Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


That was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life! Honestly I never wanted it to end. Andy was laying snuggled into me. We were both still naked, and I was getting tired.
“Baby, we have to clean up.” I said kissing Andy’s forehead. He was so cute. Andy grunted looking up at me.
“No. We can sleep like this.” He cuddled back into me. I kissed his forehead again.
“We have to. What if someone finds us like this.”
“I locked the door.”
“Andy, we can’t stay like this forever. We stink. Let’s at least go take a shower then we can sleep in my bunk.” I yawned getting up.
“Fine.” Andy stood up and stretched. I walked up behind him and kissed his neck.
“I love you baby.” I whispered against his skin.
“I love you too, Outlaw.” Slowly I opened the door to the back room. I poked my head out to see if anyone was on the bus. Luckily we were still alone. Andy opened the door and walked out to the bunk room, grabbing clothes and walking into the bathroom. Why is he so comfortable being naked? Maybe it’s because he’s still drunk. I followed after him, quickly grabbing cloths and running into the bathroom.
Andy already had the water running when I climbed in after him. The warm water felt good against my skin. He turned and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Sing me a song Ashley.” He smiled.
“Like what?”
“I don’t care. Anything.” I tried to think of something that I could sing for him that would show him that I loved him. I’m not really much for love songs, but then I remembered this song that the new lead singer of Get Scared wrote.

“There’s something so so different about you girl, girl
It’s gotta be, those lips and hips girl,
You’ve gotta be my girl.”

Andy had started laughing and I wasn’t even to the chorus yet.
“What?” I asked looking down at him.
“That song is out of character for you, it sounds funny. Just sing Rebel Love Song.” He said grabbing his shampoo bottle and squirting some in his hair.
“Fine then.” I sighed starting the song. Only now did I realize that it was a love song that fit mine and Andy’s relationship perfectly. We were two lovers that shared a love that was shunned and taboo. I would fight to the end in order to keep Andy with me. We were two rebels in love.
As I finished the song, Andy was already washed and clean, ready to leave when I wasn’t doing anything, just standing there.
“Meet you in your bunk.” He smiled leaving the shower to get dressed.
“No fair!” I laughed hurrying to wash up. It took me about 5 minutes to dry off and put my boxers and pajama bottoms on. Like many people will say, I’m not one for shirts. I only wear them when I have to, or I’m having what Jinxx will refer to as ‘My Fat Day’.
I walked out of the bathroom and into the bunk room. Slowly I opened the curtain to my bunk and there was Andy, wrapped in my blanket asleep.
“At least share the blanket.” I pulled it off of him when I climbed in; black tank top and black boxers, very original Andy, not very sexy. He grunted when I started covering us both up.
“I was comfortable.” He turned to face me, his blue eyes shining bright in the dark.
“Come here.” I opened my arms and pulled him into me. “Stop whining and go to sleep Andy.” I kissed his forehead again. I stayed awake and held Andy for a really long time. I heard all the other guys pile onto the bus, making a lot of noise as they climbed into their individual bunks. Andy turned over onto his back when Jake yelled out loud ‘I want pizza.’
“Ashley, I feel like shit.” He groaned.
“I know it hurts baby, but it’s not the worst thing in the world.”
“Not that.” He groaned again. “My head and my stomach.” I reached over him and opened this little cubby hole in my bunk and took out a bottle of pills.
“Here, take one of these. It’ll help you sleep through your back pains and hangovers.” Andy quickly popped two into his mouth and swallowed. He laid next to me and a tear ran down his face.
“Don’t cry baby. It’ll be OK.” I said rubbing his stomach and kissing his temple. “Just go to sleep. I’ll be here all night with you.”
“I love you Ash.”
“I love you too Baby.” It took about a half hour until he fell asleep again. I watched him, his face peaceful. Slowly I kissed his lips. “Good night Andy.”

“Ash! Ash, wake up!” I slowly opened my eyes. Andy was hovering over me.
“What.” I groaned rubbing my eyes.
“I feel like I’m gonna throw up.” I sighed and got out of my bunk, helping Andy out and to the bathroom. He stayed in there for a good 5 minutes throwing up.
“This is why I keep telling you not to go over your beer limit.”
“My insides are on fire and you’re playing nagging wife. Thanks a lot ass wipe.” He groaned closing the door.
“I really wish you guys would shut the hell up.” CC said walking into the front room. “It’s too early for this shit.” He gave Andy and me an evil look that isn’t very common for him.
“Well, it’s no party for me either.” Andy said lying on the couch. “My back is killing me, my stomach hurts, my head hurts, I think even my fingernails are numb.”
“Well, maybe next time you guys decide to have sex, you’ll think to take a pain killer afterwards and when you wake up.” CC sat at the table, covering his face with his hands. Andy and I stared at him with our mouths open, stunned.
“What did you say C?” I asked sitting across from him.
“Dude, you’re on a tour bus, not in a hotel room. These walls are thin, and by the way you two were screaming, be lucky I’m the only one who had heard, well other than Ben, but he seemed like he didn’t care either way.”
“CC, you can’t tell anyone! You have to promise us that you won’t say a word.” Andy panicked. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, his face red with shame plastered all over his perfect features. It broke my heart that it’s mostly my fault that we are stuck in this predicament. I should have just told him no. I should have walked away. I let my needs take control of my brain and heart instead of thinking of the consequences.
“I won’t I promise, but if you don’t want things to be awkward with everyone, you better come clean about your relationship with the rest of the guys. It’s only fair.”
“But what if they judge us CC? I don’t think Jake would be as welcoming with this as you are.” Andy said, tears rolling down his face.
“Come here Andy.” I said to him with my arms open. He came and sat on my lap and I held him. “It’ll be OK. I don’t think Jake would hate us. He’s not that mean. A little slow, but not mean.”
“What about Jinxx?”
“Andy, we question Jinxx’s sexuality every day. He won’t be mad. I promise.” Andy cried into my chest for a while.
“I’m not ready for that yet.” He said calming down. I didn’t like it when he was upset like this, it made my heart break.
“I’m sorry Andy, this is entirely fault.” I whispered to him, felling tears well up in my eyes. CC left the room to give us a minute.
“No it’s not. We were both doing it, not just one of us.”
“No. It’s my fault because I took advantage of you when you were drunk. I should have told you no. I should have walked away. There are a lot of things that I shouldn’t have done. I’m so sorry.” I was full on crying now; me of all people, crying.
“Ashley, listen to me.” Andy said grabbing my face in his hands. I looked into his eyes; they were pink from crying and still looked worried. I couldn’t look at them. They were breaking my heart. “Ashley. We’re in this together.”
Andy pulled at my face to force me to look at him. I really didn’t want to. It hurt. He smiled at me. “It’ll be OK Baby. We’ll tell the others eventually.” I shook my head and gave a half hearted smile.
“OK Baby.” He kissed me quickly then got up. “When do you want to tell the guys?” I asked him.
“I’ll think of an appropriate time.” He walked off into the bunk room. I don’t know why, but even all of that I still feel like this was all my fault.
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Ugh, I don't like this chapter. x( I've been sick lately, so I'm surprised that I was able to finish this chapter. Sorry if it's terrible. So the song that Ash is singing is called 'Overdrive' by Joel Faviere. It's one of my favorites by Joel (the new lead singer of Get Scared). You can listen to it here: I don't own it or Joel either.