Status: Daily Updates

The Bond

Last Ditch Effort

"She WHAT?"

Krillin flinched and bowed his head. They had found Bulma in the cave they had left her in. She had used several Capsule Corp items to set up a small hut-like camp with tables, chairs, a kitchen, and even beds. They were inside, Dende staying close to Gohan as Krillin finished his story to Bulma. He could tell the girl was upset. She and Katima had grown close on their travel to Namek.

"She seriously led Vegeta away, and you guys just let her do that?" Bulma cried.

"What could we have done, Bulma?" snapped Krillin, "Vegeta would have slaughtered us! He can't hurt Katima, or kill her, so…"

"So what?" snarled Bulma, "Now he has her! You can't tell me he's just going to let her walk away from him. Even if he can't hurt her, she's going to be stuck with him!"

"She said that she would find a way out," said Gohan, "Besides, she saved our lives, Bulma. If she didn't lure Vegeta away, then all four of us would have been done for."

"Four of… oh yes," Bulma's eyes went to Dende, "He looks like a mini Piccolo! What's your name, little man?'

Dende kept behind Gohan, but muttered to her his name.

"Dende, how cute!" Bulma smiled for a moment and then sighed, "Well. We certainly have quite the situation on our hands. But I have some good news, at least."

"What?" asked Krillin, eager to hear anything that was positive.

"I got the satellite phone to work," Bulma beamed, "And I got a hold of my dad- and guess what? He fixed up a ship for Goku, and he's already launched! Goku's gonna be here in six days!"

Krillin felt his hear soar and he threw a fist in the air, "All right! Now we're saved! When Goku gets here- at least he'll be able to handle Vegeta- the only reason that guy beat Goku back on Earth is because he transformed- and now that his tail is gone, he can't go doing that again!"

"Yeah!" Gohan beamed and turned to look at Dende, "Goku is my Dad, and he's the strongest man to ever live! He could have clabbered that pink freak that- that…" he drifted off as Dende's eyes shadowed over from the memories of loss. Gohan hugged the Namekian child to his chest, "My Dad will avenge every last one of your friends, Dende, I promise."

"Well," sighed Krillin and glanced around the room, "We still have to last for six days- and Vegeta or Frieza could find the Dragon Balls by then- Frieza already has five!" he looked at Dende, "Hey listen, kid, do you know where we can find a Dragon Ball? We could hide it to make sure the others can't make their wish."

Dende looked up and seemed to think for a moment. "Yes, I know where one is. But… you have to promise me that you'll stop those people from destroying my planet."

"Of course," said Krillin, placing a hand on the child's green head, "When Goku gets here, everything will be fine. But we need that Dragon Ball to make sure he'll win."

Dende nodded slowly, "Then I will take you to the eldest Namekian. He is all of our father- he rebuilt our race from extinction. I myself am his one-hundred and thirtieth child."

"Wow," said Bulma, "Who helped him make so many children?"

"Help?" Dende cocked his head to one side, "He required no help, what are you talking about?"

"Well, how did he make so many kids?' asked Bulma.

"He spit us out of his mouth as an egg," said Dende as if it were obvious.

"So…" Bulma frowned, "You don't have a mother?"

"Mother?' Dende looked confused again, "What is that?"

Bulma looked at the two boys, then back to Dende, "Well, there are two type of people- males, like Gohan and Krillin, and females like myself and Katima. It takes one of each to make offspring."

"Not with Namekians," said Dende, "We have no 'two types' of people. There is only one."

"So… no genders," Bulma's eye twitched, "How weird."

"Uh, anyway," said Krillin, shocked to find himself blushing, "Who is this eldest Namekian? Where is he?"

"He is Guru," said Dende, "He lives a ways from here with Neil on a spire. He possesses one of the Dragon Balls."

"That's great," said Krillin, "Can you take me to him?"

"Yes," said Dende, "But be warned, he will be able to tell if you have a pure heart or not. If you do not, you will not have the Dragon Ball."

"I'm not worried about that," said Krillin, "My intentions are good, I promise you. Please, take me to him."

