Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


I let out a sigh and ran my fingers through my hair while watching Andy storm off towards the bus. It killed me to think that CC had something to do with all of this, but Andy was over reacting by kicking him out of the band. I walked back into our dressing room, closing the door behind me. CC was sitting on the couch in tears, make up and war paint a complete mess, Jake and Jinxx on either side of him, trying to calm him down.
"CC, please don't cry. I hate when you cry." Jinxx said calmly. Which is true, we all hated when C cried. He was always such a bright and positive person, he never cried. Even when things were at their worst, he always had the biggest grin on his face.
"It'll be OK CC. I'll talk to Andy for you, but the only way I can trust you again is if you tell me. Did Ben talk you into doing this?' I asked sitting on the low coffee table in front of him. He didn't look at me, just shifted his eyes around the floor.
"CC, answer me, please. I don't want you to be kicked out of the band. None of us do, so please." I lifted his face with my hand.
"I…" He started, but stopped. Letting out a sigh and shaking his head.
"Come on C, just tell him." Jake almost yelled at him. CC shied away from him.
"Chris, please, just tell him." Jinxx smiled rubbing his back. "It'll be alright." He kept his mouth shut. How am I supposed to help him if he doesn't talk to me?
We sat there for a while, quiet. CC finally let out another sigh and spoke.
"Alright, alright. I'll talk." He sniffed. He didn't want to talk, I knew it, but I also know that he didn't want to get kicked out of the band. "Ben and I only got together as a way to get you and Andy to break up." He sniffed again. I handed him the box of tissue that was sitting on the table next to me.
"Why would you want them to break up?" Jinxx asked.
"Because, I like Ash, Ben likes Andy, we thought that maybe if we worked together, and stressed you two out enough you'd start fighting and break up. Ben is the one who took it too far. I had only planned the journal thing. I didn't know about him smashing your bass. I'm sorry Ashley. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for anything to go this far." He had broken down and started crying harder. Jinxx grabbed onto him and hugged him close.
"It's OK CC, I don't blame you. Andy might for the journal thing, but I don't blame you for smashing my bass." I got up and hugged him and Jinxx. Jake added onto the hug. "I'll go talk to Andy for you. I promise that I won't let him kick you out. OK?"
"Thanks Ash."
Here I go. Off to fix another mess made by the biggest dick in the universe, Ben Bruce. If I see him, I swear I'm gonna-
"Well, well; if it isn't Ashley Purdy." My skin started to crawl at the sound of Ben's voice.
"Fuck off Ben." I basically growled.
"I heard about what happened to your bass. Too bad you guys can't play tonight." He had a twisted smile on his face.
"Yeah, well we're all heading back home tonight anyway. It was nice touring with you and Asking Alexandria, but don't look forward to touring with us again."
"Why not?" he laughed.
"Well, because you tricked CC into a relationship, broke my bass guitar and almost cost me my boyfriend. Thanks for the fun, but you sir, can kindly fuck off."
"Well, you know, it was Christian's idea to get together in the first place. He thought it would make you jealous so he could have you. Then when you and Andy broke up, I could take Andy. But you know; Christian is really good in the sack. I might keep him for a while." That's it. I grabbed Ben by the neck and started to squeeze, slamming him into the wall.
"Leave CC alone. That's it, you two are over. I refuse to let you take advantage over him anymore. And if you come anywhere near my band or my boyfriend again, I will end you. Got it?" He didn't answer me. "I said GOT IT?!" I yelled.
"Fine, fine." He choked out. I dropped him on his feet and started to walk away, but something in me told me to go back. I walked up to him and decked him one good time in the face.
"That was for just in case you were thinking of doing anything." I shook my hand while I walked down to the bus. That fucking hurt, but it was worth it.
"Ashley, where are the guys? If we're going home then we gotta go now." Jon called out to me from his chair outside the bus.
"In the dressing room. CC is having a moment, so Jinxx and Jake are trying to cheer him up. It'll be OK." I said getting on the bus. There was loud music coming from the bunk room. Andy was upset, I could tell. When I opened the door to the bunk room, I found Andy sitting curled in a ball on the floor. The radio was blaring old Kiss songs. I walked over to it, turning down the volume, and then sat on the floor next to him, wrapping my arms around him.
"Baby, CC told me everything." I whispered to him.
"I don't want him to leave the band…" He muttered back to me.
"I know. I also punched Ben in the face." I chuckled.
"He deserved it."
"Now, listen to me. And think rationally about what I'm about to say, but CC did tell me that the journal thing was his fault, but he didn't mean for it to get this far. He's in tears Andy. He didn't want to cause this much drama."
"I don't care anymore. I just don't want Chuppy to be with Ben. Did they break up?" He asked looking up at me.
"Sort of." I smiled at him.
"What do you mean my sort of?"
"I threatened Ben. I told him that he and C were over and that if he came near the band, I would kill him."
"Ash, please don't kill him."
"I won't do it. I don't think I have the guts for that. But Ben doesn't need to know that." We laughed for a while. There was a knock on the door to the bunk room. We both looked up and standing in the doorway was CC, Jake and Jinxx. Andy opened up his arms for everyone to come join in a hug. It was one of the gayest moment's we've ever had as a band, but hey, I'm glad no one is getting kicked out.

"Andy, stop complaining, OK." I sighed into the phone. We'd been home for exactly 2 days and Andy was already complaining that he missed me. Honestly, I'd been asleep for the past 2 days. I sat up in my bed and looked at the time. 12:30 pm. Great.
"Well, you asked me if I wanted to move in with you, and so now I'm just kinda waiting for you to tell me something. Any day now please!" He yelled.
"Andy, listen to me. What I want you to do right now is to pack up all of your clothes and stuff like that. Bring it over to my apartment and then we can talk about what else we might want or need from your place, OK?" I yawned.
"OK." He said in an excited tone.
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit. I love you."
"Love you too. Bye." He hung up the phone. Great, now I have to get out of my bed. I don't know why, but I couldn't help but smile. Because soon it wouldn't just be my bed; it would be our bed. I got up and put on cloths. I wanted to do something special, just for him. I went out to the store and came back about a half hour later with food for dinner, red and white wine, plus new sheets and covers for the bed (that conveniently came all in one bag with pillow cases and everything). Tonight was going to be great.