Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


Ash and CC have been acting strange all day, not only to each other, but to me too. We were sitting in the front of the bus on our way to the next venue in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Ash and I were lying on one couch together; Ash was leaning against the arm with me between his legs playing in my hair; twisting it, braiding it, running his fingers through it. I was playing this game called Little Alchemy. It was entertaining for a while, but then I got bored with it.
“Hey Jon, are we there yet?!” Jake yelled to the front. Nothing interesting was happening except CC giving me this weird death glare every few seconds (he smiles at me when I look at him then looks away looking guilty. I wonder what’s up with that).
“We won’t be there until tomorrow. Calm down!” Jon called back from the front. We all let out a collective groan. Everything was boring. We had all finished all of our video games and we weren’t even gone very long. Jinxx was down to his last few chapters in the last Harry Potter book and Ash was on this “No Andy We Can’t Have Sex” kick since he called me a sex addict.
“Hey guys, let’s play a game.” Jinxx said closing his book.
“What game could we possibly play on a tour bus?” Jake sighed.
“How about hide n seek?” CC laughed.
“I’d rather play that in the woods at night.” I laughed. “That sounds like it could be a lot of fun.”
“That actually does sound fun.” CC smiled.
“Can we do that tonight?” Jinxx asked.
“Sure, why not.” Jake laughed. Ash hadn’t said anything about it; he just went about messing in my hair. I looked up at him, well, what I could anyway, and smiled at him. He looked down at me and smiled, kissing my forehead quickly.
CC let out a loud cough. “So anyway, Jon! We need to find woods or a forest or some kind tonight.”
“In Arizona? Really? If you can find one, more power to you, but the best bet is to wait until we get to Texas at least.” Jon called back to us.
“There are woods in Arizona,” Jinxx said “Somewhere.”

So it’s dark outside now. We drove around for hours around this city in Arizona trying to find a wooded area or something to play hide n seek in. We found a place that had a lake and waterfall in it.
“OK! The rules go as followed!” Jinxx said yelling while we were at the edge of the woods. “This can be very dangerous, since its dark out. Does everyone have their cell phones?” he asked. We all yelled yeah in response. “Good. Who wants to go first?” Jinxx looked around with this look on his face begging for someone to not volunteer to go first.
“Jinxxy, do you want to go first?” I asked him.
“Well, if you insist then alright.” He got the biggest cat like grin on his face. “OK. I’ll count to 30 and you guys start running. Anyone that gets to the waterfall in the middle of the woods without me catching them wins this round, whoever gets caught first is it for the next round. Got it?”
“Got it!” We yelled.
“OK. I. 2. 3…” When Jinxx started counting we all dashed into the woods. It looks a lot different at night. I have no idea which way I went to get to the waterfall earlier today.
“Andy, this way.” I heard Ash’s voice call for me. I walked towards it and felt his fingers interlace with mine as we kept running. He had the flashlight on his phone on (That wasn’t that bad of an idea, but it would get us caught quicker). He pulled me along with him for a few more seconds. I could hear the roar of the waterfall near us, so technically we were in the safe zone.
“Great! You found the way.” I smiled. Ash turned off the flashlight on his phone and tucked it away in his pocket. I started walking towards the clearing, but Ashley grabbed my arm and pulled me back. “What’s wrong?”
“Andy, come here.” He pulled me into him, wrapping one arm around my waist and curled his fingers of his other arm around my chin and pulled me into a deep kiss. He was wearing high heeled boots and I was wearing converse, so for one he was actually taller than me.
I let a moan slip out while we kissed. Ash was the only one able to send a wave of need through me. I wanted him to fuck me right now, but I knew he wouldn’t. I broke away from him to catch my breath.
“Ash, why are you doing this?” I asked him. He had to have some ulterior motive to kissing me.
“I just wanted to. I want to make you feel special all the time. I want to make you feel good.”
“You know what really makes me feel good?” I asked him in a seductive tone.
“Andy, no, not today. You’re becoming a sex addict.”
“I’m not addicted. I just want you to touch me all the time. I want to touch you all the time. I’m crazy about you and when you come near me I think of all the things I could do to you, it drives me crazy!” Ash was quiet for a while. I couldn’t make out any of his features because it was too dark. The only thing casting any type of light was the dim moon light.