Dende nodded and went to the door. Gohan began to follow them but Krillin shook his head at the boy, "No, Gohan, you stay here to protect Bulma and see if Katima comes back. It shouldn't take us long to get there, and we'll keep our powers low."

Gohan looked a bit put out but he nodded, "Okay, fine. But hurry up okay? And if you see Katima send her back to us. I'm worried about her."

"Can do," said Krillin as he and Dende left the hut.

"You are not of this world."

Vegeta smirked, "No, we're not."

"What do you want?" a Namekian soldier was standing before them.

Katima and Vegeta had landed in the middle of the village, and were now surrounded by weary and battle ready Namekians with their elders and children in the back.

"I want your Dragon Ball," said Vegeta simply.

Katima was seething beside him. He had a hand on her shoulder, as if to make sure she didn't try to run.

"Why?" snapped the Namekian.

"Why do you think?" asked Vegeta, "To make a wish."

The Namekian glanced at Katima, "I can sense a strife between the two of you. Why are you together when there is such clash?"

"Long story," sighed Katima.

"Shut up," Vegeta hissed at her then returned his attention to the Namekian, "She is no one, pay her no attention. Now, be a good lad and go get me the Dragon Ball."

The Namekian did not move.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Vegeta, smiling, "I forgot to say please," he raised a hand.

"No, Vegeta!" Katima grabbed his arm and dragged it down.

Vegeta's face twisted in fury and he snatched her neck, gently however, so as not to harm her, "What do you think you're doing, girl?"

"You will not hurt them!" Katima snapped, gripping his arm to try and free herself.

"What is going on?"

Vegeta dropped her and they turned to see an elder walking toward them.

"Elder, please go back inside," said the Namekian they had been talking to.

"Who are you?" the elder demanded, ignoring his comrade.

"I am Prince Vegeta," said Vegeta sternly, "And I am here for the Dragon Ball. Perhaps you will be kind enough to show me where it is."

"The Dragon Ball is only given to those who pass a test," said the elder.

"Fine," said Vegeta, "Begin."

"I'm afraid not."

"What?" Vegeta took a threatening step forward, "Why not?"

"There is a darkness in your heart," said the elder, "We can not allow someone like you to possess a Dragon Ball."

"If you don't give it to me, then you truly will see what darkness lies in my heart," snarled Vegeta, raising a hand again.

"Stop it!" Katima jumped on his back and wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

Vegeta yelped in surprise and tried to reach for her to pry her off, "You insolent little girl, how dare you!"

"I won't let you hurt them," she hissed in his ear.

"What is this?" asked the elder, making Vegeta pause in his attempt to get her off.

"A game of piggy back ride," snarled Vegeta sarcastically.

"Vegeta's heart is far from pure," said Katima, keeping him in her grip, "But… but we need the Dragon Ball. An evil even greater than Vegeta is collecting the rest as we speak, and we have to keep him from getting them all to make his wish."

The elder stared at her for a long moment, and even Vegeta stopped trying to get her off his back and watched the elder, waiting for his response.

"There is good intention with you," he finally said, "But there is a darkness deep within you as well. I have never felt anything like this, but it is as if there is a tether between the two of you. His darkness is seeping into you. And though you have pure intents right now for this Dragon Ball, I fear it may not stay that way. I can not risk giving you the Dragon Ball."

Vegeta let out a snarl and reached back and grabbed the sheath of Katima's sword on her back and yanked her off over his head and let her fall to the ground. She rolled to avoid getting hurt and then sat up, looking at Vegeta with deep dread. So this elder could feel their bond, and the struggles that Katima was going through with it. Somehow that made it more real.

But she would have to focus on that later. She could feel Vegeta's rage building, and knew he was about to strike.

"Please," she jumped to her feet, "He'll kill all of you- just-"

There was a battle cry behind her and she whirled to see a Namekian warrior charging Vegeta.

"NO!" she screamed, but too late.

Vegeta dodged the Namekian's blow and delivered one of his own to the back of the warrior's neck. She heard a snap as his spine broke and the warrior fell to the ground, dead.

Yells and cries of anger erupted around them. Katima turned to see that the Namekians weren't just staring at Vegeta, but her as well, all with dark intent in their eyes. They were going to protect what was theirs.

