Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


This was really starting to get annoying. I leaned back on the couch and stretched a bit. I was watching the bathroom door waiting for Andy to come out. Who would have thought that today I would drop a bitchy girlfriend and gain an awesome... Wait, what do I call Andy? Since he is a guy, then I guess he’s my boyfriend. Who would have thought that in a million years me; Ashley Purdy, a ladies’ man, would have a boyfriend. I mean, yeah girls are great and everything, but none of them can come close to being Andy.
I don’t even know what I love more about Andy; his looks, his personality, his love for Batman that borders on the obsessive. I guess it’s everything. I love everything about Andy; the way he sings, the way he chews his lip ring when he gets nervous, how he sometimes mumbles in his sleep, his smile, his laugh, his eyes. His eyes were always beautiful; this almost unnatural shade of celestial blue.
My thoughts were cut short when CC started banging on the bathroom door.
“Andy come out I have to pee!” He said jumping around in one spot. Andy opened the door and tried to sneak off into the back room. I guess he didn’t know that I was looking right at him. I let out a little chuckle. I got up from the couch in the front and walked to the back room, closing the doors behind me quietly. I saw Andy sitting on the floor facing the wall with his head on the couch. I sat behind him on my knees and hugged him from behind.
“I’m sorry.” I said resting my head on his back. I know that my behavior earlier was a little too much. I didn’t want Andy to hate me.
“Ash, you don’t have anything to be sorry about. I’m the one who should be sorry.” He turned around to face me with a pained look on his beautiful face. “I’m sorry that I have this thought that you’re trying to use me. I know you’re not, but I can’t help but think it.” Why would he think something like that? It didn’t make any sense at all.
I pulled him into my arms and whispered into his ear “Why would I want to use someone so beautiful?” I kissed those perfect lips of his. When Andy and I kissed I felt a spark between us. We always have that spark. He’s like lightning to me.
“I love you.” There it is again. That little spark shot through my body; made my heart skip a beat.
“I love you too Andy.” I smiled at him. I barely had a second to think before he tackled me. Everything in this one moment was perfect. Andy and I were together, we loved each other. Then my thoughts went sour. What about everyone else?
“Wait, do you want to tell the guys we’re dating now?” A look of panic shot across Andy’s face. I bet his thoughts were racing at a million miles a minute.
“No! We can’t tell them!” He blurted out.
“OK. Well we won’t tell anyone then.” I leaned up as much as I possibly could and kissed him. He got off of me and we both sat up. “Hey Andy, so you want to go somewhere with me?”
“You mean like a date?”
“Yeah. On our next off day I was planning on going to the mall. I need some new boots. It would be a lot more fun if you come with me.” Plus it would be nice to spend time with him without having the risk of the other guys walking in on us.
“Sure. It’s a date then.” He said helping me up. We went to the front of the bus to spend some time with the guys and plan for tonight. It was gonna be a good show, I could feel it.

“Thanks LA! We’ve been Black Veil Brides and you have been wonderful!” Andy screamed as we left the stage. Everyone else had gone to the dressing room, but Andy stayed behind to watch the next band perform. It was some band from England called Asking Alexandria. I listened to their CD’s, but only liked a few songs.
“Wouldn’t you rather watch from the crowed instead of here?” I asked Andy when I walked up to him.
“No. If we go into the crowed we’ll be raped by crazy fan girls. I’m fine here.” The thought of rape for some reason turned me on a little. I really wanted Andy right now. I waited for the lights to go down when the other band was coming on the stage. I started to slowly kiss down his neck. He let out a low moan, oh God how I wanted him! I wrapped my arms around his waist and moved behind him and continued to kiss his neck slowly.
“No, not here Ash.” He said pushing me away. I didn’t want him to push me away. I felt a little hurt, but I ignored it for now. I understand him wanting to take it slow, but I had a raging boner right now and it needed to be taken care of.
“Soon though, right?” I asked him with a smirk.
“Probably not.” He said looking out onto the stage at the band performing. The lead guitarist was looking over at Andy and smirking at him. I knew this guy’s name. I think it was Ben something. Andy waved at him and I felt a twinge of hate and jealousy. Maybe it’s nothing, but damn this boner was starting to hurt.
“See you on the bus, OK Andy?” I said trying to get his attention.
“Yeah, see ya.” He said without taking his eyes off the stage. I’m gonna have to talk to him about that later on. I walked through the back stage area, out the back door and onto our tour bus. No one was there, so it would be perfect for now.
