Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


There was a knock on the door to our hotel room. Andy had gone to go put on cloths, leaving me to answer it. “Coming.” I yelled. I swallowed a pain killer and opened the door to find CC standing outside our door. I could tell he had just gotten out of the shower because the smell of his soap lingered on his skin and his hair was still wet.
“Hey C. What’s up?” I asked.
“I wanted to talk to you for a second. If you don’t mind.” He looked away from me. I looked back into the room and listened for a second. Andy was just now opening his bag; I’ve got a good 2 minutes before he was done.
“Uh, sure.” I cracked the door behind me. “What’s on your mind?” I asked looking slightly up at him. I hated being a little on the short side with almost everyone in the band. The only person that was my height was Jinxx, and that was by barely an inch.
“So, I’ve been inspired by you to talk to this person that I really like, and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind giving me some tips.” He looked down and away.
“No problem! Tell me what the person is like.”
“Well, for starters it’s a guy. I’m bi. But you’re the only one that knows and you can’t tell anyone. Promise me you won’t tell!” If he gets any louder, he’ll end up telling everyone himself.
“I promise not to tell. That’s not something I was expecting from you CC. Liking a guy and everything.” I chuckled a little. “Anyway, tell me about this guy you like.”
“He’s gorgeous, long black hair, tattoos, kind of a ladies’ man, but I know he dates guys because he has this boyfriend. It kind of kills me a little, because I’ve liked him longer than his boyfriend has, and sometimes I’m jealous of what they have because I feel like I deserve to have him and not his boyfriend.”
“Sounds like this guy is a dick. Why would you like someone like that C?” I asked him. Maybe I should give everyone in the band nicknames.
“Because that guy… He is… I mean uh.” He stuttered.
“It’s OK if you tell me.” I smiled at him. He looked away from me again. He took a deep breath and looked at me.
“It’s you.”
“What?” I let out in disbelief. I don’t think I heard it right. I thought I might have heard him wrong until he kissed me. Why was I kissing CC right now? I broke away from him. “Listen C, I’m flattered that you like me and everything, but I can’t do this. I’m with Andy now.”
“But Andy doesn’t deserve you! I’ve like you a lot longer than he has, I was just afraid to admit it. What does he have that I don’t?!”
“Well, I don’t know.”
“This isn’t fair you know.” CC said walking away. I didn’t like upsetting the other guys in the band. They’re my brothers and my best friends, and now I’m sure C hates me because I don’t like him back.
I walked back into the room and sat on the bed. I couldn’t comprehend much though until Andy walked in.
“What’s the matter Outlaw?” he asked sitting next to me.
“Nothing Babe, nothing at all. Let’s just go to sleep.” I stood up and got into the bed. Andy climbed in after me, I held onto him. Just holding Andy was good enough for me.
“I love you Ashley.” My heart skipped a beat. When he says those words it reminds me why I love Andy. Because he’s Andy, he’s beautiful, smart, funny, his voice is beautifully deep it sends waves of fire through me and his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes that were an unnatural shade for a human, but it fits his personality perfectly.
“I love you Andy. I know we say it a lot, but I’ll never be able to show you how much I love you.”

We laid there together with Andy’s head rested on my chest. He had fallen asleep a while ago, but I was still awake. I can’t believe CC likes me. I had to talk to him about this, but I couldn’t leave Andy. If I move he’ll wake up. I turned on the lamp on the table next to me, trying to find my phone, but it was on Andy’s side.
“Ash, go to sleep.” Andy groaned rolling over. I turned off the lamp and wrapped my arms around Andy, pulling him into me.
“As you wish, my queen.” I kissed his neck. He groaned out again.
“Sleep. Now.”
Why was I worried about another guy, when I had my entire world right here with me? It took me a while to fall asleep again, but I was able to fall asleep.

