit her more than anything else.

Gohan and Goten visited once to let them know that Krillin and 18 were entering the tournament too. He also brought news that their daughter, Marin, was doing well, and had just turned four.

And before any of them knew it, the day of the tournament was upon them.

They all pooled in one vehicle to fly there, Bulma piloting it. Rilan sat in the front seat by her. In the vehicle were those competing, Vegeta, Katima, Gohan, Goten, Makoto, Krillin, and 18, as well as those who were there to watch, Roshi, Chichi, Oolong, Yamcha, Puar, the Ox King, and little Marin, the sweet little four year old that was Krillin and 18's daughter. She had her blond hair up in pigtails and sat on her mother's lap.

"I've ridden galatic slugs faster than this vehicle," Vegeta snapped, folding his arms across his chest and scowling out the window.

"Oh hush," Bulma said irritably. She glanced back at Gohan, who was in the seat just behind her next to Roshi, "So, you think your dad will really show up?" she asked.

"Of course!" said Gohan. He was sporting his Saiyaman outfit, all except for the head piece.

Roshi laughed heartedly beside him, "When has Goku ever let us down before? Or course he'll be there."

Gohan glanced over at Krillin who was across the isle from him, "I bet he'll hardly recognize you with your goofy hair do!"

Katima laughed at this. She had hardly recognized Krillin herself when they stopped to pick them up and he had walked out with a head of black hair.

"Hey! It's stylish!" Krillin said, ruffling his hair.

The Ox King let out a bellowing laugh. He was so massive he had to have the entire back end of the vehicle to himself.

"So, Yamcha," said Chichi, who was sitting next to him, "Are you going to enter the tournament too?"

"Are you kidding?" Yamcha laughed, "I would just embarrass myself. I gave up fighting."

"Hey, listen, Vegeta, Katima, Rilan," Gohan said and looked back at the seat behind him where the three boys were sitting, "And this goes for you kids too. I don't think we should transform in the fights."

Vegeta cast a glare back at him, "What for?"

"That's a good idea," said Bulma, "If you guys transform, there could be a chance that the audience will recognize you all from the Cell Games, and then the journalists and news cast will get your names from the roster and- UGH- we'd have journalists all over the front yard!"

"I don't see the problem," said Vegeta, "When the journalists show up, I'll just destroy them."

"Vegeta!" Katima smacked his arm, "Behave!"

Vegeta smirked, "Fine, it's settled, there will be no transformations in the battles. Of course, I'll still hold the advantage."

"We're okay with that, Dad," said Makoto.

"Yeah!" Goten beamed while Trunks nodded.

"I suppose I can agree to it," said Rilan, smirking.

"Thanks, guys," said Gohan.

"Well that's good news to me!" Krillin said, "Maybe this way I might stand a chance! Tryin' to fight a Super Saiyan or Ascended Tygrian? That's like trying to fight a steamroller with your hands tied, hahaha-"

"Pipe down!" snapped Vegeta.

"Ooh, sorry," Krillin squeaked.

"Look everyone!" Bulma said, leaning forward, "I can see the island that the tournament is being held on!"

Katima looked out the window and saw that there was indeed and island in the distance, with several other vehicles heading in. She grinned, excitement thrilling her. She had never done one of these before! It was going to be exciting.

"I guess I should complete my outfit!" said Gohan, pulling out his bandana and sunglasses from his bad. He tied the bandana around his head to cover his hair and slipped on the sunglasses.

"Are you really going to fight in that, Gohan?" Krillin asked.

"Sure, don't I look great?" Gohan asked.

Krillin laughed a little, "Er… yeah…"

They landed and headed out into the grounds outside the stadium. It was flooded with people, and Makoto stayed close to Katima's side. His tail was laced around his waist as his father had instructed. It wouldn't be the best thing to let everyone see his tail during the fights. Katima offered her son her hand and he took it, looking around warily. He had never been in a crowd like this before.

"There's so many people!" said Goten excitedly, "I wonder who's all gonna fight!"

As they walked, there were hotdog stands, souvenirs, people blowing bells and whistles, cotton candy machines…

"It's like a world fair!" said Krillin.

