Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


“It’ll be OK Baby. Everything will be OK.” I cooed. Ash and I were sitting in the back of our bus. He was crying into my chest while I held onto him while rubbing his back. I’ve never seen Ash so upset. “Just try to calm down.”
“How can I calm down? Andy, how am I gonna play the show tonight? That was the only bass I brought with me for this tour. I didn’t even have it that long.” He looked up at me, his makeup was running terribly. I picked up some tissue from a box sitting on the coffee table and cleaned off his face.
“Baby it’ll be OK. I’m sure we will be able to think about something. I guess we just won’t play tonight.” I didn’t like seeing Ash upset. It tore me apart on the inside. It killed me even more that all this was over a guitar, but then again I remember how excited he was when he first got it. He opened the case, eyes beaming, and the biggest smile on his face, basically crying over it. Now, its neck was hanging on the lights of the venue, the body nowhere to be seen.
“It was probably him. I bet it was.” Ash’s voice had taken a different tone. Anger flashed on his face.
“Ash, we can’t be too sure about that. What would Ben gain from breaking your bass?” I asked pulling him back into my arms. “I don’t think he would do anything like that. He isn’t that mean. Just calm down Ash.”
“No Andy, I’m sure he is. I bet he doesn’t really like CC either. I bet he’s just using him to get closer to us.”
“Ashley Purdy, look at me.” I yanked him up; he looked at me, anger in his eyes. “You will not think that way! I’m sure that whoever did this is gonna get what’s coming to them soon. CC has found someone that makes him happy, so stop it. Ben is not using him.” But somehow, I felt like it might be true.
“Alright. I’m sorry Andy.” He smiled. I kissed his lips softly.
“No, it’s OK.” We both stood up. “You only acted the way any normal person would in that situation.” I smiled. He went into the bathroom to clean up his makeup. I walked into the bunk room, and found my bunk half open, which was weird because I pulled the curtain shut all the way and I’ve been in Ash’s bunk for the past few days.
“Hey Ash, were you ever in my bunk?” I called to him.
“No. I don’t think so, why?” He called from the bathroom.
“No reason.” I looked back to my bunk, pulling the curtain back slowly. There was a little box sitting on my pillow. I picked it up and opened it slowly. On the inside were the knobs from Ash’s guitar. Holly fuck, he would freak if he saw this.
“What’s that?” Ash asked walking up behind me. Shit. I snapped the box shut and shoved it in my vest pocket.
“Nothing baby.” I smiled at him grabbing his face in my hand and pulling him into a kiss. He gripped onto my hips and pulled me in closer to him. I let out a moan into his mouth. He was making me want it, and bad. Ash started to chuckle.
“What?” I asked him breaking away.
“I can feel that Andy.” He smiled, his eyes wandering down.
“How about you do something about it.” I smiled kissing him again. That would be a good way for him to release anger and frustration. If he took it out on me, it turned me on, and I would kill for it.
“No Andy. I told you, no sex until we get home. Baby I would love to, but you’re becoming somewhat of a sex addict.”
“I am not a sex addict!” I yelled at him.
“Sure, then maybe you’re just a whore.” He laughed. I know it was a joke, but it still hurt a little.
“I’m not a whore either.” I slapped him on the chest.
“Every time you do that, you end up leaving a bruise.” He winced. “So if you aren’t a sex addict, or a whore, then does that make you my main Purdy Girl?” he smiled.
“Yes Ashley. I’m your main Purdy girl. I’m the only one who can have you whenever I want you.” I kissed him again.
“Hey Ashley, Andy! We found something that you guys might wanna see.” Jinxx said running onto the bus. We followed after him back into the venue. On the wall, right next to our dressing room, were pages from my journal, tapped to the wall. All of my personal thought about each member of the band and other people, in details every time Ash and I had sex, unfinished song lyrics, thoughts about Ash before we started dating, fantasies of different things I wanted to do to and with Ash.
“Who the hell?” I trailed off. “Who the hell did this?!” I yelled ripping the pages off the wall. I turned around to face the crowed of people, looking for him. CC was walking away from the crowed, trying to hide, but I saw him. “CC, you get your ass over here now.” I grabbed him by the arm and almost threw him into the dressing room. Jake was sitting in there on the couch tuning his guitar, Jinxx and Ash followed after me, closing the door behind them.
“Ow, Andy that hurts!” CC said stumbling backwards and almost falling on the table.
“Chuppy, why would you let Ben do this to us?!” I yelled at him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Andy.” CC said looking away from us.
“Andy, calm down. What the hell is going on?” Jake asked getting up.
“He let Ben destroy Ash’s guitar and he pasted my journal pages outside on the wall! He’s betrayed our trust.”
“How are you so sure that it was Ben or CC?” Jinxx asked.
“No one else other than C and Ashley know where I keep my journal. And I know that neither you nor Jake would do that kind of thing to us. It’s all Ben; and CC is letting him do it.” I yelled. My face was flustered, I was almost out of breath and I wanted to punch CC in the face right about now.
“CC, is this true?” Jake asked walking over to him. Of course it’s true, why else would I say it?
“No, it’s not true. Ben wouldn’t do that to you guys.” CC said looking away. He’s lying. I know he is.
“Well then. I don’t think we can continue this tour if Ash doesn’t have a bass and if we don’t have a drummer.” I said through gritted teeth. Everyone looked at me with a confused look.
“What are you saying Andy?” Jinxx asked.
“I’m saying, until CC breaks up with Ben, and can regain my trust; he’s out of the band. We’ll drive with you back to Hollywood, but after that, if he’s not gone and you don’t fess up with what you’ve done, you’re out.” I stormed out of the room. Ash chased after me.
“Andy! Andy slow down and let’s talk about this!” Ash called.
“There’s nothing to talk about Ash! I know he helped him.”
“We can talk about not kicking CC out. He’s our brother.”
“A brother wouldn’t betray his family.” I said, trying to not let a tear escape my eyes. “Not even for a guy.” Ashley grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into him.
“I’m sure not all of this is CC’s fault. We have to at least hear him out, and then make a decision like that.”
“You listen to him. I’m going to the bus.” I pushed away from him. I don’t even want to see CC’s face anymore, let alone Ben fucking Bruce.