I went into the small bathroom and shut the door behind me. I unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and pulled down my pants and underwear, revealing my hard on. I looked on the counter and found this bottle of lotion that Jake must have left in there from earlier today. I squirted some in my hands and rubbed in a little. I jumped at the cold feeling, but slowly I started moving up and down.
“Oh fuck.” I moaned out loud. I imagined Andy doing this to me. He could have me moaning his name if he wanted. I heard in my mind Andy’s moan from earlier and started to move faster. “Yes. Oh god Andy, faster.” I moaned out trying not to be too loud. I started moving faster and faster, imagining Andy naked. His pale ivory skin painted red with love bites and his blushing; him moaning my name over and over again. “Oh god Andy, yes, faster.” I moaned as a fire started to build in my stomach. I was able to manage a couple more strokes as I came (and came hard) into the toilet.
I cleaned up, put my pants back on and left the bathroom. I did a quick check of the bus to see if anyone was there. Luckily no one was there. It would be creepy and embarrassing if someone heard that. I started to walk back to the venue laughing at what I had just done. If Andy would find out about that, I wonder what he would do. When I opened the door to the back stage area it was still dark. The last band must have started playing already. I forget their name. Motionless in something or another, I don’t know. I forget a lot, but I’ve got some time to learn it. There was a lot of noise coming from our dressing room.
I opened the door to be greeted with laughter. The members of that other band were hanging out with my band (I bet it was Andy’s idea).
“Who ordered the hooker?” the lead singer laughed when I walked through the door. I think he was Danny.
“Trust me, if I was a hooker, you wouldn’t have enough money to afford me.”I laughed grabbing a beer from the table. I sat on the couch next to CC and Jake. Jinxx was showing off his guitar to their guitarist and drummer Cameron and James. Sam and Danny were telling some retarded story about some ones ex girlfriend. Speaking of which, where is my boyfriend?
“Hey CC, where’s Andy?” I asked.
“He and Ben went outside to smoke.” That’s weird, because I just came from outside and I didn’t see them. I got up and walked out of our dressing room. I took a swig from the beer bottle. It wasn’t as strong as whiskey, but it would have to do for now. I opened the back door and looked around. Andy was nowhere to be seen. I walked around the side of the building, still no Andy. Where the hell is he?
“Stop it!” I heard Andy laugh. I could hear him, but where was he. I walked over to the buses. I checked behind our bus and there he was with Ben; laughing it up. Ben was poking him in the side repeatedly, causing him to laugh. I walked up to them and Andy spotted me.
“Oh hey Ash!” He ran up to me and kissed me. He stunk of alcohol. He was drunk.
“Andy, stop.” I pushed him off me. “I thought you didn’t want anyone to know about our relationship.” I said glancing over at Ben who was staring at us.
“It’s OK if Ben knows. He’s not gonna tell.” He laughed kissing me again. I pushed him away again.
“Andy, how much have you had to drink?” He was falling all over the place and he wouldn’t stop giggling and trying to kiss me.
“Not too many.”
“Sorry about that.” Ben said walking over to us. “I didn’t know that he was somewhat of a light weight.” His accent was kind of annoying.
“How many did he drink exactly?” I asked holding Andy while he was snuggling into me.
“I think about 6 bottles worth. Oh and by the way, I promise not to tell anyone about you two. I’ve gone through my own problems with a shitty boyfriend. You’ve probably already met him.”
“He and Danny used to date.” Andy laughed. “But Danny was cheating on him the whole time. He’s an ass.”
“Really?” I asked trying to get Andy to sit still. He grabbed the half empty bottle out of my hand and downed it in two seconds.
“Yeah, it’s the truth.” He chuckled. “I’m gonna go. It was nice meeting you Andy. See you lot later.” He started walking away. Andy was still in a giggle fit. I pulled him into me and he was smiling. He kissed me again and just went on another giggle fit.
“What the hell am I gonna do with you Andy?” I smiled at him.
“You can go touch yourself again.” He laughed. “Oh God Andy Faster.” He mimicked me. I could feel my face heating up.
“You heard all of that?” I asked him. He shook his head with the biggest grin on his face.
“You know, you look cute when you blush too.” He laughed pressing his lips against mine. He was going to regret getting this drunk in the morning. All the other guys were too. Of course that means I probably won’t have to worry about him remembering that part…
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Yep. Here's another chapter that I hate. -_-' Enjoy. I'll try to update twice a week from now until the end. Each member of Asking Alexandria has been added to the character page.