"Ugh," said Bulma, "I can't stand crowds."

"I wonder if Goku's here," said Yamcha, shielding his eyes from the sun and looking around.

Before anyone could answer, there was a great commotion. Cheering and applause sounded behind them, and several kids ran by, all waving books and pencils, yelling excitedly.

Katima looked back and felt her face turn into a scowl.

"Oh look," said Krillin sarcastically, "It's our hero, the man who defeated Cell because we were all too weak, remember?"

It in face was, Hercule Satan. Katima rolled her eyes as she saw his figure step out of the plane in the distance.

"Do people really believe that?" sighed Bulma.

"Who's that, Mom?" asked Makoto.

"The weakest man alive, son," said Vegeta flatly.

Makoto's eyes widened, "Why is everyone running to him?"

"Vegeta… honestly. Makoto, that man is the world champion. He took the credit of killing Cell for us, so we don't have to deal with journalists," said Katima.

"Pfft," Vegeta snorted, "If that's the way you want to put it…"

"Whoever wins the tournament fights him for the champion title," said Katima.

Makoto frowned, "He doesn't seem strong."

"He isn't," said Vegeta.

In the distance, Katima could see Hercule flexing, making the crowd go wild.

"He sure likes to ham it up, doesn't he?" Yamcha chuckled.

"I hear you know his daughter, Gohan," said Oolong, his pig snout twitching a bit.

They heard Hercule egg on the crowd and Yamcha chuckled again.

"He hasn't changed a bit," he said.

"Forget about it, Yamcha, I'd much rather track down my dad," Gohan began looking around.

"I don't sense Goku anywhere, but someone else we know it here," Roshi nodded past them.

Katima turned and spotted a familiar figure in the shade of a tree. She smiled, but Goten beat her to calling him out.

"Hey! It's mister Piccolo!"

Gohan beamed, "Wow! He showed up!"

He walked to his old mentor and smiled up at him, "Hi, Piccolo! I don't suppose you've seen my dad, have you?"

Piccolo opened his eyes and looked down at him, "Not yet, but he'll be here… that… that outfit."

Gohan tilted his head.

"Are you really going to fight in that?" Piccolo asked bluntly.

"Of course!" said Gohan.

Piccolo grunted.

"Where could Goku be?" Chichi asked, looking around, "Maybe they couldn't bring him back after all…"

"I'm sure they can," said Katima, "Here, let's go-"

Before she could continue she heard the sound of feet hitting the ground. She turned and felt her stomach flip.


He was standing there, a big grin on his face, hands on his hips, "Hey!" he cried, looking at them all with wide eyes, "I'm back!"

"Goku!" most of them cried.

"Dad!" Gohan rushed forward, laughing happily.

"Wow! You guys have changed a LOT in seven years!" said Goku, "Gohan! You're giant!"

Katima let go of Makoto's hand and beamed, "Took your sweet time, didn't you?" she asked, a slight tear in her eye.

Goku laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. They all stood there, staring at him for a moment, and Goku asked, "Guys, are you just going to stand there staring at me all day?"



Katima, Gohan, Yamcha, Krillin, Puar, and Oolong all launched forward and hugged him. Goku laughed as he was piled on.

"Oh, Goku," said Chichi, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you, Chichi," said Goku.

They all backed off him and Katima saw Goku's eyes go down. He had spied little Goten who was hiding behind his mother's leg. Goten yelped and hid more.

"Uh- Chichi, I think there's a little me behind your leg!" Goku said.

"Goten," said Chichi, "It's alright."

Goten peeked his face out, looking at Goku with wide eyes, "I- I'm Goten." He said.

Goku grinned and walked forward. He kneeled down in front of Chichi and looked at him, "And I'm Goku. Hi!"

Goten stared at him for a long moment before running out from behind Chichi, "Daddy!" he cried.

Goku laughed and caught him, tossing him up in the air and placing him in his shoulder, "Whoa! You're a strong little guy, aren't you?"

Goten giggled and pressed his cheek to his father's. Katima smiled lightly and she looked over to see Vegeta glaring at Goku, his arms crossed. She felt a pang. It was just like the old days… the deep set rivalry was flared again, and she felt it through the bond like fire.

