Sequel: Hold On Till May
Status: Finished :)

Kiss the Lips Of Evil


I’ve never felt so alive! Ash and I were kissing, on stage, in front of thousands of our fans who were OK with us being gay. In front of our best friends, our brothers, who were OK with us being gay. I have never been this happy before in my life.
By the time we got off the stage Ash and I were out of breath. “I’m glad you did that.” I kissed his cheek. “I’m glad you’re forgiving me.”
“The whole kiss thing, that wasn’t your fault. I talked to Jinxx and Jake about it. They convinced me that I was mad at nothing.” I didn’t like that.
“Wait, so you’re telling me that you told Jinxx and Jake that we were dating?”
“No. I asked their advice based out of ‘curiosity’” he said making air quotes. I’ll never understand this man. I could stay with him forever and never understand some of the things he says or does. When all of the guys finally made it into the dressing room we all just sat looking at each other for a while.
“Alright, I’ll say it.” Jake said. “You’re both gay.”
“I’m gay.” I said. It was weird saying it out loud.
“I’m bi.” Ashley chuckled.
“Alright. Now that we’ve got that all cleared up, who wants food?” Jake laughed raising both of his hands.
“Jake, what about Ella?” CC laughed from the corner. Jake got this panicked look on his face and then ran out the dressing room door.
“Anyway. How long have you two been…? You know, together.” Jinxx said sitting on the couch.
“Well, I think about 2 hours after Jess and I broke up Andy and I got together.” Ash said sitting on the couch across from Jinxx. I sat on his lap and smiled.
“You two aren’t going to make out in front us are you?” Jinxx laughed.
“Only if you want us to.” I laughed. For some reason CC stayed in the corner of the room. He hadn’t spoken to me since earlier this morning.
“Hey guys, hotel tonight?” Jon asked walking in the room.
“Yeah.” Jinxx said getting up.
“Man, do I have to share a room with Jinxx, or can we all get our own rooms?” CC asked walking over to us. Now that I think about it, Jake and Ella would share a room because they’re dating. Ash and I would be sharing a room because we’re dating. That leaves CC stuck in a room with Jinxx, which was unpleasant because Jinxx has this problem of always smelling bad, even after he showered.
“No, everyone can have their own room.” Jon laughed. He was in a surprisingly good mood today, that’s kind of creepy.
“Great!” CC said running towards the bus. We all followed after. The venue today didn’t schedule any meet and greets, so we all got on the bus and waited for Jake and Ella. It took them ten minutes to get on the bus. I wanted to talk to Ella, but she and Jake disappeared to the back when they got on the bus.

“I’m so tired.” Ashley said falling on the bed in our hotel room. “Hey Andy, are you doing anything important tomorrow?” he asked looking up at me.
“No, why?” I asked sitting next to him on the bed. He rolled on top of me and pinned me down.
“Remember, you promised me you would go on a date with me.” He smiled. “To the mall.” Now that I think about it, I did promise him I would go on a date with him.
“OK. It’s a date then.” I kissed him. “Just out of curiosity though, why did you choose tonight to tell everyone?”
“It was sort of on a whim. Plus it was my way of saying I’m sorry for being mad at you.” I wrapped my arms around him and rolled us both over so we were on our sides.
“You are the greatest ever. I love you so much Outlaw.”
“I love you too.” I was expecting him to call me Baby, but he didn’t. I felt a little hurt. “What’s the matter?” He asked.
“You didn’t call me Baby. Even after I called you Outlaw.”
“Do you like it when I call you Baby?” he asked.
“Of course I do. It’s the nickname you gave me. I love it when you call me Baby.” He got the biggest grin on his face.
“That’s great.” He kissed me again. “I always thought I needed to come up with something better. I mean, Jinxx’s nick name for you is Bright Eyes. I’ve always liked that.”
“Ashley, I like it when you call me Baby because you were the first person to ever call me that; it makes me feel special, like I’m yours. I love you so much.” I kissed him. He laughed under me.
“Save it for tomorrow.” He said getting up to shower. Damn. And just when I thought we were going to have sex tonight, he makes it difficult.