"Stop, I don't want to fight!" Katima begged, backing away.

The Namekians didn't listen. She and Vegeta were suddenly engulfed, but it was a terribly one sided match. Vegeta tore through his enemies like tissue paper, and Katima could feel the roar of battle pulsing through him- and her because of the bond. She was trying to hard to just defend, and not attack, but the pound of violence was begging to blind her. She unsheathed her blade and slashed it out to make the Namekians scattered around her.

"Stay away from me!" she shouted, her arms shaking, "Please! I don't want to hurt you!"

But they persisted, oh they persisted. Vegeta was blasting erratically, not even bothering to keep an eye out of children or the elders, and there were several falling victim to his lethal power. Katima fell to one knee, closing her eyes as his rage and bloodlust flooded her. She had to fight it, had to keep her own mind.

Quite suddenly, Katima was sucked into Vegeta's mind, and she watched as he lifted her own sword and began to cut through the Namekians like butter. One by one they fell, blood flying everywhere, speckling his face and arms, purple blood that tasted like salt. Vegeta whirled and twisted as if he were dancing rather than fighting, and it seemed to Katima that he was using one of her moves, and she wondered vaguely if he had learned it through the bond somehow. Namekian after Namekian fell to the blade, and Vegeta was letting out a wail of anger that sounded oddly high pitched. It seemed like even when the last Namekian fell, he still needed more, and he turned wildly to find another victim.

And across the ruined clearing of the village, was Vegeta.

But that made no sense. How was Vegeta seeing himself across the village, watching himself stare with wide, shocked eyes. How was- no.

No, no, no…

It was Katima. She had never went into Vegeta's mind. She was her, herself in her own body, with her own bloodied blade in her hands and the bodies of so many scattered around her. Katima dropped to her knees, beginning to shake uncontrollably. How could she? How could she have killed so many innocents in less than one minute and not even realize it? It was as if her mind was so unused to feeding the Saiyan hunger for battle that it had tricked her into thinking she had gone to Vegeta's mind again.

Katima let out a howl of pain and loss, falling forward and digging her blade into the dirt all the way up to the hilt. She had tears streaming down her face, mixing with the blood of the Namekians. She began to sob, her entire body shaking violently. Never before had she felt such horror inside her, her gut twisting so far that if felt like she was going to start ripping apart from the inside out. Why? Why had she lost control? How?

The bond.

She was so close to Vegeta when he began to kill that it had consumed her. The bond was stronger when they were close, and it had changed her very being. She wished at that moment that she had never left her home the day the Saiyans arrived. Family or no, nothing could be worse than this.

Katima heard a splash and looked up slowly to see Vegeta at the edge of the Village by a lake. He was looking down at the water, and her connection with him, so clear right now because of the recent consumption, told her that he had just dropped the Dragon Ball in the water. He was intent on keeping it hidden until he made his next move, and was confident that Frieza would never find it so close to home.

Slowly, he turned to meet her gaze. He looked thoughtful as he strode toward her. Katima quickly wiped her eyes dry and stood, taking her sword up, the metal glistening as the dirt had cleaned it of blood, and sheathed it. Vegeta stopped a mere six inches from her face, looking into her eyes as if searching for something there. Katima tried to look away but he grabbed her chin and made her look at him.

"What was that?" he asked softly.

"It was you," said Katima, and pushed him away so hard it made him stumble.

"I don't understand," said Vegeta, getting his footing, "You just went crazy. How was that me?"

"The bond is harder to control than I initially thought," said Katima, "You're emotions are raw and your power is great. It is pressing through the bond to me. Whenever you engaged in a battle before you found me, I was dragged into your point of view to witness is as if I were you. And I guess, when it happened when I was so close, it… it…" Katima looked away, still thoroughly disgusted with herself.

"So that elder wasn't lying," said Vegeta, slowly smirking, "My 'darkness' is getting to you. Well. I'm not sure what to make of that right now."

Katima wanted to hit him as hard as she could, wanted to blast him with all of her might. But she knew it would only bring her pain too. No point in that. Fury was bathing her, and she was trying to tell if it was her genuine rage or some left over of Vegeta's coming through the bond.