As Goku played with his second son, there was a voice.

"Listen up, Goku!"

Katima jumped as she saw a little tiny old women sitting atop a crystal ball. She looked like a little witch.

"Remember," she said, "You only have twenty four hours, that's all I can do."

"Right!" said Goku.

"I'll see you then," said the witch and hovered away into the sky.

"Thank you, Baba!" Goku called.

Turning, Goku smiled at Katima, "How have you been, sis?"

"I've been great," said Katima, "Last we spoke was under rather interesting conditions," she laughed.

"King Kai told me you guys beat Dengen!" said Goku, "That was great!"

"So that's Kakarot?" Makoto asked, coming to Katima's side.

She sighed. She never did manage to break her son out of the habit of calling his uncle Goku Kakarot.

"Who's that?" asked Goku, looking down at the boy while propping Goten on his shoulder again.

"This is mine and Vegeta's son, Makoto," said Katima, smiling down at the boy.

"Oh! He has a tail!" Goku looked at his waist.

"Shut up, Kakarot, you want to tell the entire grounds that?" snapped Vegeta, "You haven't changed a bit."

Goku looked at Vegeta, laughing, "Neither have you, it seems!" he said.

Vegeta scoffed.

"Hey, we should get to the registration desk before it closes," said Piccolo.

Nodding in agreement, they headed along. The line was long, and it took about fifteen minutes for Gohan, who was in front, to reach the desk.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" asked one of the men behind the desk.

"The Great Saiyaman!" said Gohan excitedly and in a strange tone.

"Huh?" Goku blinked behind him, "Who's that?"

"It's my superhero name!" Gohan said back to him, "Cool, huh?"

Goku laughed, "Uh- sure!"

As he moved aside, Trunks stepped up, smiling up at the men, his head just over the desk.

"Ah, yes," said the one on the left, "Another for the junior division."

"Uh! What's that mean?" Trunks demanded, looking put out.

"It's for anyone under the age of fifteen," said the man on the right.

"Oh, great, Goten, Makoto, they're going to put us with the little kids!" Trunks said to the boys behind him.

"What?" Goten whined.

Makoto narrowed his eyes, "That's dumb!" he said.

Trunks faced the men again, placing his hands on the desk, "Thanks, guy, but we'll take the ADULT division."

"No can do, sport, there are rules!" said the man on the left.

Trunks pouted, "But that's boring!" he muttered.

After they had all registered, they headed back out into the more open paths. However, they were only there a moment until they heard a voice over an intercom ask for all the competitors to head for the waiting area.

"Good luck, everyone!" Chichi said, beaming at them.

"Don't worry, Chichi, I'm sure one of us will win!" said Goku happily.

Katima smiled at her brother, "There's no doubt about that," she said.

"Remember to cheer for your daddy!" Krillin said to little Marin.

"Okay!" she said cheerfully.

"Hmph," Vegeta hung his sack that held his fighting clothes over his shoulder and marched off.

"See you guys in the finals," said Trunks to the other boys.

"We'll be there!" said Goten, smiling.

"Good luck, darling," said Bulma, kissing Rilan on the cheek.

Rilan laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'll look for you in the audience!" he promised.

They left the others, heading for the waiting area. Katima hurried to catch up to Vegeta and tossed an arm around his shoulders, "So, hun, what are you going to do if you have to fight me?" she winked.

Vegeta snorted, but turned a little red, "All I care about is fighting Kakarot."

Katima rolled her eyes, "Oh, of course," she sighed.

"Krillin, I gotta say," Katima heard her brother speaking behind her, "I'm not used to you having hair! I always thought you were naturally bald!"

"No, no, I just always kept it waxed, I could have swore I told you."

"Well, why did you grow it out?" Goku asked.

"Well, love can make you do some crazy stuff!" Krillin laughed.

Katima looked back to see 18 walk past Goku and her brother let out a yelp of shock, "Whoa, guys, watch out, android 18 is here!"

"Oh, look, he noticed, how cute," scoffed 18.

"Please tell me she's not still terrorizing the planet!" Goku begged.

