Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


I woke up this morning with one tired out Andy lying on my chest. He was so cute when he was asleep. He was cute when he did anything. I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of him.

Look how cute @AndyBVB is when he’s sleeping. Poor thing is tired out. ;)

I let out a little laugh and started stroking his hair. I was so happy that he was finally here with me. We were alone; free to do whatever we wanted. Free to love each other without anyone from the outside world coming in and messing with our relationship. We were free to do anything we wanted, but lying here with him in bed, completely naked, was just as good as having sex with him.
Andy’s phone went off after I sent off the tweet. He groaned and looked up at me.
“Morning sleepy head.” I smiled.
“Hey.” He smiled rolling over, his face scrunching as he settled on his back.
“Babe, are you OK?” I asked rolling over.
“My back really hurts.” A tear started to escape his eyes. My Baby was in pain and it was my fault. I kissed his cheek, catching the tear before it hit the pillow.
“It’ll be OK Andy, please don’t cry. Lay on your stomach until I get back, OK?” He rolled over onto his stomach while I got up and walked into the bathroom. I dug around in the medicine cabinet and took out this bottle of extra strength pain killers that I used to take during my… experimenting days.
“Here Andy, take one of these.” I handed him the bottle. He popped one in his mouth and swallowed. “I’m gonna check out your back, OK?” He nodded his head once. I pulled down the covers that were on his back until I could see his ass. Purple bruises everywhere and welt marks from scratching. “Does it hurt if I press right here?” I asked pressing on a spot in the small of his back. He let out a little shriek.
“Sorry! Sorry.” I wanted to cry. I rubbed at spots in his lower back, easing the muscles a little.
“That feels good.” Andy sighed. We sat here in comfortable silence, me rubbing his back while he let out sighs of approval.
“Baby, I’m sorry. We should have stopped after you screamed.” I said in a low voice. I felt tears build up in my eyes. “Look what I did to you. I hurt you.”
“Ashley, stop it.” Andy sighed. “It’s not your fault.”
“Yes it is.” Tears started to fall from my eyes silently. Andy sat up; I could tell the pills kicked in, because his face didn’t scrunch up from the pain. He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me.
“It’s not your fault Baby.” He smiled wiping my tears. “Plus, I had fun last night and I’m looking forward to doing that again.” I couldn’t help but smile when we were like this.
“I had fun list night too.” I kissed him again. He parted his mouth and I slipped my tong in. He let out a moan. “I think I should get my revenge. Don’t you?” He smiled seductively at me. This could only lead to one place, and I liked it.
“Do whatever you need to baby. Punish me. I deserve it.” I smirked.
“Oh god.” He moaned again. He liked when I talked like this during sex. I knew it. Either I submit to him, or dominate him. He started to kiss my neck. It’s always straight to the neck with him. He thinks it’s my sensitive spot, but it’s not, but I moan anyway, because I like the feeling of Andy’s lips connecting anywhere on my skin. He continued to kiss down my neck and chest. Then he made his way to my tattoo. That was my real sensitive spot. The girl who tattooed it basically had to blow me after she was done. But that was because she wanted to. I was just grateful for the release.
His tong swirled around the O, and my mouth was hung open just about that wide.
“Andy, I want you to fuck me.” I moaned. “Fuck me so hard that I end up as banged up as you.” He continued to lick across my stomach. He took a break to catch his breath while he bit the skin around my belly button. I moaned louder than I had any time we had sex. I didn’t even know about that spot. He bit down harder and I just kept moaning, louder this time.
“You like that, huh?” He smiled letting go.
“Hell yeah I do.”
“You’re gonna regret telling me that.” He smirked, pinching the spot again, making me moan again.
“Andy, please touch me.” I was begging like a whore. Andy rubbed my crotch through my pajama pants.