“OK Baby, I’ve got a plan.” He smiled pulling me into another kiss. “First, I need you to answer this question for me. Will you move in with me?” he asked. I couldn’t help but jump on him. He asked me to move in with him! I can’t believe this.
“Of course I will!” I smiled getting down.
“Great! Now, here’s my other part of the deal. I want you to write down every sexual fantasy you have about me and you in your notebook. When you’re officially moved in, we’ll do everything in it. OK?” He kissed me again.
“OK. But we can still have sex, right? I mean, not to sound desperate, but we’ve had sex twice and both times were amazing.” I whispered against his lips. He shook his head no.
“Not until you’re moved in.”
“You’re so mean to me.” I huffed moving away from him. He pulled me back into him and stroked my cheek.
“Baby, don’t be like that. Remember, this is a short tour of the southern states only. We’ll be done with it in a couple of weeks. You can go two weeks without sex, right?” he kissed my cheek.
“I guess.” I started to pout.
“Good boy.” He kissed me again. I don’t know why, but I liked it when Ash called me all these names like ‘Baby’ and ‘Good Boy’. The Good Boy one turned me on and made me sexually frustrated.
“Ashley, how do you do these things to me?” I groaned.
“What things?” he asked. I grabbed his hand and placed it on the chub of a boner that I had. “Oh!” he laughed.
“Take care of it for me.” I smiled. Maybe I can get him to do something to me. He smiled at me.
“Alright, fine. But this is the last time, OK?” I grinned widely at him. “OK. Come on.” He pulled me through the forest, farther away from the waterfall and pinned me against a tree.
“Mmm, Ash. What are you gonna do to me?” I moaned quietly.
“Shh, baby. Be quiet. I don’t want to have to stop.” He said kissing down my neck. He trailed his fingers down my body, making me shiver. Getting down on his knees he unzipped my pants and pulled both my pants and my boxers down.
“Ash, k-keep going.” I whimpered. He kissed the head of my dick slowly.
“Andy, you’re so beautiful, the way your pale skin glows in the moonlight. It’s intoxicating.” I was clinging to the tree for dear life. He took me all the way into his mouth, the tight, wet heat was killing me. I started to move inside him, he sat there letting me do whatever I wanted. I gripped his hair and plunged in deeper.
“God Ash, yes.” I moaned. He moaned out, sending vibrations through me. I was about at my limit. Ash started swallowing me and I came in his mouth. “Ash, baby, oh yes. I love y-you so much.” I moaned. He kept swallowing me, sucking me dry.
When he finally let me go, I sank down towards the ground. Ash caught me and pulled my pants and boxers back up. “Come on. Let’s get to the waterfall.” We walked all the way back, holding hands and found Jake sitting on a rock at the edge.
“Hey guys! How’s it?” He laughed.
“So I see CC still hasn’t been caught, huh?” Ash laughed.
“Yeah. I heard him scream a while ago, so I assume Jinxx might be after him.” Then we say CC run through the trees screaming and laughing.
“Jinxx, you’re it again.” He called out to Jinxx, who was walking in behind him.
“Damn it all!” he yelled.
We played for another 2 hours in the dark. I ended up getting caught 7 times; 4 of them by Ashley, grabbing me from behind and kissing my neck, whispering seductively into my ear ‘You’re it’. Each time I ended up being turned on and he knew it. He was doing this on purpose to throw off my game.
“Guys! We gotta go! It’s getting too dark out here!” we heard Jon call from the bus. We all pilled on and headed for the hotel for the night.
Ashley and I cuddled in his bunk for a while. He had fallen asleep before me for once, so I spent some time to study his face; beautifully perfect high cheek bones, cheeks that I wanted to just pinch, lips that looked perfect for kissing. He looked calm and peaceful. Since I usually fell asleep before him, I never knew that he sleeps with his mouth partially open. Should I do it? Why the hell not?
I lifted his head slightly and kissed him. I slipped my tong into his mouth and just tasted him for a while. The bubble mint that he usually chewed made the inside of his mouth taste sweet. I pulled away from him and Ashley smiled in his sleep.
“No Andy, you can’t wear a dress. Put on a suit.” He talks in his sleep too? “I don’t care if we’re getting married, put on a suit.” He was dreaming about getting married? He wants to marry me? He loves me that much? I gripped onto him for dear life. My Ashley loves me enough to consider marrying me.