Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


Ash and I were lying on the couch together. I was lying on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around me. There wasn’t much good on TV, so we put in my Batman DVD’s. Ash fell asleep, so I laid there just watching him sleep for a while.
The doorbell went off, making me jump.
“Ash; Ash wake up, there’s someone at the door.” I said shaking him.
“You live here now. It’s your apartment too. Answer the door Andy.” He groaned.
“Fine then, lazy ass.” I got up from the couch and walked over to the door. “Yeah yeah. I’m coming.” I said opening the door. Guess who was looking dead at me. Go ahead, guess. It was Jess. Her boobs popping out of a bright pink halter top, blond and black hair tossed carelessly to the side with one of Ash’s old star pendants squished into her cleavage, a hella too short skirt and hooker heels.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” She said, basically spitting at me.
“I live here now you ugly slut.” I didn’t like Jess and she didn’t like me, but now I have something she can never touch again.
“There’s no way that’s true. Where’s Ash?” She pushed me out of the way and walked into the apartment. She walked over to Ash and sat next to him on the couch.
“Hey, Ashley, wake up baby I’m here.” She said shaking him gently. Ash groaned out and opened his eyes a little.
“Jess, what the hell are you doing here?” he said with an angry tone in his voice. He sat up and she moved in closer to him. I was mad that she was here. I fucking hated her, but it wasn’t my place to kick her out.
“I came to visit you babe. Why didn’t you tell me that you were home early? I had to find out on twitter last night. I missed you so much.” She leaned in to him, but he pushed her away.
“Get away from me. We broke up, I don’t want you to ever show up here again now get the hell out.” He growled. I was leaning against a wall, with the biggest grin on my face. Jess glanced over at me with a disgusted look.
“Why the hell does he live here now?” She pointed towards me. “You let that faggot in here, why can’t I be in here?” Here we go; the name calling. Like always, then next comes the- Jess struck me across the face. Yeah, I knew this was coming. She did this to me all the time. She would insult me, then hit me, then make me feel like shit.
“Jess what the fuck is your problem?!” Ashley yelled grabbing her hand before she had the chance to hit me again. She spun around to look at him.
“He doesn’t deserve to be in this room with you and you know it! He’s inferior to you! You’re so hot and then you look at him. He’s the ugliest thing in this room.” Yeah. This is what happens when Jess is around me. I’m used to it, so I just crossed my arms and looked down at the floor.
“Get the fuck out.” Ash said looking at her, intense hatred in his eyes.
“What?” Jess said in disbelief.
“You heard me you two cent whore. I can put up with a lot of shit, but no one calls my boyfriend ugly. If anything, we should be lucky to be in the same room as him. Andy is beautiful. He is a god. You’re the ugliest person in this room. Now get the fuck out!” He yelled pushing her towards the door.
“He got to you didn’t he? He spread his gay. It’s a disease. This isn’t over you fucking faggot!” Jess yelled at me. Ash pushed her into the hallway, smiled back at me, then walked out. I heard abstract yelling and then a smack before Ash walked into the apartment, rubbing his thigh.
“She almost nailed me in balls.” He laughed walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my hips. I honestly had no idea how to respond to what just happened, so I just started to cry. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just cried into his shoulder, pulling him into me. “It’ll be OK Baby. Us being gay isn’t a disease.”
“That’s not why I’m crying Ash.” I sniffed, hugging him tighter. “No one has ever stuck up for me like that.”
“Like I would let her talk bad about you. You’re Andy Biersack. Lots of girls and now guys would love to have you because of how hot you are, because of how smart you are, but I’m the one you chose. I love you so much. I wouldn’t let her talk down on you. You’re everything to me. You’re my world and I love you so much Andy.” I couldn’t even stop crying. I’m so sure that if he were wearing a shirt right now, it would be soaked.
“There was some truth to what she said though.” I sniffed. “You’re so hot.” I laughed mocking Jess’s valley girl voice. Ash gripped me tighter around the waste.
“Oh yeah?” He smiled.
“Ashley Purdy, I love you so much!” I smiled continuing the voice. “Let me have your babies!”
“No crazy fan girl! Go away.” Ash laughed trying to run away from me.
“Let me love you damn it!” I chased after him, jumping on his back. We both fell to the floor, laughing.
“Are you done?” Ash asked kissing me on the nose.
“Yeah, I’m done.” I laughed.

“Damn it!” I yelled looking at the screen of my phone. I’d been living with Ash for a good two weeks now. My sex drive died out a couple days ago and honestly, I think Ash is glad because the last time I asked him to have sex he groaned. Speak of the devil Ash comes walking into the room, towel around his waist with wet hair.
“What’s wrong?” He walked over to me. I looked up at him and smiled.
“Nothing. Just playing a game.”
“Andy, don’t scare me like that.” He sighed and went back into the bathroom. Truth is there was indeed something wrong. On my twitter and facebook, people were sending me messages involving this new hate group that I had. People wanted Ash and I to break up, and they were willing to do anything to do it. Death threats, my e-mail was full of them. Some of these girls were crazy. A couple of guys even sent some to me.
I don’t really care what people say to me, but I read them anyway, because I have to make sure that no one I love is getting hurt. Like a while back, I was threatened with a gun if I went and played on stage. So, fearing my life and everyone else’s, we didn’t play that night.
I turned off my phone and sat it on the night stand next to the frames picture of me.
“Hey Ash, you’ll always protect me right?” I asked looking over to the bathroom. He was slipping on a black t-shirt and some old pj’s that were green plaid.
“Of course.” He smiled turning on the blow dryer.
“And if anything ever happened to me, you’d be upset right?” I asked talking over the loud noise.
“Andy, is there something wrong?” He asked turning off the hair dryer and walking over to me.
“No. I’m just curious.” I faked a smile. I was actually freaking out. I wanted to make sure that Ash would be with me forever.
“No matter what, I promise to stick by your side, through thick and thin, heaven and hell, from America to Japan. I will always love you.” He kissed me and went back to blow drying his hair. It was somewhat comforting to know that he really loved me, but I don’t know…
“Hey Ash.” I said when he turned off the dryer and closed the bathroom door. He sat on the bed next to me and laid his head in my lap.
“Yeah?” He smiled. He was so fucking cute.
“Let’s go get matching tattoos.”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Our nicknames maybe? Or a song lyric. Something like that.”
“How about both.” Then I just sat there for a while.
“How about ‘Kiss The Lips of Evil’?”
“Why that?” Ash asked sitting up and giving me a questioning look. We hadn’t played our song We Stitch These Wounds in a long time. I kinda missed it.
“Well, I was thinking about what Jess said. She said that you caught my gay and that it’s a disease and that it apparently spreads. That means if I kiss someone, they turn gay. Some people would consider my lips evil.”
“I like the taste of evil then.” Ash said kissing me. “I like kissing the lips of evil. OK. We can go tomorrow to get them done. I’ll take you to my guy.” This was going to be great, I could feel it.
♠ ♠ ♠
As a note, I didn't make up the Andy being threatened with a gun thing. I think it was around last year BVB had to cancel a show because someone said they were bringing a gun to the show to shoot Andy.