About a half hour ago I had gone to go take my shower. I forgot to grab cloths before I went in so I walked out in just a towel. Ash was lying on the bed watching Family Guy. I climbed in the bed next to him and snuggled up to him.
“Hey Ash, you know what would be fun?”
“No Andy. You can wait until tomorrow.” He said without taking his eyes of the screen.
“Come on! I’ll let you see it.” I said slowly lifting up the towel around my waist.
“No Andy. I said wait until tomorrow.” He put my hand down. Damn it Ashley Purdy I will not be denied what I want. I kissed the side of his face.
“Please.” I started trailing my fingers down his chest and to his pajama pants. “I’ll be gentle.”
“Andy s-stop.” He muttered moving my hand away again. Persistent, this one is. I climbed on top of him and straddled his hips.
“Come on. I know you want it.” I whispered against his lips. “Just really quick.” I kissed his lips. He broke away from me.
“Andy. You know I love you to death, and God knows that I would mount you at any time and fuck you senseless, but not right now. We can wait until tomorrow after our date.” His gesture to wait was sweet, but I wanted to have sex and the only thing I really heard in that entire sentence was that he wanted to fuck me senseless.
“Ashley, that’s a touching sentence, but all I heard was ‘fuck me senseless’. Now I’m turned on and I want you. Bad. At least touch it.” Ashley let out a sigh and looked at me.
“Andy. If I have sex with you will you go to bed and be quiet?” I shook my head yes and he kissed me. “Fine.” He grabbed me around the waist and kissed me, parting his lips. The inside of his mouth was warm and tasted like toothpaste instead of alcohol.
I moaned into his mouth. “Thanks for this.” I smiled. He continued to kiss down my chest, biting at the skin every now and then. He held onto me with one arm while his other hand pulled the towel from around my waist, exposing me to the cold of our hotel room.
“Andy, you’re so beautiful.” He smiled kissing down my stomach. I moaned out loud. I liked it when he kissed all over me. I reached down and pulled at his pajama bottoms.
“Take them off.”
“As you wish, my queen.” He chuckled pulling his pajama pants and boxers down and off his body. “But, how bad do you want me?” he asked. I don’t want to beg him for it, but god I wanted him.
“I want you so bad it hurts.” Literally. He smiled.
“Not good enough.” I grabbed his dick with my hand and squeezed, making him moan. “That’s not gonna work on me again.” His voice was erratic.
“Ash, I’m sure that at some point in the next few minutes one of us is going to give in and I don’t see you doing anything that will get me to beg.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked pushing me over into my back. He kissed my inner thigh and I moaned out. Then his kisses started to get lower and lower until he was kissing down my dick.
“Ash, fuck that feels good.” He had me moaning like a slut under him. He licked up my dick to the tip. I wanted more, so much more, but I know that if I begged for it he would win. I moaned out again when he nipped at the skin.
“I know you want it.” He smiled. “All you have to do is beg.” He gripped it with his hand and started to move painfully slow.
“N-never.” I squeaked out. I’ve never squeaked before. What the hell was that? Ash eased himself on top of me, rubbing his body against me.
“I bet I can get you to beg me for more.” He smiled.
“Try me.”
“Suit yourself.” He smiled. “Just as a note, I can take the pain.”
“The pain? What Pai-” I was cut short when Ash managed to ease himself onto me. The tight heat was killing me. God, I wanted more, I wanted him to move.
“Outlaw, move.”
“Are you begging?” He winced looking up at me. He was straddled on my hips; I was completely inside of him.
“God yes. I’m begging you to please move.” He started rolling his hips against me. It felt weird, but I didn’t want him to stop. I bucked my hips into him and he moaned.
“Again.” He moaned out. So I bucked out my hips again and he moaned louder. “God Andy. Again.” I kept bucking into him. I pushed him over and kept thrusting into his spot over and over. “Andy, god, this feels so good. Now I see why you like it so much. Faster.” He moaned out. I moved faster into him and jerking him in time with my movements.
“Ash, you’re so tight, I don’t think I can hold out much longer.” He was moaning my name over and over in time with every thrust. I liked seeing his face tighten when I slammed into his spot.
“It’s OK Baby. I won’t last any longer either. Oh Baby. I love you.” He moaned out. “I love you. And-dy! Of God Baby I love you. I love you.” He moaned coming in my hand. I kept jerking him faster and faster until he all but passed out. I came in him. He rolled his hips and I griped them, holding him onto me.
“Oh God Outlaw. My Outlaw; faster, faster.” My orgasm eventually died off. Ash and I were both sweaty and panting for air.
“Andy, you kinda suck at topping.” Ash laughed. I slapped him against his chest.
“Well then, let’s see when the next time you and I have sex will be.” I kissed him.
“Andy, knowing you, you’ll probably still want to have sex tomorrow.”
“So what if I do?” I smiled.
“Sex addict.” He laughed putting his pajama pants and boxers back on. There was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it. You, go put some pants on.”
“Fine.” I got up and walked over to my bag that was sitting in the hallway next bathroom. I loved having sex with Ashley, sure, but I don’t think it made me a sex addict. I just loved the thought of being able to have him whenever I wanted him. And I always wanted him; I mean he’s beautiful, perfect, everything I want in a guy. I wonder if he wants to have sex again tonight.
I walked back into the bed area in black boxers. Ash was sitting on the bed with a shocked look on his face.
“What’s the matter Outlaw?” I asked sitting next to him.
“Nothing Babe, nothing at all. Let’s just go to sleep.” He said standing up and getting under the covers. I climbed in after him and I cuddled into him.
“I love you Ashley.”
“I love you Andy. I know we say it a lot, but I’ll never be able to show you how much I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah. More smut. Enjoy it now, because this is the last one for a long while. I'm getting bored with writing these parts XD