“Ashley, get out of the bathroom! I need to shower.” I walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around my waist.
“You could have waited a few more minutes.” I laughed. Today was our off day, so Andy and I were going to the mall.
“Just move.” He pushed me. Andy was a little upset because its 8:30 and he’s not much of a morning person. I went to my bag and pulled out cloths. I hated having to get dressed in the middle of the room, it was awkward. I slipped on my boxers under the towel and cast it aside. I found a pair of black skinny jeans and an old Guns N Roses t-shirt. It hung a loose on me, so I pulled the extra back and tied it up with a black hair tie.
“Andy, where are my shoes?” I called out to him.
“How the hell should I know?” he called from the shower. I looked around the room. I couldn’t find them. I walked into the bathroom and pulled open the shower curtain a little.
“Andy, I can’t find them.” He jumped when I started talking.
“Well, where is the last place you remember having them?”
“I was sitting on the bed.”
“Try under the bed.” He sighed turning off the water. “Now get out, I wanna get dressed.”
“As you wish, my queen.”
“Stop saying that.” I walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I checked for my shoes under the bed and there they were. I slipped them on and then sat on the bed.
“Are you done yet Andy? I wanna get there before it gets crowded!”
“Hold on a sec. I have to fix my hair.” I sighed and laid back on the bed and closed my eyes, humming Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold to myself. Then I felt a weight on my lap. I opened one eye to see Andy sitting on me, using me as a chair while he put on his boots.
“Are you ready yet?” I asked sitting up.
“Yeah I’m done, let’s go.” He stood up. He was wearing really tight skinny jeans and a super tight D.R.U.G.S. t-shirt.

Luckily for us the mall was within walking distance. Andy and I walked there holding hands and making fun of random people that walked past us. We finally made it into the mall and people were looking at us like we were strange. The makeup and cloths were not the big factor, but maybe it’s the fact that we were holding hands in the middle of a mall in Arizona.
“Hey Ashley, let’s go to Hot Topic.” Andy smiled at me. He was so damn cute. I kissed his lips and smiled at him.
“Why not? Let’s go.” We walked around trying to find the Hot Topic. It took us fifteen minutes, but we found it. They didn’t have much. They didn’t even have any of our t-shirts. I found this Batman pajama set that I was gonna buy for Andy as well as some boxers and other things. I walked over to the counter while Andy was looking through CD’s.
“Hey I know you! You’re Ashley Purdy.” The girl at the counter smiled. “I love Black Veil Brides. Do you mind if I take a picture of you?” I didn’t mind running into our fans everywhere, but I was kinda in a hurry to hide this stuff.
“Sure, but only after you ring up all this stuff. OK?” The girl hurried up with putting all my stuff into the black bag and handing it to me. I stuffed it into my bag and glanced over at Andy. He was still looking through the CD’s.
“OK. I’ll take the picture.” I went to the other side of the counter and took a picture with the girl. She was happy when I walked away. Andy came up to me and grabbed my hand.
“Let’s go. This place blows.” He laughed. We walked out of the store and started looking around for a place for me to find new boots. Sadly we didn’t find anything and our next off day wasn’t until our Houston date and that wasn’t for a couple weeks. Andy and I had eaten lunch at some random restaurant and started walking back to the hotel.
“Today was fun, too bad we have to get back on the tour bus with Jinxx and his smell.” Andy laughed.
“It won’t be that bad. We can cuddle on the couch and watch TV.” I kissed his cheek. “Plus, we’re together, and that’s what’s more important. Plus, Jinxx doesn’t smell that bad.”
When we got back to our room, I sat down on the bed and watched Andy shuffle around to get his stuff packed. He was always everywhere when we go to hotel rooms. I’ve learned to live out of my bag. Whatever I took out, I put right back in when I was done with it.
“Hey Andy, I bought you some stuff.” I said pulling the Hot Topic bag from behind me. Andy sat next to me and I handed him the bag.
“You didn’t have to buy me anything.” He smiled opening the bag. He pulled out the Batman pajamas and boxers with a smile on his face. “Thanks so much Ashley.”
“There’s something else in there.” I said looking in the bag. He pulled out a vintage Batman lunch box. “Open it.” Slowly he opened the lunch box and it was filled with DVD’s of old Batman episodes. “I thought it would be fun if we sat on the couch and watched batman together. Or my bunk.”
“Your bunk would be a lot better than the couch.” He smiled at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
There was a server crash, so I gotta re-submit shit x(