Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


It hurt. Of course it hurt. He is the love of my life, and he betrayed my trust. I was sitting at the front of the bus with Jake and Jinxx. Jake was out of it and nodding off next to me while Jinxx was sitting at the front table reading some book. It’s probably Harry Potter.
“Jake, just go lay down.” I sighed after it was getting a little sad that he was still awake.
“No. I have to wait for Ella to call.” He said rubbing his face. “She said she had something important to tell me.”
“Jake, out of curiosity, what would you do if someone ever kissed Ella.” I asked looking at him.
“What, are you saying you kissed Ella?” He said, fury building in his eyes.
“No. I don’t want to kiss Ella. I know my boundaries. I’m just saying. What would you do if Ella ever told you that someone kissed her?”
“Well, if someone kissed her, then I would go kick the ass of whoever did it. Now is she kissed the guy first, I would be mad, but forgiver her eventually, because I love her.” He yawned.
“What about you Jinxx? What would you do if someone did that to Sammie?” I turned to him. He put his book down and turned around to face us.
“Well, probably the same thing as Jake. But I won’t have to worry about having to kill anyone for trying to kiss Sammie because she would probably kick their ass herself.” Jake and I laughed. Sammie is the type of person who could fend for herself.
“Why are you asking this question anyway?” Jinxx asked.
“Yeah, I thought you and Jessie were broken up? Did something happen between the two of you?” Jake asked. I had completely forgotten about Jess. I’ve been preoccupied with Andy for the past two days. All this shit and we’ve only been dating two days. It was getting even sadder now that I think about it.
“No. Nothing is happening between me and Jess. Honestly I’m glad I’m done with her. Dirty hoe.”
“Whoa! What the hell happened?” Jinxx asked.
“Nothing. When she broke up with me she said that she was just using me because I was famous.”
“What a bitch.” Jake laughed. Then his phone rang and he ran off to the back room to answer it.
“Hey, where did CC disappear to?” I asked. He was in here with us earlier, but when I left to go have that… unpleasant talk with Andy, he disappeared.
“Somewhere off the bus.” Jinxx said turning back to his book. The bus was parked at the back of a large parking lot somewhere in Arizona with the other busses for the bands on this tour. I wonder what’s up with him; he hasn’t been himself all morning. I understand the whole having a hangover thing, but CC stayed grumpy all morning.
Jake walked back into the room with the biggest grin on his face.
“What did she say?” I asked when he sat down.
“Ella is going to be at the show tonight. She said her flight got in a few minutes ago and she’s on her way.” He was happy. And I was happy for him, but I didn’t want to deal with another British person right now.
“That’s awesome, but you were just nodding off a second ago. You won’t be able to stay awake when she comes.” I laughed.
“I don’t care; I’ll manage to stay awake.”
“No you won’t.” Jinxx laughed from the table. Jake picked up a plastic bottle from the table next to him and threw it at his head. “Ouch, bitch!” He laughed.

So Jake fell asleep. It was about ten minutes after throwing the water bottle at Jinxx. I was leaning on him, attempting to watch him play this stupid game on his phone, but he fell asleep half way through the level. I closed my eyes for a second and I heard footsteps coming from the bunk room. It was Andy; I knew the way he walked.
“Hey bright eyes, haven’t seen you since yesterday. Are you just now getting up?” Jinxx asked him. I’ve always liked Jinxx’s nick name for Andy. He would skin me alive if I started calling him that, but I did have to come up with something other than calling him Baby all the time.
“No Jinxxy, I woke up earlier this morning with Ashley, you were still asleep. I’ve just been in my bunk watching movies and stuff.” His voice. Hearing it made me feel guilty for being mad at him.
“Hmm. You were drunk off your ass last night too. What happened to you? Ben came back without you last night.” Oh nothing Jinxx, except Andy and I got together and sinned our hearts out.
“Nothing; I got on the bus and went to bed.” Liar. There was a moment of silence until Jinxx spoke.
“Andy, please tell me this isn’t self inflicted.” What isn’t self inflicted? What did Andy do? I wanted to get up and hold him in my arms and tell him I was sorry for everything and that it would all be OK, but I was supposed to be pretending to be asleep. Andy, I’m sorry for over reacting. I guess it’s like what Jake said; it’s not Andy’s fault is it? It’s Ben’s fault.
“No. I don’t know when that happened.” He was lying. I could tell. Whatever he did, he did it himself. Andy, please be OK.
“It’s OK. I’ll go get the first aid kit.” I waited until Jinxx was gone. Jake was snoring above me, so I knew he was good and sleep.
“I love you you know.” I said. I looked at Andy, his arm red and bleeding. It was enough to make me want to cry. My baby was hurt, I was hurt. We just needed to be alone for a while to talk about everything.
“What?” He asked when I was standing up.
“You heard me right.” I walked into the bunk room. He seemed like that was all he needed to hear. Some type of reassurance that we were still together. I loved him, and I wanted to shout it from the roof tops, but I was supposed to be keeping it a secret. This whole keeping it a secret thing isn’t going to help out our relationship at all. We’re supposed to be open about everything, including that our relationship exists.
I took out my cell phone and went on twitter when I got into my bunk.

@AshleyPurdy: During tonight’s show, I have a big announcement. Look forward to it ;)

Tonight it is.

“Thank you Phoenix Arizona! We’ve been Black Veil Brides.” Andy said at the roaring crowed. I hadn’t spoken to Andy at all since earlier.
“Andy hold on! Everyone come back. Before we leave, I want to announce something. Right here, in front of our fans.” The crowed grew quiet. Andy, Jake, CC and Jinxx were all looking at me like I’d lost my mind. But I hadn’t, I couldn’t have been saner.
“What is it?” Jinxx said finally breaking the silence. I walked over to Andy and kissed him. Deeper than I had ever kissed him.
“That I’m in love with Andy Biersack.” The crowd erupted in cheers and screams. Andy looked shocked, and confused.
“Why here?” He asked.
“Because Andy. Our love isn’t something to be ashamed of Andy. We should be able to share it in front of our friends, our family, even our fans. I love you Andy, say you love me too.” His eyes started to tear up.
“Say you love him Andy!” Someone called out from the crowed. Then everyone was chanting over and over ‘Do it! Do it! Do it!” Even CC, Jake and Jinxx.
“OK! OK. Ashley Purdy, I love you. I love you more than life itself.” He kissed me, the crowed exploded again. It was a wonderful night for love, right?
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3 updates this week. I'm officially caught up from only updating once last week. Yeah. I'll add Sammie and Ella to the character page.