"Actually, Goku, 18 and I are married," said Krillin, smiling and rubbing the back of his neck.

"What?" Goku bellowed, "You mean you sleep in the same house as her?"

"Well, yeah," said Krillin, "We even had a kid together."


Vegeta scoffed, "Moron. If he keeps yelling like that he'll make us all look bad."

"How do androids have babies?" Goku hissed.

"I'll have you know, she was human before Gero got a hold of her. He just changed a few things about her," said Krillin defensively.

"He DID miss seven years, Vegeta," said Katima soothingly.

As they walked, Katima heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, Gohan!"

She and Vegeta turned as they entered the courtyard to see Videl running toward them. She grinned at Gohan and stopped in front of him.

"You're lucky I recognized you!" she said.

"Oh, hi Videl!" said Gohan, "Sh, though, I'm entering as Saiyaman!"

"Oh right," Videl winked, "I won't tell a soul then."

"Who's that?" Vegeta asked.

"That's Gohan's friend," said Katima, "The one I helped train to fly."

"Oh, the human," scoffed Vegeta.

Katima smacked his arm, "Will you behave?"

He smirked a bit.


As Vegeta walked on, Katima paused to see a boy with long blond hair come up. He was in a white suit and had a bouquet of roses in his hand and a camera hanging around his neck.

"I've been looking all over for you!" he said.

"Oh, Sharpner," Videl rolled her eyes.

"Who's that?" the boy called Sharpner demanded, looking at Gohan.

"Oh, this is the Great Saiyaman," said Videl, smirking.

"Don't play with me, who is he really?" Sharpner snapped.

"No one knows his REAL identity," said Videl, still smirking, "Isn't that right, Saiyaman?"

Gohan looked like he was going to freak out.

"Er- yes! That's right!" he said in that odd deep tone again.

"Is he a friend of yours?" Sharpner put a heavy emphasis on the word "friend."

"Well, we DO spend a lot of time together fighting all those would be criminals," Videl winked a Gohan.

"Pfft, right, spare me," Sharpner rolled his eyes.

"Attention all contestants! Please report to the warm up pavilion! Testing will begin with or without you!"

That was the intercom again.

"Uh oh, we better hurry," said Videl, looking up.

She reached out and grabbed Gohan's arm with her hands and hung on him.

Gohan turned bright red, "Er-! Right! Let- let's go!"

Katima chuckled as they walked off.


She perked a brow at the boy who was now addressing her.

"Do YOU know who that freak is?" he asked sharply.

Katima crossed her arms and looked at him, "Maybe you would learn some manners, kiddo. Maybe then the girls would be more into you."

He turned red, "Wh-what is that supposed to mean?"

Katima laughed, and began walking away.

"Hey- Hey! I'm not done talking to you!" Sharpner called after her.

Katima kept walking, smirking.

Catching up to the others, she saw a camera crew. The reporter held out her mic to Vegeta as he past, "Where are you from sir?" she asked.

He and Piccolo walked by without responding. Katima chuckled and caught up.

"Ma'am!" the reporter spotted her, "You don't see many women competing! You will answer some questions unlike those rude ones?"

"That was actually my husband," Katima laughed, "Do forgive him."

"Oh, so both you and your husband are entering? Aren't you concerned you'll have to fight him?" asked the reporter.

Katima shrugged, "We train enough at home it won't be anything different."

"How unique!" the reporter paused as Goku and the others came forward.

"Hey, Katima," said Goku, "Wondered where you went!"

Katima smirked, "Best we get going, huh, bro?"

"And your brother?" the reporter grinned, "How interesting, is this a family thing? Where are you from, sir?" she offered her mic to Goku.

"Huh? Oh, I'm dead, just back for the day," said Goku bluntly, which made Katima run a hand down her face.

Goku pointed up and it was only then that she noticed the golden halo hanging over his head.

"Oh, you are funny!" said the reporter, "Why don't you tell us where you got that head accessory! It's fabulous!"

"Huh? No, ma'am this isn't an accessory-" Goku began.

However he was cut off when the camera exploded.

The camera man yelped as the pieces fell to the ground. Katima looked over to see Piccolo looking at them in the doorway.