“You aren’t wearing underwear, are you Ashley?” I was already breathing irregularly and moaning loud.
“No I’m not.” Andy got up from the bed, he wasn’t hard, but you could tell he was getting there. He dug around in one of his bags, mumbling to himself.
“Found it!” He said walking back to the bed. He climbed on top of me and leaned in to my face. “Hey Ash, wanna do something kinky?” he said in a low voice against my lips. I kissed him one good time.
“Hell yeah.”
“Good, close your eyes.” I did as I was told, then felt something cold and made of metal clamp around both of my wrists. I opened my left eye a little. “Keep them closed.” Andy said kissing my eye after I shut it. “Good boy.” Andy raised my arms and I heard another clicking sound. I tried to move my arms, but they were stuck like that. Andy’s hands slid down my arms and my body.
“Andy, what the hell?” I asked opening my eyes to see my hands handcuffed and chained to the head board.
“You said you would do something kinky.” He smiled kissing me again. “Seeing you like this is a real turn on. Are you ready?” he asked lifting one of my legs and resting it on him.
“Yes baby. Let’s just hurry this up so I can go make breakfast.” I smiled. The only way to thank someone for morning sex is to make them breakfast. Andy slid into me slowly.
“I’m gonna do the same thing to you.” He said thrusting into me hard. I bit my lip, trying not to scream. That hurt. When he did that, my back hit the head board, with only my lower back being protected by a single pillow. “Does it hurt?” He asked.
“Yes. So much.”
“Good.” He thrusted in again. I held back my screams and moans. “Don’t hold back. Moan for me. Scream for me.” He started moving faster and faster; making me scream out his name.
“Andy, Oh God this feels so good. T-touch me. For the love of god touch me.”
“No. I’m gonna make sure you’re in pain. You wanted me to punish you. Here’s your punishment.” That’s why he chained my hands, so I couldn’t do it myself.
“You evil little bitch!” I moaned out.
“You filthy dirty whore!” Andy moaned back. He kept moving deeper into me, then he hit my spot. I pulled at my chains and tightened my muscles. Andy groaned at the tightness.
“Right there. Yes, there, Andy. Feels so good.” I screamed as he kept moaning over and over again as he hit my spot dead on. “More! More God give me more!” Here I was, moaning like a whore, begging for more.
“What’s the magic word?”
“Please Baby. Please give me more.” Andy gripped my dick and started pumping me, but I wasn’t gonna last very long. “Faster.” My head was thrown back, my eyes closed, forgetting the world.
“Outlaw, I’m about to cum.” Andy was panting faster and faster, reaching his limit, gripping tightly onto my legs. “Outlaw, I love you.” He kept moving faster and faster in me as he rode out his orgasm. He was still jerking me in time with him. It felt good, so good. I started to wiggle a little as Andy pulled out. He kept jerking me. Faster and faster. I came all over the bed. Damn it, I’m gonna have to wash today.
“Did that feel good?” Andy asked kissing me while he was helping me ride it out.
“Mmmhmm.” I mumbled biting his lip. I didn’t want to stop kissing him. It felt so good. When I came down from my high I parted with him, while he let my arms go.
“Shower time?” He asked with the cutest smile on his face.
“Yeah.” He pulled me into the bathroom. I turned on the water while Andy held on to me. It took us what felt like forever because Andy kept splashing me with water and soap. When we were finally dry, Andy and I walked out of the bathroom, naked of course, to get cloths. He put on the Batman pj’s I bought him and I had these Hello Kitty ones that I had yet to wear and a black shirt.
I went into the kitchen while Andy went to lay on the couch. “Hey Ashley! We should invite the guys over at some point!” He called to me.
“As nice as that would be, I don’t want to share you with anyone else yet. I’m not done with you.” I chuckled.
“I like the sound of that.” He laughed. He was my Baby, and I don’t want to share my baby, but I also didn’t want to hurt him. We ate breakfast together in the living room while watching Sponge Bob. This was a good morning. I’m looking forward to more like it.