Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


We haven’t been gone for three hours and this chick is already freaking out on me. I held the phone out a few feet away from my ear while my girlfriend Jessie was yelling. We met at a Hot Topic a few months ago when we were off of our tour and I started dating her. It’s only been two months, we’ve had sex twice and now she’s hella clingy.
“Ash, are you paying attention to me?” She yelled.
“Yes I’m listening.” I said putting the phone back to my ear. “Why are you even freaking out this much? I mean, I am in a rock band. I do have to tour to make money.”
“It’s because you didn’t tell me!” She yelled. Great, she’s crying… again. I let out a sigh.
“I did tell you. I’ve told you about 5 times. Why did you think I had that bag packed in my room for the last few days?”
“I… Well I don’t know! What if you cheat on me with some random whore?! That’s it isn’t it? You were planning on cheating on me!” She started yelling again.
“Oh My Fuck! Listen Jesse, I would never do anything to hurt you like that.” I said trying to lower my voice and calm her down. I didn’t want any of the guys to overhear our conversation, but they all seemed pretty busy. I looked over and out the door and could see Andy sitting on the couch writing in his notebook again. Honestly, what does he write in that stupid thing?
“I don’t believe you.” She cried.
“Well then, I’m just gonna go find some whore to sleep with for tonight then since you want me to cheat on you so bad.” This was obviously a joke, but she wasn’t getting it.
“Fine then, fuck you Ashley Purdy! Y’know what? The only reason why I was dating you was because you were famous. I hope you die!” She hung up. That kinda hurt. I am more than a bass player in a famous band. I’m also a very awesome person. I let out a sigh and put my phone in my back pocket.
I walked into the front room of the tour bus and sat on the same couch as Andy. Slowly I laid my head on his lap. It was very comforting for me when we sat like this. It was warm and I felt… I don’t know how to explain it.
“What’s up with you?” Jake asked me after I sighed deeply.
I rolled over to face CC and Jake who were sitting on the couch opposite ours. “Jess and I broke up. Just because I didn’t tell her that we went on tour again. She thinks I’m gonna cheat on her.” I could feel Andy slowly run his ringers through my hair. It felt nice, each stroke picking up my spirits a little.
“It’s not the end of the world dude.” CC said putting away that catalog he and Jake were looking at together.
“I know it’s not the end of the world.” I sighed rolling over again to face Andy, but with my eyes closed. Why did I feel so nervous looking at him lately? “I kinda liked Jess. I mean she was pretty and a really nice girl.”
“Yeah, to you.” I thought I might have heard Andy say. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He didn’t just say that, did he?
“What?” I asked in disbelief.
“Nothing…” He said rolling his eyes and looking out the window. Jake and CC started talking about some ideas they had for the shows during this tour, I only half listened to that. What was with Andy today? Not just today, he’s been acting like this for the past few months. Did I do anything to upset him? I don’t think so.
Andy all of a sudden pushes me off his lap and walks into the restroom.
“Hey guys, do you know what’s up with Andy lately? He’s been really bitchy to me.” I asked sitting up.
“I noticed that too.” Jinxx said turning around to face us. “Did you do something to him?” he asked. Everyone stared at me like I was obviously guilty of a crime that I didn’t commit.
“No. I didn’t do anything to him. It started at about the same time I started dating Jessie…” I trailed off. Maybe there was something to what he had said earlier.
“Well, whatever is wrong with him I guess we can just let it sort out itself, right?” CC said getting up to look in the refrigerator.
“I guess. Andy can be like that sometimes.” Jake sighed, picking up the catalog again. I guess it will work itself out, although I am still curious about what he writes in this stupid little notebook of his. I picked it up and flipped to a random page.

‘February 20th, Monday:
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break. No matter how many people we date, no matter how much our hearts may break, I feel we belong together. I try to convince myself of otherwise, but I can't help but feel it... ‘

I re-read that one paragraph over and over again. Was he being moody like this because he had a crush on someone? I felt this twinge of jealousy and hate for a second. What could that have possibly been? It’s probably nothing. I flipped to the next page.

