Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


Last night was fun, just spending quality time with my brothers and my boyfriend. I was tired when we finally got on the bus to go to the hotel for the night, so Andy and I climbed in my bunk. I don’t remember falling asleep, but I do remember my dream perfectly.
It was a cold winter day, snow on the ground and I was wearing an expensive looking purple and black suit. I was excited and nervous at the same time. There was a flyer on the table next to the mirror I was using to apply my makeup. It said in very fancy letters ‘Purdy and Biersack Wedding. Our Lives Will Finally Become One’. I smiled into the mirror. I was finally about to make Andy mine, forever.
“Ashley, help me with this!” Andy groaned coming out of the dressing room in an all black and purple dress. I was shocked; I didn’t think Andy would be the one to wear a dress. It made me laugh. I walked over to him and he kissed me.
“No Andy, you can’t wear the dress. Put on a suit.” I smiled when he broke away.
“But it’s my wedding day! I should be allowed to wear the dress.” He whined. I’ll have to admit it looked good on him. A high collar, long sleeves and it hugged his every curve tightly.
“I don’t care if we’re getting married, put on a suit.” He groaned out and walked away in a huff. So far this was my favorite dream.
“Ashley, wake up.” Andy shook me. “We’re at the hotel.” I groaned and grabbed him, rolling over onto my side.
“I don’t want to get up. Just sleep here.” I pinned him down next to me.
“Ash, get up. We can sleep in a bigger bed together, be comfortable. Come on.” He shook me again. I groaned and started getting up.
“Fine.” I slumped all the way up to our hotel room and fell on the bed.
“Ash, at least take your shoes off.” Andy nagged. It was getting in the slightest bit annoying.
“I’m too tired.” I groaned. Andy let out a deep sigh.
“Honestly, what’s gotten into you today?” he walked over to me and unzipped my boots, sliding them off my feet.
“Andy, come here.” I motioned for him. He kicked off his shoes and climbed into the bed next to me. I snuggled him close to me. “Baby, I love you so much. You know that right?” I whispered to him.
“Of course I know that.” He whispered back. He kissed me softly as I started to drift back to sleep.

There was a knock on the door. Andy was in the shower and I was sitting on the bed watching the morning news. It was about 6:30 and we had an hour to get ready to leave again.
“Coming.” I sigh getting up from my spot to answer the door. It was CC. I didn’t feel comfortable just being around CC alone.
“Hey Ash. Can I come in?” he asked looking into the room.
“Now wouldn’t be the best time. What do you want C?” I asked him, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind me. I said I didn’t want to be alone with him, yet here we are. Alone; in the hallway.
“I wanted to say that I’m sorry for what I did the other day. You know the whole kiss thing.” He said twiddling his thumbs.
“It’s OK CC.” I smiled at him. “I wasn’t mad, just a little shocked.” I pulled him into a hug.
“Plus, I’ve got great news” He smiled. “I have a boyfriend now! He’s gonna ride on our bus today.”
“That’s great CC. Who is it?” I questioned.
“You’ll find out later.” He smiled walking away.

Andy and I got onto the bus together, the last ones to get on, and you’ll never guess who was sitting on the couch in the front of our bus; fucking Ben Bruce.
“Why the hell are you on our bus?” I asked him.
“Oh you haven’t heard yet? CC and I are dating now.” He smiled looking up at us. “Hello Andy. You’re looking great today.” He winked and walked to the back of the bus. I looked over to Jinxx and Jake.
“Why did you guys let him on the bus?”
“Well, we’re still in shock from CC telling us he was bi. Why don’t you like Ben?” Jake asked. Ella was standing behind him keeping quiet. She wasn’t much of a morning person either, like Andy. They both sat down on the couch together.
“Because that ass whole kissed Andy, that’s why.” I clenched my fists.
“It’s not gonna be that big a deal Ashley. He’s dating CC now; I don’t think he’ll try anything.” Andy yawned sitting on the other couch.
“He better not.” I clenched my fist. If he lays a single hand on him, he’s good and dead.
“Ash, come here.” Andy said patting the spot on the couch next to me. I sat next him and he leaned on my shoulder. “Stop worrying so much. Please. It’ll be OK.” I let out another sigh.
“OK. I’ll try.”
“You two are so cute together.” Ella smiled. She sounded like she was tired. When it came to Ella and Jake, they stay up all hours of the night and don’t go to sleep until the other one does because they don’t want to miss a second of each other’s company. They were cute together.
Andy grinned at her and pulled his legs up. I think he was the cutest thing in the room. For once he was wearing loose cloths. The Batman pajama pants I bought him hung off his small legs and were, surprisingly enough, too long for them. They drug on the ground a little. I’m sure he wasn’t wearing a shirt, but he had my Hustler hoodie on and zipped all the way up.
“C’mon Ell, we can go sleep in my bunk.” Jake said grabbing her hand and leading her to the bunk room.

“I can’t find it!” I yelled over to Jon. My bass had gone missing, I can’t believe this shit. We checked all around the bus, all around the venue, and we couldn’t find it anywhere. I walked passed CC and Ben that were in a corner kissing.
“How about you two take a break from sucking each other’s souls out and help me find my fucking bass.” CC broke away from Ben, and then looked at me with a guilty look.
“Alright, alright. Calm down man.” Ben chuckled grabbing CC’s hand and walking away. This doesn’t make any sense. I was using the damn thing during sound check, where did it go? You don’t think maybe CC and Ben had something to do with it, do you? Probably not. CC wouldn’t do that to me. I’m his brother, his band mate. But why do I feel like I’m right?
“Umm, Ashley! You might want to come see this!” I heard Ella call from the main stage. I ran over to where she was. She pointed up, towards the lights, and there hanging was the neck of my bass, the “Outlaw” shining in the dim lights of the stage. I let out a scream. The loudest scream I could muster. It echoed through the venue.
Each member of the three bands that were on this tour, along with several venue workers ran to the stage.
“Ashley, what the hell?!” Jake asked walking over to me. Ella pointed up at the broken piece of my bass hanging there.
“Ashley, baby, come here. It’ll be alright.” I heard Andy’s voice, but it didn’t register. I was in a white hot rage and I felt sick to my stomach all at the same time. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to cry and punch something at the same time. I grabbed Andy’s hand and stormed off towards the bus. I just needed to be alone with him for a while.