Goku laughed, "Well I see Piccolo hasn't changed!"

Katima chuckled. The Namekian had destroyed the camera, most likely to keep information on them from leaking. Very clever, actually.

She and 18 had to separate from the rest of the group at the locker rooms. Katima spotted Videl and smiled at her. Videl waved as she laced on her boots. Katima pulled out her training clothes, changing out of her T shirt and jeans to some comfortable black leggings, a short blue skirt and tank top, and pink wrist bands. She laced up knee high combat boots and then placed her belongings in the locker.

"Are you ready?" Katima asked 18 as she pulled down a black tank top over her striped shirt.

"Naturally," said 18, smiling lightly at her, "It's been a while, Katima."

Katima grinned, "It'll be fun to fight!" she looked at Videl, "Have you been practicing your flying, Videl?" she asked.

Videl stood and nodded, "Sure have! I won't hold anything back!"

Katima laughed, "Good. Let's go, shall we?"

Leaving the locker room, they headed out into a crowded court yard. Finding the others, Katima grinned at Vegeta, who was in a sleeveless dark blue jumper and white boots. Trunks was in a green one similar to match his father, Rilan. Makoto wore a short sleeve white shirt with a black vest over it and black sweat pants. His tail was tucked around his waist like a belt. Goku was still him his orange outfit like Goten.


A man came rushing toward them. He had blond hair and sunglasses. He beamed at Goku and Piccolo, "It IS you guys! Oh, you have no clue how glad I am to see you! It's been ages since you last competed!"

Katima folded her hands behind her head, watching.

"Hey!" Goku grinned, "Good to see you!"

"You know this guy?" Katima asked.

"This is the announcer," said Goku, "He's been here since I competed when I was a kid!"

"Are all these guys with you too?" the announcer asked, gesturing to the group around them.

"Sure, this is my sister, Katima," Goku nodded at her.

"A sister! Well this will be exciting indeed! It's been so BORING without you guys! Hey, try not to blow up the ring this time, huh?" he laughed.

"We'll try," said Piccolo.

"You've competed, Piccolo?" Katima asked.

He nodded, smirking a bit.

"Attention! May I have all the competitors come to the front here!" someone called.

"Well, good luck!" the announcer said happily, running off.

They waved at him and headed to the front of the courtyard. There were a few officials there.

"This year, a hundred and ninety seven competitors have entered the tournament's adult division, however, there are only sixteen slots in the tournament. The world champion automatically gets a spot. If you do the math, that makes only fifteen spots available. In order to deside who gets in, we will have each of you tested by punching strength on this pressure machine."

A machine with a cushion pad on it was hauled out. They placed it down and the official that was speaking continued, "The fifteen with the highest scores will move on. Now, to set the number, we will have none other than the world champion himself make the first blow."

Katima groaned as Hercule Satan entered the courtyard, flexing and roaring, he held up his belt, "Does anyone want this?" he cried.

The crowd around her went wild and Katima felt her stomach get sick. Vegeta folded his arms beside her, his eyes narrowed. Makoto was looking up with a frown, "Is that the Hercule guy?" he asked.

"That's my dad," said Videl, smiling at the boy.

Makoto folded his arms, "He's loud." He stated flatly.

Several of the press got out camera and began taking pictures. Hercule posed left and right, flexing, blowing kisses.

"This has to stop," said Piccolo.

There was a glint in his eyes, and suddenly, all the camera malfunctioned, busting and emitting smoke. The camera people all wailed, looking over their cameras in horror. Katima chuckled.

Hercule looked put out, but he shrugged and cracked his knuckles, turning to the machine, "Ready for this?" he bellowed.

With a lot of over exaggerated grunts, he threw out a fist, "SATAN PUNCH!" he cried and slammed it into the cushion. The little screen above it flipped through numbers until it stopped and flashed.

"INCREDIBLE!" cried the official, "Mr. Satan has scored a whopping 137!"

"YEAH!" Hercule flexed as he headed back inside, "Good luck to all you fighters! And I hope that at least one of you scores a hundred, so we can have a decent match!"

Katima rolled her eyes.

"Could all of the adults form a line once you receive your number to make your hit on the punching machine!" said the official.