"Let's go, then," said Vegeta, turning, "We have to look for the last Dragon Ball."

"I'm not going."

"I'm sorry?" Vegeta looked back at her with an amused glint in his eye, "Are you acting like you have a say in the matter? I was going to let you fly, but if I have to drag you, I will."

"I'm not going anywhere with you," snarled Katima, glaring at him, "This won't happen again. I won't let it!"

She launched into the sky and rocketed off with new speed, her anger fueling her power. Vegeta let out an angry growl and quickly pursued. They passed over several islands before his finally caught her, this time grabbing her in what resembled a bear hug and making them spiral to the ground. He eased the landing a bit but they still went rolling through the dirt, wrestling madly.

"Just leave me alone!" Katima screamed.

Vegeta finally managed to pin her down and he looked furious, "You did this to yourself- planting that stupid bond between us! It's your own fault!"

Katima let out a yowl of rage and pried a hand free and socked him across the face, making him go flying ten feet away. Katima lay on the ground, however, not moving out of pure shock.

She had just hit Vegeta as hard as she could- and yet- she felt nothing.

The pain was not registering through the bond.

But… how was that possible? The bond was clearly still there, she could feel his anger as Vegeta got to his feet and stomped toward her. So why didn't she feel his pain? What had happened? She was certain that even though she was the one to cast the bond, she would feel his pain just like he would feel hers- that's what Lily had told her. Had she placed the bond incorrectly? Or maybe… maybe something happened to alter it.

Vegeta was looming over her with blood trickling down his scowling mouth. Katima felt a thrill of fear. If she couldn't feel Vegeta's pain, what if he couldn't feel hers? He could commence to beating the living shit out of her if he so wished. Not good- definitely not good.

"You see?" she breathed, "Your anger. It's out of control- so much that its infecting me."

Vegeta folded his arms, "What does that mean? What exactly is happening to you, are you gaining power?"

"Yeah, I wish that was the thing seeping in instead of your emotions," she slowly sat up as Vegeta knelt beside her, "You are so severe. I can't think of any better word. Your emotions are simple, but infinitely complex all at once. Its too much for the bond. Maybe this is normal, Lily was no Saiyan prince. I should have expected complications."

Vegeta wiped the blood from his mouth, "I still don't understand," he said, "You're becoming like me?"

"It feels like I am becoming you," said Katima, gritting her teeth, "But at the same time…" she looked off to the horizon as the realization hit her. This was perhaps the most terrible and devastating development she had come across. This hurt worse than anything she had ever experienced.

"What?" Vegeta prompted sharply.

Katima met his gaze, slightly numb, "This… this was inside me all along. I… the thirst of battle, the bloodlust, the need to kill and destroy… it's something that has always been here. I have fought with it since day one of my life. Lily contained it through the bond but now that I'm bonded to another Saiyan… someone who shares that need… it's coming out, breaking free at last," she closed her eyes for a long moment, and she heard Vegeta.


How strange.

It was… but it couldn't be. Concern? No- annoyance. That was what it was. She opened her eyes to see him frowning at her.

"Your Saiyan blood is a great thing," said Vegeta sharply, "Do not regard it as a virus or something to be rid of. It is true power."

"Of course you would say that," Katima snarled, getting to her feet, "You-"

"Am I interrupting something?"

Katima turned to see the teal-skinned man that had been with Frieza and Dodoria at the Namekian village. His long green hair in that elegant braid was flowing in the wind, and he had ornate earrings and a matching head band. He was indeed beautiful, his face like that of a model, but the way he smiled toward them made Katima's skin crawl. She looked around him for any others, but it appeared he was alone. She had been so caught up in her conversation with Vegeta that she hadn't sensed him coming.

Vegeta, however, didn't seem the least bit worried.

"Zarbon," he greeted, smirking as he too stood up, "How quaint. I find Qui, I kill Qui. I find Dodoria, I kill Dodoria, I'm two for two and back on top. Tell me, what do you think will happen?"

"I'm curious, Vegeta, who is your friend?" asked Zarbon, looking at Katima, "I met her earlier, only her two friends were a lot shorter than you, and that is saying something."