‘February 21st, Tuesday:
I want to spend time with you. You’re dating someone else, so you are probably with that person right now. We haven’t talked in a couple of days and I’m starting to get worried because we always talked to each other. Should I call you? I don’t think I should. You’re probably busy with your ‘friend’.’

Wow. Andy really does have a crush on someone. I wonder who it could be. Maybe it was a girl back home. Now that I think about it, Andy never really had a girlfriend for as long as I’ve known him. I wonder what type of girls he’s into; probably the skinny nerdy, but somehow still pretty ones. I closed his journal and looked out the window. Why did I feel jealous after reading that notebook? Why am I thinking about Andy right now at all? What’s up with me? Maybe I’m just tired.
“I’m gonna go take a nap.” I said getting up and walking into the bunk area. I heard a faint sniffle and whimper come from Andy’s bunk. I’m sure it was just because of his sickness, but I still wanted to check up on him. Slowly I pulled open the curtain. He was crying, but he was asleep. I wonder what he was dreaming about. I pulled his blanket up and over his shoulders. I know this was probably gonna get me killed, but I kissed his forehead before I closed the curtain.
I was walking over to the bunk where we all kept our clothes and started fishing around for my iPod. For the life of me I couldn’t find it. I had taken to the habit of playing Tetris before I fell asleep every night, I have no idea when it started, but it was something fun that I liked to do. The bus hit a bump and I almost fell over. I could tell Andy woke up because he started coughing. He needed to take some stronger medicine. I walked over to his bunk and pulled open the curtain.
“Andy, are you OK?” I asked looking at him.
“Yeah I’m fine, just still knocking out this cold.” He replied looking away from me. I didn’t like when he did that. His eyes were too beautiful for him to keep them to himself.
“Good. You were crying in your sleep earlier. I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn’t move. Either way, I’m glad you’re OK.” I don’t know why I did what I did again, but I couldn’t help it. I kissed Andy’s forehead again. He smiled at me and then looked away again.
“What’s all this?” I asked with a chuckle.
“Just a thought, but I’m glad that you care about me.” He said jumping up to hug me, only to pull me in his bunk and started play fighting with me.
“Hey, let me go!” I laughed.
“I don’t think so.” He laughed giving me a noogie. I was able to finally get him to let me go by tickling his ribs and making him say uncle. We both just kinda sat there together for a while after all of that. I snatched his iPod and we both started playing Tetris. It was an afternoon well spent together with Andy in his bunk playing games and making jokes.
“You know, I never really liked Jesse all that much, but I kept my mouth shut because you liked her so much.” Andy said looking up at me.
“It’s OK Andy. You don’t have to worry about any of that anymore. We broke up. She was so convinced that I was gonna cheat on her, then admitted that she was only dating me because I was in a rock band.” I chuckled. It was hard to admit it, but it was true. She was just using me.
“Do you miss her?” he asked.
“Maybe you should cheat on her.” He laughed,
“Yeah, that would show her.” And again, I have no idea why I did what I did, but I connected my lips to Andy’s. Why am I doing this? Why am I kissing him? Why didn’t I want it to stop? Slowly I reached my hand up and tangled my fingers into his hair and pulled him closer to me. I don’t know why he wasn’t moving, but I moved closer to him, pushing him down. I climbed up on top of him, but then things went wrong.
“Ashley, stop.” He said pushing me off of him. He sat back up and looked at me. “Listen, I can’t do this.”
“Andy, please.” I said pulling my fingers out of his hair and stroking it softly. “Let me kiss you again.” Slowly he pushed my hand away.
“No Ashley. Listen to me for a second. We can’t do this OK. You’re getting over a break up. You’re desperate and I’m not going to let you take advantage of me.” He stared at me with his bright blue eyes; I could sense sadness in them.
“What do I have to do?” I asked. What is this? What’s happening? Am I bargaining with Andy to have a relationship? Yeah. Yeah I am. I’ll admit it. I’m in love with Andrew Dennis Biersack. I want him to be mine. I want to tell him all my thoughts about him. I want to move in with him and snuggle on the couch watching old Batman cartoons and all that cute shit. I wanted to walk down the street holding his hand and whispering into his ear things that would make him laugh and bring a red blush to his beautiful face. As of now I would do anything to be with him.