"And will all the kids in the junior tournament please gather around me!" called another.

"Alright, boys, good luck!" Krillin said cheerfully.

Trunks furrowed his brow, "Sure," he muttered.

Katima ruffled Makoto's hair, "Have fun, okay?"

"Son," Vegeta looked at him, "I better see you in the finals."

"Of course!" Makoto said, puffing his chest.

"Come on, Makoto!" said Goten, waving, "Let's go!"

The three boys headed over to the second official and Katima smiled a bit. She hoped that they would all do well.

The line began to move. The fighters before them were averaging around a hundred points on the machine, and finally, it was 18's turn.

"Wow, that girl is pretty cute for a fighter!" Katima heard one of the men goad.

"I bet she scores a 13 though!" snorted the one next to him.

"Now, 18, remember to take it easy!" said Krillin.

"I know," said 18.

She paused next to the machine and thwapped it lightly.

The numbers spun, and stopped on 772.

"S-seven hundred-" the official stared blankly. He shook himself and walked forward, "I'm sorry ma'am, it seems to be out of order."

"That's what you call taking it easy?" Krillin snapped.

"It's not my fault these guys are weaklings," said 18.

After the mechanics did some fiddling, the official nodded, "Okay, ma'am, go ahead."

18 once again tapped it gently with the back of her hand. The numbers spun and stopped on 203.

"Two.. two hundred and three…" the official stammered.

It was written down this time, and Krillin went next. He scored 192 by tapping it. Goku came next, scoring 186, smiling lightly as he punched the machine gently. The gasps around them made Katima sigh.

"This is absurd…" Vegeta hissed behind her.

She smiled back at him, "We have to take it easy sometimes."

"Pah…" Vegeta rolled his eyes.

Piccolo scored 210. Rilan pulled 198. Next up it was Katima. She smiled and jumped in front of the machine.

"Another girl," scoffed one of the men.

"This one won't be a repeat, I bet! She sure is pretty though."

Katima rolled her eyes and tapped the machine's cushion with her fist. The numbers swirled.

"Two hundred and seven… points…" stammered the official.

Katima beamed and hopped along. She turned to see Vegeta approach the machine next.

"The pressure mechanism seems to be broken," said the official, "See if you could fetch the other machine."

"Of course sir," said the mechanic.

Vegeta scoffed, "Now stand aside!" he said harshly.

He held back his fist and slammed it into the machine. It blew apart under his blow, sending it sailing across the courtyard and into the far wall. Katima covered her face with her palm.

"Vegeta…" she hissed.

"So much for restraining," sighed Gohan as Goku face palmed.

Vegeta walked to Katima, arms crossed, "I think I beat all the scores," he said smugly.

"We're trying to blend in here," Katima whispered.

"Nice, Vegeta," Gohan said.

Videl was beside him and she turned to face him, "Wait, you're not in the least bit surprised?" she asked, "Didn't you SEE what he did to that machine?"

Katima rubbed the bridge of her nose as Vegeta stalked away.

Videl looked at her, "Katima, do you know that guy?"

"Sure," she said, blushing a bit, "That's my husband, Vegeta."

"Your husband?" Videl looked at Vegeta as he walked away, "The one you said you trained with all the time?"

"Uh.. yeah," Katima rubbed the back of her neck.

"What IS this, it's like you're all one big group and you're all scoring in the 200's! My dad only scored a 137!"

Katima laughed nervously, "Yeah, uh- weird huh? Must be good luck!"

She turned to see Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, 18, Rilan, and Vegeta headed toward them again.

"Hey, Katima, I convinced Vegeta to come see the junior tournament! It's about to start, wanna come?" asked Goku.

"Of course!" said Katima, smiling, "I have to see Makoto fight."

"I have to stay here for the machine," said Gohan, frowning.

"Gohan, who's this?" Goku smiled at Videl.

"Oh! This is my friend, Videl!" Gohan grinned.

"So this is the girl you've been talking about!" Goku beamed, "It's nice to meet you, Videl!"

They walked on, and Katima waved at Gohan and a bewildered looking Videl, "See you soon!" she called.