"Two friends?" Vegeta glanced at her, "Hmm, well, Katima we'll talk about that one once I'm done with pretty boy over there."

"Katima?" Zarbon frowned, "But that name sounds Saiyan. Ah…" he closed his eyes and smiled, "Yes I see, Lord Frieza was correct, a female Saiyan survived. How perfect for you to be here. Frieza has been looking for you for quite some time."

"Looking for me?" Katima took a step back but Vegeta grabbed her arm.

"Do not be intimidated by the likes of him," he snapped, "But that makes me curious as well, Frieza hunting down a Saiyan? Why? He's had me under his boot for years."

"A female Saiyan, Vegeta," corrected Zarbon.

"Ah yes," Vegeta smiled, "Yes, I see why. Frieza is afraid of our proud race. Yes, that was why he destroyed our planet and kept all the survivors under his watchful eye. He doesn't want us to repopulate."

"You race is like cockroaches, Vegeta," said Zarbon, flipping his hair back, "Terribly difficult to get rid of, and disgusting to look at."

"Ouch," said Katima in a low voice.

"Back off, Zarbon!" shouted a new voice.

The three of them looked around to see a tiny alien land nearby. He was rather insect like, and had chameleon like eyes that darted everywhere in opposite directions. His skin was black as coal, and he wore that battle armor of Frieza's men. His Scouter had a purple screed, and he smiled toward them, revealing rows of needle like teeth.

"Speaking of disgusting to look at," said Vegeta, and laughed, "Sequan! When did Rilan land here? And why in the world did he only send you?"

"Special request," said Sequan sharply, "I wanted you to myself. Which is why Zarbon here is going to step back."

"I was here first," said Zarbon.

"Take it up with Captain Rilan," snarled Sequan.

"Fine," sighed Zarbon, folding his arms, "You can have him. But the girl is mine."

"The girl stays out of this," said Vegeta sharply.

"That's strange, Vegeta, I never knew you to be the protective type," laughed Zarbon, "I'm afraid I have to kill her, Frieza wants her gone."

"I don't even know that freak," snarled Katima, "But if you insist on battling-"

"Are you an idiot?" Vegeta snapped at her, "He may be a weakling, but you are an even greater one."

Katima unsheathed her blade and twirled it expertly, "If you're fighting at the same time, I think I can handle it."

Vegeta stared at her with a thoughtful look. She felt his curiosity. He truly wanted to see what she could do.

"Enough talk!" Sequan began to stalk forward, "You act too confident, Vegeta. It's time to put you where you belong. In the dirt."

The little alien charged, and made to throw a punch, but Vegeta side stepped him as if he were a child. Vegeta laughed, and Sequan twisted and charged again. It was quickly obvious that Vegeta was right in his confidence. Little Sequan couldn't touch him. But Katima didn't get to watch for long.

Zarbon was rushing her. Katima rolled out of the way, but Zarbon recovered quickly, turning on his heel and running at her again, a calm smile on his face.

Katima lashed out her sword at him but he ducked the swipe and grabbed her wrist. He then threw her across the landscape, and she landed rolling, but managed to get to her feet in time to see him rushing at her again. Damn, this guy didn't quit. She braced herself, closing both hands over the hilt of her blade tightly, holding it at the ready. When Zarbon was close enough, she slashed out, but again he dodged, jumping away to avoid her blow and rushing at her. She rolled away, then swiped wildly to make him keep his distance. It was no use. He was just toying with her, and Vegeta wasn't in enough bloodlust to make her freak out again like she did at the village.

Zarbon smiled and managed to knock the sword from her grip, and it landed with a clatter a few feet away. Katima scowled and crouched defensively. Zarbon held open a palm and aimed at her, ready to fire the killing blow.


It was Vegeta. He slammed into Zarbon's side, knocking him to the ground. Katima looked around for Sequan and saw a smoldering body not too far away. There was no life force coming from it. Vegeta had killed him, and he wasn't acting like he was tired at all, as if that battle had been nothing. He was smirking still, and Katima wondered vaguely why she hadn't been sucked into Vegeta's mind when he had killed the little alien. Perhaps it was due to her being preoccupied in her own battle.

