Status: I will eventually post the story more often when I really start writting a lot.

A Butterfly's Flight

Chapter Four

Evan and I were walking down an old cobblestone path. Our backpacks on our shoulders, and only each other for company.

I had no idea where we were going. But with more and more steps I took I felt freer than ever before.

I turned to look at my rescuer, “Evan?”

He looked up from his worn shoes. “Yes, Rose?”

I kicked at a rock, “Where exactly are we headed?” I had guessed that we were just wondering about, but I wanted some sense of direction.

He licked his lips, “Um, I don’t really know. Do you have anywhere in mind?”

I looked all around us, “I want to go west, out to the country. I used to live out there.”

He smiled, making his dark eyes light up.

“Alright, west we go.”

A couple hours later I slowed down my walking. Evan noticed and walked back to me.
“What’s up?” He asked.

I yawned, “I’m tired, and my feet hurt from walking.”

“Hmm, I guess we’ll need a car.”

I looked at him. “That would be really nice, do you have one?”

“No, but I know where we could get one. Now hope up on my back and let’s go.” He said.

I didn’t hesitate.

I was dark outside right now, and I swear if I didn’t have Evan by side I would be scared out of my mind.

Evan set me down in a dimly lit parking lot, about ten or so cars were scattered about it.

“Where are we?” I asked while I took in my surroundings.

“We’re getting a new car, take your pick honey.” He said.

I widened my eyes, “Evan, we can’t just steal a car.”

I looked towards me, “Rose, we need it more than they do. Anyway, would you rather walk?”

I bit my bottom lip and shook my head.

“Ok so which car would you like?” He said while leaning on a light blue one.

“That one.” I said pointing to the one he was leaning on.

He turned around to look at it, “Ok.”

Ten minutes later he had managed to break into the car (the doors were unlocked) and got it started (an extra key was conveniently located under the seat.).

In no time we were racing down the road. I looked out the window.

“Hey, are you hungry?” Evan asked me.

I nodded.

“Just reach back there in that blue bag, there should be some food in there.”

I pulled out a bag of grapes and two cans Dr. Pepper. I handed one to Evan and began to eat the grapes.

“So how you liking life on the road so far?” He asked me stealing two grapes and popping them in his mouth.

I watched him, “It’s nice. I feel like I could do anything.”

He laughed, “Well, I guess you basically can.”

I stopped eating for a second, “Hey, Evan? What were you running from when you know, crashed into my window?”

He pursed his lips, “Hm, some people just don’t like me. Well, they don’t like what I do.”
I looked at him, “What do you do?”

“Nothing important.” He said brushing it off.

“It’s obviously important if you have people chasing you.” I said.

He laughed a sound I’ve learned to feel comforted by, “You’re so inquisitive Rose. I like that about you.”

“Why won’t you tell me what you do?”

He stopped smiling, “Because, you wouldn’t like it.”


“Ok, but promise you won’t be mad or hate me?” He said softly.

“I promise.” I said truthfully.

I sighed, “I…”
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like I've neglected this story, which I really have. Hmm. Comment? Please? = :)