They went to the top of the bleachers that overhung the stage. Katima leaned against the railing, looking down with a grin. She hoped the boys did well, and she was excited to see how good Makoto had gotten with his father's training.

"Hello everyone!" the announcer came running to the center of the stage, beaming up at all of them from under his sunglasses. He had a microphone, and his voice rang out to them all, "First is the junior tournament! Whoever wins first place walks home with ten million zeni! Second place gets five million, and third gets one million! And not only will the winner get that whopping cash prize, but they'll get the chance to fight the one- the ONLY- Mister Satan himself!"

Katima groaned as the man came barreling out to the stage. He jumped and did an impressive flip for the fans, but his landing slid and he fell backward, smacking his head hard on the stadium floor. Vegeta grunted in amusement, smirking and Katima laughed heartedly with the others.

"Serves him right," Rilan muttered.

Hercule hopped up, but Katima could see the pain in his eyes, "Just kidding!" he bellowed, laughing wildly.

"Oh, mister Satan, you have such a good sense of humor!" the announcer laughed, "Now before we start the junior tournament, we have a special surprise for all of you!"

Katima heard the sound of an engine and looked up to see a blimp rolling by overhead. It stopped to hover over the stage, a giant screen flickering to life.

"A movie based off of Hercule Satan's great defeat over the vicious Cell!" the announcer cried, beaming.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Krillin muttered, looking up, "They didn't REALLY-"

However, the movie began and Katima blinked in shock at the strange costumes the actors wore, their outfits that they had worn that day, but giant cartoony bobble head like masks over their heads, each one representing them. Katima ran a hand down her face. This couldn't be serious!

There was Cell, or rather, a terribly unrealistic costume of Cell, punching and "blasting" them away, all of them falling down and crying out in horribly voiced pain. Katima saw hers even had her scar on the face, at least they got that part.

Cell loomed over her, hands on his hips, laughing. It sounded so fake! Then, overdramatically, Hercule's actor came out of the cloud of dust.

"Ha ha!" he cried, "I won't let you terrorize these innocents any longer, Cell! Your reign of terror is OVER! Ha ha!"

"Oh, Hercule Satan!" Katima's voice actress was terrible! It sounded so high pitched and feminine! "Please, save me!"

"Worry not, ma'am!" Hercule called, "I will not let Cell get away for scarring your beautiful face!"

He rushed forward and very cheesily punched Cell, who fell to the ground.

"Gr!" Cell said, "You are strong! Take this!" he shot out a blast, but Hercule let it hit him and bounce off.

"Ha ha! Your light tricks don't fool ME Cell!"

The "battle" went on for about fifteen minutes, mostly Hercule's actor beating Cell into a pulp. Once it was all over, and Cell "died", their actors all cheered.

"Mister Satan has saved us all!" Goku's actor cried.

"I wish I were him!" Vegeta's wooed.

"Oh, Hercule," Katima's actor went to him, swooning, "You SAVED me! Please marry me, Hercule."

Katima clenched her fists, anger slowly rising.

"I can't, fair lady!" Hercule said, "I must continue fighting to keep the Earth safe! But here, just for you, sweet!"

His bobblehead pressed to Katima's.

"I'LL KILL HIM!" Katima shouted, about to fly down to beat the living crap out of Hercule, but Goku grabbed her.

"Katima! You can't!" he hissed.

Only a few people were looking back at her, confused.

Katima writhed in her brother's grip, "Let me go! I'll rip his head off and shove it up his ass!"

Vegeta looked livid. He had his arms crossed firmly, his eyes clothes, teeth bared, "Save it, Katima. We'll deal with it when one of us get's to fight him."

"He doesn't look happy about this either guys," Krillin pointed down.

Hercule did look shocked and uncomfortable. Katima calmed and Goku let go of her, laughing nervously.

"Sheesh, Katima," Goku chuckled, "You sure get riled up about that guy!"

Katima scoffed and folded her arms, "Just wait! I'll show him who's a 'fair lady'…"

Rilan laughed as the movie ended, "Well, at least this is keeping everyone off our lawns and staying on his."
♠ ♠ ♠
Song for this chapter: Stuck In the Middle With You by Stealers Wheel