"Stand back, Katima," said Vegeta, "You will only get in the way."

"Gee, thanks," said Katima, grabbing her sword.

"How did you kill Sequan?" Zarbon asked in mild surprise, "I could have sworn his power level was higher than yours."

"Not anymore," said Vegeta, "You might as well give up, Zarbon. I know you realize how much stronger I have gotten!"

He charged and slammed a leg to the side of Zarbon's head, sending him soaring away. Katima watched as Vegeta chased after him and delivered a hefty punch, slamming the alien into the ground, making it shake. He then grabbed the back of Zarbon's cape and tossed him into the air and blasted him with a strong energy wave, making Zarbon fall limply to the ground a few yards away. Vegeta laughed and placed his hands on his hips.

"You're no match for me!" the prince declared, "How dare you think that you could beat a Saiyan!"

Zarbon got to a kneeling position, his shoulders shaking. Was he crying? Well, Katima wouldn't put it past a pretty boy like him. She was amazed at the skill and efficiency that Vegeta displayed. Now he had made a grown man cry.

But no. He wasn't crying. As Katima listened closer, she heard that he was in fact laughing. Zarbon got to his feet and turned to smirk at the two of them, still chuckling.

"I'll admit, Vegeta, I am impressed. Your strength has increased incredibly. But I'm afraid it won't be enough. You see, you have only seen the beauty of my potential, not the raw power."

"You're bluffing," scoffed Vegeta, "You're finished, Zarbon, just accept it!"

"I don't like to do this often," said Zarbon softly, "It so disgusts me. But if it will wipe the grin from your ugly face, then so be it."

Zarbon clenched his fists, his body shaking violently. He then spread his arms wide and his body sort of bulged, his face bursting out, resembling a toad, his muscles growing rapidly, his skin becoming bumpy and amphibian like. He laughed, his voice now much deeper and darker, and rolled his shoulders, "You see?" he rasped, "You were only seeing the beauty."

"Well, you could say that again," Katima muttered, sheathing her blade and looking at Vegeta expectantly.

Sure, this guy could make himself look nasty, but he had no clue the vastness of Vegeta's power.

Or so she thought.

Vegeta laughed and charged, swiping out a punch, but Zarbon ducked it and gripped Vegeta's elbow. Vegeta grunted in surprise just before Zarbon slammed his bulky knee into Vegeta's gut. Katima was grateful she couldn't feel Vegeta's pain at this point. The breath left him in one puff, and he fell to the ground, clutching his torso.

Zarbon laughed, "You see Vegeta, you are no match for me in this form!"

Vegeta slowly got to his feet, "Lucky hit," he breathed and launched forward again.

The battle had turned. It was Vegeta that was throwing everything he had at Zarbon, and the newly morphed being dodged or blocked every hit like it was child's play. Katima slowly began backing away. Now was her chance. If Vegeta died, she'd be next, if Vegeta won, she'd be back to square one.

Katima watched as Vegeta was trapped in a head lock, and she narrowed her eyes. Let the monster be killed. All those people at the Namekian village… no. She couldn't think about that. All that mattered was escape. Katima turned and launched herself into the sky and blasted away. She felt Vegeta's alarm. He was watching her as she zoomed away. He was trying to escape Zarbon to catch her, but the alien was too much.

As Katima finally was far enough away that they were out of her sight, she felt Vegeta's pain- not on her own body, but the knowledge of it as he was beaten, and then, after a long moment, her awareness of him dulled. He wasn't dead, but he was unconscious. And if her assumptions were correct, then Zarbon couldn't track her without his Scouter. How perfect.

Katima smiled in her victory, but it slid off quickly as the memory of the Namekian village came to her mind.

All those innocents. How could she have done that? It was all Vegeta's fault. She hoped Zarbon would finish him off. But nothing was happening now. She sensed Zarbon's power drop as he went back to normal form and then it began to fade in the distance. He had left Vegeta there alive, but the prince was very close to death. She wondered if she could go back and finish him off. No, she thought, he'll die on his own. It was only a matter of time.
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Hope you all like the new cover I drew, Katima planting the Bond.
Song for this chapter: Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace